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Only 30% Of Thai Children Get Enough Mothers Milk

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Research has found that 70% of Thai children did not receive their mother's milk, which directly affect intelligence.

Interim Permanent Secretary of Public Health, Md. Prat Bunyawongwiroet (ปราชญ์ บุญยวงศ์วิโรจน์) revealed the findings from a research wich affirmed that children who received their mother's milk were able to learn new things very rapidly. Doctor Prat said average I.Q. vary between 90 and 110, but studies conducted over the past 4-5 years found that children that had continous access to their mother's milk developed better I.Q.

The latest survey found that less than 30% of Thai mothers feed their children with breastmilk over the recommended 4-month course.

Doctor Prat said the Public Health Ministry now has a policy to increase the percentage to 40%. This may be done by declaring all hospitals under the Public Health Ministry "powder milk free". Newborns would be placed with their mothers immediately in order to quickly stimulate the mammary glands.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 December 2005

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Research has found that 70% of Thai children did not receive their mother's milk, which directly affect intelligence.

Interim Permanent Secretary of Public Health, Md. Prat Bunyawongwiroet (ปราชญ์ บุญยวงศ์วิโรจน์) revealed the findings from a research wich affirmed that children who received their mother's milk were able to learn new things very rapidly. Doctor Prat said average I.Q. vary between 90 and 110, but studies conducted over the past 4-5 years found that children that had continous access to their mother's milk developed better I.Q.

The latest survey found that less than 30% of Thai mothers feed their children with breastmilk over the recommended 4-month course.

Doctor Prat said the Public Health Ministry now has a policy to increase the percentage to 40%. This may be done by declaring all hospitals under the Public Health Ministry "powder milk free". Newborns would be placed with their mothers immediately in order to quickly stimulate the mammary glands.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 December 2005

In case you didn’t know, the first thing that develops in a human being (baby) is the brain; and the first thing that develops in a cow (calf – baby cow) is the skeletal structure. Now how intelligent is it to give a human baby milk from a cow which is conducive to the development of the skeletal structure first and foremost, instead of the development of the brain? Not intelligent at all! But this is what modern Western societal female is doing, and sadly and unfortunately, to the detriment of their own babies and children.

Most women know or should know that their breasts are for the purpose of breastfeeding a newborn child or infant. This is the primary function of the breasts. Everything on the human body (male and female) has a purpose, believe it or not.

Breastfeeding is vitally important and conducive to the optimal health and development of a baby. Not only does mother’s milk provide every single necessary and required nutrient a developing baby needs, but mother’s milk also carries liquid bonding elements (mother’s thoughts, emotions and vibrations) that help to bond a mother and child for life.

......more.., http://www.dherbs.com/article_detail.php?id=13


Everything on the human body (male and female) has a purpose, believe it or not.  

Not to nitpick but appendix...? :o

What is the appendix?

The appendix is a closed-ended, narrow tube that attaches to the cecum (the first part of the colon) like a worm. (The anatomical name for the appendix, vermiform appendix, means worm-like appendage.) The inner lining of the appendix produces a small amount of mucus that flows through the appendix and into the cecum. The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system for making antibodies. Like the rest of the colon, the wall of the appendix also contains a layer of muscle.


...maybe this topic should be moved to the health forum???


Research has found that 70% of Thai children did not receive their mother's milk, which directly affect intelligence.

Interim Permanent Secretary of Public Health, Md. Prat Bunyawongwiroet (ปราชญ์ บุญยวงศ์วิโรจน์) revealed the findings from a research wich affirmed that children who received their mother's milk were able to learn new things very rapidly. Doctor Prat said average I.Q. vary between 90 and 110, but studies conducted over the past 4-5 years found that children that had continous access to their mother's milk developed better I.Q.

The latest survey found that less than 30% of Thai mothers feed their children with breastmilk over the recommended 4-month course.

Doctor Prat said the Public Health Ministry now has a policy to increase the percentage to 40%. This may be done by declaring all hospitals under the Public Health Ministry "powder milk free". Newborns would be placed with their mothers immediately in order to quickly stimulate the mammary glands.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 December 2005

In case you didn’t know, the first thing that develops in a human being (baby) is the brain; and the first thing that develops in a cow (calf – baby cow) is the skeletal structure. Now how intelligent is it to give a human baby milk from a cow which is conducive to the development of the skeletal structure first and foremost, instead of the development of the brain? Not intelligent at all! But this is what modern Western societal female is doing, and sadly and unfortunately, to the detriment of their own babies and children.

Most women know or should know that their breasts are for the purpose of breastfeeding a newborn child or infant. This is the primary function of the breasts. Everything on the human body (male and female) has a purpose, believe it or not.

Breastfeeding is vitally important and conducive to the optimal health and development of a baby. Not only does mother’s milk provide every single necessary and required nutrient a developing baby needs, but mother’s milk also carries liquid bonding elements (mother’s thoughts, emotions and vibrations) that help to bond a mother and child for life.

......more.., http://www.dherbs.com/article_detail.php?id=13


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was common knowledge, at least in the UK, that cows milk is bad for a baby? Naturally (no pun intended) Mother's milk is best but formula milk is an excellent substitute. I'm not sure but I think goats milk is also ok for babies?


[quote name=sierra01' date='2005-12


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was common knowledge, at least in the UK, that cows milk is bad for a baby? Naturally (no pun intended) Mother's milk is best but formula milk is an excellent substitute. I'm not sure but I think goats milk is also ok for babies? (end quote)

Cow's milk is meant for calves, and babies are meant to drink mother's milk until weaned from it. Nature has designed both types of milk and digestive systems accordingly. It is a scientifically documented fact that calves fed on pasteurized milk from their own mother cows usually die within six weeks, so it stands to reason that pasteurized cow's milk is not a wholesome, life-sustaining food for calves, much less for humans. Yet not only do adult humans feed this denatured animal secretion to their own infants, they also consume it themselves.

Cow's milk has four times the protein and only half the carbohydrate content of human milk, pasteurization destroys the natural enzyme in cow's milk required to digest its heavy protein content. This excess milk protein therefore putrefies in the human digestive tract, clogging, the intestines with sticky sludge, some of which seeps into the bloodstream. As this putrid sludge accumulates from daily consumption of dairy products, the body forces some of it out through the skin (acne, blemishes) and lungs (catarrh), while the rest of it festers inside, forms mucus that breeds infections, causes allergic reactions, and stiffens joints with calcium deposits. Many cases of chronic asthma, allergies, ear infections, and acne have been totally cured simply by eliminating all dairy products from the diet.

Many women, as well as men, consume dairy products because their doctors tell them it's a good source of calcium. This is fallacious advice. True, cow's milk contains 118 mg of calcium in every 100 grams, compared to 33 mg/100 grams in human milk. But cow's milk also contains 97 mg phosphorus/100 grams, compared to 18 mg in human milk. Phosphorus combines with calcium in the digestive tract and actually blocks it assimilation. Dr. Frank Oski, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the State University of New York's Medical Center, states: "Only foods with a calcium-to-phosphorus-ratio of two-to-one or better should be used as a primary source of calcium. The ratio in human milk is 2.35 to one, in cow's milk only 1.27 to one. Cow's milk also contains 50 mg sodium/100 grams, compared with only 16 mg in human milk, so dairy products are probably one of the most common sources of excess sodium in the modern Western diet.

Besides, cow's milk is not nearly as good a source of calcium as other far more digestible and wholesome foods. Compare the 118 mg. calcium/100 grams cow's milk with 100 grams of the following foods: almonds (254 mg) and sardines (400 mg).

If you insist on consuming dairy products, your best bet is goat's milk, which approximates the nutritional composition and balance of human milk. The only safe products made from cow's milk are fresh butter, which is a digestible fat and fresh live-cultured yoghurt, which is predigested for you by lacto bacteria, but even these should be consumed in moderation and preferably prepared from raw unpasteurized milk

Most baby milk formulas are made from cows milk and devoid of the enzymes necessary for proper digestion and assimilation, etc., etc. In addition, most formulas also have msg and other non-essential debiliating ingredients...


I agree it doesn't look very good, but what alternative is there for a baby that can't breast feed? If it really is so bad why isn't it banned? Is research being conducted into a replacement? I don't know the answers.

I agree it doesn't look very good, but what alternative is there for a baby that can't breast feed?  If it really is so bad why isn't it banned?  Is research being conducted into a replacement?  I don't know the answers.

the site below has several formulas although one that includes cows milk :o


The reason many 'poisons' on the shelf aren't banned are obvious, at least to some. PROFIT has more weight. Take a look at the pharmaceutical industly, HUGE profits that can handle a few lawsuits here and there. If more people knew what they were actually eating from canned & processed foods, they wouldn't eat it anymore. Knowledge is king. Although, most people couldn't care less. When they have some problems they just go to the doctor or pharmacy for 'instant' relief. The problem is; western medicine doesn't treat the problem, only the symtoms while the actual problem doesn't go away, (usually). Chinese medicine has a different approach. It focuses on the problem. Example: Eye related problems are connected to the liver so in Chinese medicine the liver is treated, etc., etc.

I know I'm getting off topic a bit and should probably move this to the "Health" page. (additional responses will be made to: Health & Medicine, under the title: Milk


I had a hard time explaining my wife that mothers milk was the best for a baby. Seems like in a developing country everything NOT natural is far better and more desireable.

She was totally convinced that formula was much better for a child and why i did not want to have the best for the baby???!!!!.

I guess if everyone (family, friends, docters!!!) is telling you that formula is best and you see constant commercials for it on TV you actually start to believe it.

I am happy i convinced her with a lot of information that it was exactly the opposite of what she had learned and was told.

I think this appreciation for formula comes from older times and experiences from mothers and grandma's who could not breastfeed their children because of not enough nutrition in their food. But nowadays it is especially worrysome that a woman who was born in Ubon but grew up in Bangkok (from age 10) had such a firm believe.

It will be a hard fight to get mothers to breastfeeding again.

I had a hard time explaining my wife that mothers milk was the best for a baby. Seems like in a developing country everything NOT natural is far better and more desireable.

She was totally convinced that formula was much better for a child and why i did not want to have the best for the baby???!!!!.

I guess if everyone (family, friends, docters!!!) is telling you that formula is best and you see constant commercials for it on TV you actually start to believe it.

I am happy i convinced her with a lot of information that it was exactly the opposite of what she had learned and was told.

I think this appreciation for formula comes from older times and experiences from mothers and grandma's who could not breastfeed their children because of not enough nutrition in their food. But nowadays it is especially worrysome that a woman who was born in Ubon but grew up in Bangkok (from age 10) had such a firm believe.

It will be a hard fight to get mothers to breastfeeding again.

Khun Jean,

Yes, it's unfortunate that television & commercials do brainwash the general population. Thailand watches television more than any other country in the world so it's not surprising the effect it's having. At least in the states there is some truth in advertising, nil in Thailand.

Best wishes for your child to grow strong, healthy and intelligent.


"Thailand watches television more than any other country in the world so it's not surprising the effect it's having. At least in the states there is some truth in advertising"

Are you sure about those figures, the average american watches 4.5 hours of TV a day, the average american will have seen 2,000,000 TV commercials by the time they are 65.


Perhaps breast feeding is ideal, but certainly not the only way. Me nor my sis were breastfed and are highly intelligent uni educated. I suppose the response would be well you could have been even more intelligent. :o If mums wants to breastfeed or not - it doesnt change the outcome.

"Thailand watches television more than any other country in the world so it's not surprising the effect it's having. At least in the states there is some truth in advertising"

Are you sure about those figures, the average american watches 4.5 hours of TV a day, the average american will have seen 2,000,000 TV commercials by the time they are 65.

Countries with the Biggest TV Watchers

Rank Country Weekly Hours Spent Watching

1 Thailand 22.4

2 Philippines 21

3 Egypt 20.9

4 Turkey 20.2

5 Indonesia 19.7

6 United States 19

7 China (Taiwan) 18.9

8 Brazil 18.4

9 United Kingdom 18

10 Japan 17.9



One thing that early breast feeding does do is strengthen the childs immune system response. If for that reason alone it is best to breast feed.

And why do you think it has something to do with "western societal females' Tomissan? In the US & Australia breast feeding rates have actually been increasing in recent years. Sweden has one of the highest breastfeeding rates in the world while African nations have the lowest. (According to WHO research)

One thing that early breast feeding does do is strengthen the childs immune system response. If for that reason alone it is best to breast feed.

And why do you think it has something to do with "western societal females' Tomissan? In the US & Australia breast feeding rates have actually been increasing in recent years. Sweden has one of the highest breastfeeding rates in the world while African nations have the lowest.  (According to WHO research)

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