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2 Foreigners Nabbed In Joint Thai-US Police Drug Raid In Bangkok


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Apart from the drug-related arrests, the police found some 10 Africans with expired tourist visas, while some had no passports.

Guess they had work permits..What does the DEA have to do with Africans? Sorry, forgot that many of them are from the continent. They can't get rid off the drug problems in the States,but play "cowboys and Indians" in Thailand? I don't think that American tax payers have to pay their salaries, or do they? jap.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Illegal drugs are illega!.So many yanks whining over the arrest!? Dont you get it? Smoke your pot at homeland instead of crying over the Thaipolice doing their job. Thais dont like junkies,no matter colors. Bon voyagecowboy.gif

The definition of a "junkie" is different to a "pot user", I think....jap.gif

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Yeah the DEA has been working in Thailand since the 70's,

the CIA grow it,the DEA catch it,they both get huge govt overdrafts(while the drugs go back into circulation the same way they do elsewhere)

and every now and then they throw the FBI a bone so they can come over for a holiday in LOS as well...

what a circus.

I wont even go into the local enforcement's involvement...

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I'm very surprised they published this. If the DEA was involved they were surely looking for a bigger fish. For the record the DEA has been operating in Thailand since the 70's.

Some times it amazing me when the report says the raid able to seize certain quantities or amount of drugs but nobody was at home !!! I wonder do they raid with planning to apprehend the bigfish like you said or do they simply act rashly without thinking and catching all the small fishes to crowd the prisons.huh.png

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Some 50 narcotics suppression and immigration police, along with US Drug Enforcement Administration officials, raided an apartment located at Soi Ladprao 132 in Bangkapi District after a tip-off that a number of African men suspected of drug-dealing were hiding there.

Well done Thai Police and DEA!!! 5kg of marijiana and some pills. Don't you have anything better to do?

Some 50 narcotics suppression and immigration police, along with US Drug Enforcement Administration officials, raided an apartment located at Soi Ladprao 132 in Bangkapi District after a tip-off that a number of African men suspected of drug-dealing were hiding there.

Well done Thai Police and DEA!!! 5kg of marijiana and some pills. Don't you have anything better to do?

Sounds like OVERKILL with a manpower of FIFTY (50) there sure are more important items to expand manpower on. The more you follow the Forums the more you learn what a JOKE Thailand is becoming.

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One article said 50 cops... the other said 80... And they seize just enough pot to divy up some joints for everyone in the group.

I always get confused by these kinds of news reports with all the different local sorts in uniforms...

Now, which ones are responsible for drug and human smuggling vs. which ones are responsible for the gambling, loan sharking and prostitution. It's so hard to keep the areas of jurisdiction clear. sleep.png

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You don't know whatcha talking about, I am living in Nigeria now after 14 years in Bangkok, there are really no drug culture in my country, well we drink like the marines, I sometimes smoke ciggys, once I got off a plane in Abuja from Lagos and my pick up was not there, I wanted to buy a pack of smokes and could find a pack of smokes, I went to the car park, but the only guy that could have had it goes home at five pm. You hardly see people smoking cigarettes in Nigeria.marijuana is mostly smoked by street urchins.

Its about dam_n time the Thai police is finally cracking down on these scumbags. Not only do they sell drugs in their own countries, they travel to Thailand to corrupt even more people.

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Illegal drugs are illega!.So many yanks whining over the arrest!? Dont you get it? Smoke your pot at homeland instead of crying over the Thaipolice doing their job. Thais dont like junkies,no matter colors. Bon voyagecowboy.gif

The definition of a "junkie" is different to a "pot user", I think....jap.gif

If that's some feeble atempt to say these guys are harmless pot users think again. They were also flogging Crystal Meths one of the worst drugs around. The UK regard it as their number one drug problem.

These scumbags care nothing about human life and care not a jot of some 10 year old kid ends up with their goods in their hands as long as they make money.

I read a thread yesterday about child molester who most of us regard as the scum of the earth.....put these SOB's in the same cell because they are every bit as bad Them and others like them are responsible for ruining millions of peoples lives and most certainly many deaths.

No one shoulkd try and dress it up by saying they are pot smokers because smoking pot (and who hasn't) doest automaticaaly excuse you for peddling hard drugs

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Africans dont do much tourism as they can easily get all the experiences at home or close to home, they usually only travel far for economic reasons, to Thailand in particular to buy goods. That's why they have Thai embassies in many African countries, most africans that go to Bangkok bring in serious amount of money, the richest man in Africa also buys things Thai, so don't knock the whole race.

a joint effort between thai cops and the mighty DEA and all they dig up is two west african drug suppliers with a few keys of pot and a personal amount of ice. incredible!!

if a joint effort bewteen these clowns along with TAT and the immigration goons could find me two west african tourists in the whole of thailand THEN i'd be really surprised.

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I just would like to say this one thing about this. Pretty much everyone likes to get high in his or her own way. Why don't we just LEGALIZE IT! and eliminate the problem. The only people that would really object are those that make too much money from the status quo (read corrupt enforcement agents/police and big-time dealers).

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The Africans I see do not engage in buying goods to send home, are not teaching, not married to Thais and are certainly not interested in Thai culture. I just past about 10 of them lazing about at the front of our condo block. It's common knowledge they are engaged in drugs and scams, mostly email ones and pretending to be somebody they are not. These people should not be here. Well done the Thai Police. I see 100's of Africans, especially in the back sois of Pratunam, one place you never see many is at immigration though.

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Was that Chuckwad or Dickwad? Game over, creep. Always wondered how come so many of these guys on tourist visas can afford to sit around and drink beer or loiter in condo entranceways for months at a time, and why the police don't ask them.

Edited by Reasonableman
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Just out of interest; both of the guys are Nigerians. The one with the Guinea passport just used it for more easier access to travel as Nigeria image is already criminalized but he is not smart enough as he is using a Nigerian Name for a Guinea passport. Uwadiegwu is an ibo-east Nigerian name.

I do not have a problem with people doing drugs. but i do have a problem with those involving others e.g dragging the name of innocent other African country whom most people know they do not do drug into the mud by using their passport.

Yes am a Nigerian but this is just not right. If you must do drug, do it alone, enjoy the benefit and suffering alone unfortunately everybody have to pay for this scumbags including those who do not do drugs.

I am glad someone is speaking for the innocent Nigerians or Africans suffering for the sins of these scum bags. IMHO these guys were ratted by the girl being treated as a witness, I guess she was dumped by one of these girls...they should learn not to mess with Thai girls.

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A few DEA agents and a team from the NSB (probably), they're more than likely a bit disappointed with the result....sounds like they just missed a fair amount of ice being flushed down the john.....the guys from the DEA like results, Washington's quite pushy about that, but the Thai counterparts are, well...Thai....prefer get drunk and lark around in karaoke bars etc.

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Back up and slow down. Humans are intelligent creatures who for the most part can make appropriate choices by themselves, we do not need big government to monitor and dictate our health.

Drugs are illegal, but people still do them, so obviously the act of making them illegal does not by itself remedy the problem.

Drug abuse is a medical issue, not a police issue. Thinking that the police will cure the ills from substance abuse is far fetched. Ice and all forms of speed are a nasty drug no doubt. I am promoting it by any means, but I am not convinced that the war on drug has done any good at all, in fact, i think it has brought way more harm than good.

You cannot really make people do anything, and we cannot monitor every free human to the point where any authority can control drugs. It is much better to give people education and health services so they can make healthy choices for themselves.

If not, then we should also make butter illegal. Way more people die from heart disease than drug overdoses.

And please don't start in about crime and drugs. The crime comes from the illegality. Make drugs legal and crime goes away. Make drugs legal and drug abusers can seek help. Educate people about the dangers, and people take care of themselves as good as any institution can.

Illegal drugs are illega!.So many yanks whining over the arrest!? Dont you get it? Smoke your pot at homeland instead of crying over the Thaipolice doing their job. Thais dont like junkies,no matter colors. Bon voyagecowboy.gif

The definition of a "junkie" is different to a "pot user", I think....jap.gif

If that's some feeble atempt to say these guys are harmless pot users think again. They were also flogging Crystal Meths one of the worst drugs around. The UK regard it as their number one drug problem.

These scumbags care nothing about human life and care not a jot of some 10 year old kid ends up with their goods in their hands as long as they make money.

I read a thread yesterday about child molester who most of us regard as the scum of the earth.....put these SOB's in the same cell because they are every bit as bad Them and others like them are responsible for ruining millions of peoples lives and most certainly many deaths.

No one shoulkd try and dress it up by saying they are pot smokers because smoking pot (and who hasn't) doest automaticaaly excuse you for peddling hard drugs

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"10 Africans with expired tourist visas, while some had no passports." Does that means they don't have to do 90 day reports, is that just for the good guys?

Any law is observered by law abiding people. Criminals don't care about any "trivial" law..

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"10 Africans with expired tourist visas, while some had no passports." Does that means they don't have to do 90 day reports, is that just for the good guys?

Any law is observered by law abiding people. Criminals don't care about any "trivial" law..

It was a sarcastic comment!

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wow, five whole kilos of marijuana!!!!

The DEA have outdone themselves this time, I wonder how much time and money was spent on this bust?

Why aren't they getting the ya bah that's coming in from Burma????

To hard methinks.

Easier gig hanging around Bankok.

Hey I am glad they're finally doing something about it. I live on the outskirts and noticed there are even some African drug dealers showing up around my neighborhood nowadays. It's ridiculous the way they sell drugs sitting at tables around sukumwit road with apparently no worries at all. Maybe it's more than a coincidence and will soon be a thing of the past.

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The Africans I see do not engage in buying goods to send home, are not teaching, not married to Thais and are certainly not interested in Thai culture. I just past about 10 of them lazing about at the front of our condo block. It's common knowledge they are engaged in drugs and scams, mostly email ones and pretending to be somebody they are not. These people should not be here. Well done the Thai Police. I see 100's of Africans, especially in the back sois of Pratunam, one place you never see many is at immigration though.

"Well done the Thai Police." Are you for real? It's mainly because they are so corrupt, lazy and ignorant that the situation is way out of control...

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Yet another reason why Thailand needs to overhaul it's visa system.

Unfortunately the only people adversely affected by the changes to come will be the ones who actually jump through the hoops; I am married to a Thai for 5 years, have lived in Thailand 7 years and yet I get worse treatment every time I pass though a border, or deal with the corrupt officials in this country.

I am no closer to having a permanent visa than I was 7 years ago and I will be treated as an unwelcome 'guest' until I give up and leave (which incidently is in two weeks time when I move to Cambodia).

Thanks for wasting 7 years of my life Thailand while you welcome these scum drug dealers, Russian mafia and any other cretin who will line your pockets...

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The l.....o......n.......g arm of the DEA. It was a small drug bust but it shows the DEA goes after small and big fish worldwide, especially in those countries like Thailand which are key drug sources/trans-shipment points into the U.S.

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