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Bangkok Traffic Police To Get Tough On Cabs


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Not to get too far off topic, but, I'm still waiting for the Thai government to undertake some real, long-term undercover operations to deal with the various forms of police corruption: stealing from motorcycle taxis, running gambling halls, shaking down vendors, store owners, taxi drivers, etc. I expect the police to solve nothing most people care about.

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It's ok to complain about BKK Taxi drivers, but in my experience I think in general that they are not bad. Ok, I drive; but when I use taxis I never have, and never have had, a problem. They may not be trained, like black cabbies are, but they will genuinely get you from A to B in the best way they know how, and always use the meter - unless YOU are a prick, of course!

The police getting tough on cabs would be time better spent on police getting tough with motorcycle riders, and employing the laws that apply to them.

They only stop a few helmetless, car cutting and scratching, and road blocking cycle users when the lecky bills come in! As a driver, I find taxi's generally ok, and it's the <deleted> brainless and lawless motorcycle morons that need more policing - for their sakes plus mine!


Spot on, couldn't agree more!!

I have to stand up for the motor bikes here a bit. I drive both a car and a bike and it really is a matter of perspective. Yes, too many bike drivers drive dangerously, but car drivers are no better. Many car drivers bully motorcycles and care less about the lives of the bike riders.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

Agreed. I'm from Indonesia, where everything else are worse than Thailand except for one: Taxi. I was so surprised that taxis here are very very rude, don't know how to drive and can actually reject you. Time for Thailand to have a proper taxi companies.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

If there are too many taxis, why would they pick and choose their fares? It seems to me, if the number of taxis were reduced, you'd get drivers being even more picky about their fares. For every taxi that refuses you, there are ten more behind him who will take you. Mai bpen rai.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

Singapore cabbies are famous for this.......travel a bit more and find out.

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many taxi drivers around Bangkok smoke, and 70% or better allow people smoking to do so in the taxi. When you decline a taxi because of smoke smell, more than half of them down from the Mo Chit BTS going toward Rangsit, they look at you as if you are crazy. Also the next taxi in line looks at you as if you are a screwball because you walked away from the smoker, his Thai buddy.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

Same thing exists, and is quite prevalent, in Malaysia. Drivers very often refuse fares and don't use meters, even though it's the law.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

you obviously never tried taking a black cab to South London in the evening!!

Or trying to take a taxi to:

  • 125th & Amsterdam in NYC
  • South Central in Los Angeles
  • Colonia Doctores in Mexico City
  • Rocinha or Vidigal in Rio

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

You've never been to Manila?

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

They should use the odd/even tag numbers to work alternate days. Cut number of cabs in half, they will save gas money and still get the same number of fares on the days they work.

How would you feel if you were suddenly told that your salary would be halved because from now on you could only work alternate days?

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

This used to really annoy the c-rap out me also until a mate told me what to do. Always open the back door when telling the driver where you want to go, if he refuses the fare, leave the back door open and walk away. This really p-isses them off especially if it is raining.

a mate used to do that until a taxi driver pulled a gun on him (admittedly 6 or 7 years ago) on Sukhumvit soi 26 - my mate said he went from drunk and obnoxious to sober and repentant in about the time it took to pee his pants a little!

He came close to commiting suicide.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

It is frustrating to have a driver refuse a fare. However, you have not really thought this through. I bet you are one of those people who gets really infuriated when a driver takes you, and starts driving aimlessly... hoping to find the way. Drivers often only know certain areas. I made the choice to live on Chareon Nakorn "across the river." I completely understand why a driver has no interest in going there at 1:00 AM, where there is no business, in an area he does not know and will get lost in...when he can make a month's wages dragging up and down Sukhumvit. Funny thing ... when I speak to them in Thai...using the "polite form"...they seem to find a way to take me. (Have you tried that?)

I used to drive cab in Boston...where they really do take your license, and believe me...we found ways to refuse fares. And here is how it goes..."Take me to Roxbury" ...."Ummmm, yes sir, of course it would be a pleasure to drive into the ghetto where I will most likely be robbed, not get a fare back out...and you will not tip me. But first, do you mind if we take a detour and I use the bathroom?" "Huh???" ... "Yes sir, I will drive you to the ghetto at 2:00 AM, but first I need to use the toilet...can you wait 30 minutes?" (The sound of a car door slamming)

(it really goes..."Take me to Roxbury" OK, but I need to find a bathroom first, can you wait 15 minutes? You HAVE TO TAKE ME, IT IS THE LAW!!! Yes sir, and I will...right after i find a toilet...SLAM)

Point is...you can not force a driver to take a fare...period.

And yes, often there is a shift change due, and failure to comply would more than consume their hard won day's wages. At certain hours, they are really just trying to find one last fare in the direction they need to go. Have you noticed when they "get lost" they are usually getting lost on the way to Thon Buri?

Just learn a little polite Thai, take the next cab...and get over it.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

I have news for you,, it happens in Australia, it is against the law but still happens, if Taxi will not go to where you want it is only a short wait til one will take you because of the over supply of taxi. most of the time I can get a taxi with in one minute on any main road in Bangkok.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

Not all taxi drivers are bad, that's unfair but there are plenty who give their industry a bad name.

You think it's bad now, you should have seen it 25 years ago, service was simply not in the playbook. Back then 99% of the taxis were very very old and totally unroadworthy, glass in windows totally missing, most had either no air-con or it was unfixable, driver had to stop and manually adjust the carburettor again and again, and more.

There are two good examples (from othe countries) that could be followed, Singapore and HK. In Singapore it's difficult to get a licence to drive a taxi, and even one simple violation brings severe unishment. I think it's two violations and your taxi licence is cancelled forever, with no review possible.

Overall, service in the main Chinese cities has also improved enormously in the last few years, both taxis and buses.

I am sure the citizens of Singapore will be delighted to learn they are a Chinese city, and good luck with that line in Hong Kong!!!
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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

It is frustrating to have a driver refuse a fare. However, you have not really thought this through. I bet you are one of those people who gets really infuriated when a driver takes you, and starts driving aimlessly... hoping to find the way. Drivers often only know certain areas. I made the choice to live on Chareon Nakorn "across the river." I completely understand why a driver has no interest in going there at 1:00 AM, where there is no business, in an area he does not know and will get lost in...when he can make a month's wages dragging up and down Sukhumvit. Funny thing ... when I speak to them in Thai...using the "polite form"...they seem to find a way to take me. (Have you tried that?)

I used to drive cab in Boston...where they really do take your license, and believe me...we found ways to refuse fares. And here is how it goes..."Take me to Roxbury" ...."Ummmm, yes sir, of course it would be a pleasure to drive into the ghetto where I will most likely be robbed, not get a fare back out...and you will not tip me. But first, do you mind if we take a detour and I use the bathroom?" "Huh???" ... "Yes sir, I will drive you to the ghetto at 2:00 AM, but first I need to use the toilet...can you wait 30 minutes?" (The sound of a car door slamming)

(it really goes..."Take me to Roxbury" OK, but I need to find a bathroom first, can you wait 15 minutes? You HAVE TO TAKE ME, IT IS THE LAW!!! Yes sir, and I will...right after i find a toilet...SLAM)

Point is...you can not force a driver to take a fare...period.

And yes, often there is a shift change due, and failure to comply would more than consume their hard won day's wages. At certain hours, they are really just trying to find one last fare in the direction they need to go. Have you noticed when they "get lost" they are usually getting lost on the way to Thon Buri?

Just learn a little polite Thai, take the next cab...and get over it.

I agree with this, when I first came to Bangkok some years ago and could not speak any Thai and had to give the driver a Thai writen note, I was always taken the long way, and some would not even look at the note, when I could tell the driver in Thai where I wanted to go every thing was different, they went the correct way, and were polite, made it so much better.

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To me a much better idea than checking that the driver's shirt is tucked in to check that the taxi is actually road worthy.

I would estimate that 1 out of every 4 taxis I take are over 10 years old, constructed of bits and pieces of wrecked cars, and don't have shocks that work worth a dam_n.

As far the drivers, most are nice enough but the turn over is so great that you better know how to guide them to your final destination unless it is one of the more popular locations.

I understand why the drivers turn down fares, especially at certain hours of the day or night - it is time for them to switch drivers and if they take a fare to a distant location they will be late and piss off the replacement driver and the company they are renting the cab from.

I'm not really going to complain about the taxis in Bangkok. Compared to most places they are fine and certainly are cheap.

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I am sure the citizens of Singapore will be delighted to learn they are a Chinese city, and good luck with that line in Hong Kong!!!

Methinks you should brush up on your comprehension skills before you attack - he clearly says 'also'...

"Overall, service in the main Chinese cities has also improved enormously in the last few years, both taxis and buses."

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Taxi's are necessary due to the lack of descent public transport.

The traffic is a result of poor town planning. When powerful individuals spot a lucratrative venture, nothing gets in the way.

Look at some of the horrendous architecture.

Like most problems in Thailand its roots can be traced back to government corruption.

So the solution is: Give Police more opportunities to take cash bribes from honest taxi drivers.

Encouraging more corruption.

Edited by Pui
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Worry about how they dress ?? not worry they are raping and robbing people for months after being reported for such, and have HIV.

They should make the drivers go through the same "vetting" that they have in other countries and not let people do the job who's only requirement appears to be that they are breathing.


OR pose as a Military Officer to rob people :


so it seems you can do this, but dont dress scruffy or park inconsiderately whilst doing it !

Stupid and ridiculous post. What's your problem?

Most likely people like you, previous post got to the point.

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Exactly. No zoning. Inadequate roads and streets. Lots of taxis because the elite business and privileged class don't take public transportation and Bangkok is not walkable. In Bangkok the taxi driver knows his customer and he is in command. In other major cities like Tokyo, London, and New York, the customer is still in command.

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Most everyone uses taxis at some time or another for a variety of reasons: because they have no other option, it's relatively inexpensive,, it's more convenient, more comfortable, has aircon, they have goods/shopping to transport, young children, etc, etc. Its not about class to the extent your gratuitous jibe suggests.

Exactly. No zoning. Inadequate roads and streets. Lots of taxis because the elite business and privileged class don't take public transportation and Bangkok is not walkable. In Bangkok the taxi driver knows his customer and he is in command. In other major cities like Tokyo, London, and New York, the customer is still in command.

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If they want to help ease traffic matters they should reduce the number of taxis. There are an extimated 70,000 taxis in a city that only requires about half that number. Another thing would be for the taxi driver to accept all fares who flag them. I am fed up with the crap of taxi drivers telling me they do not or will not go where I want to go. Failure to accept a fare should result in hack licenxse revocation. Now, why won't this ever happen? The taxi mafia.

Let them go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

Seconded. What kind of crap taxi service refuses a fare? Have never seen this in any other country ever, it's ridiculous.

same in the Phillipines if a taxi driver used his meter I gave big tip for being a honest man

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They are required to tuck their shirttails into their pants. They must wear a name tag with Thai alphabets on the left hand side of the shirt. For footwear, drivers must not wear flipflops during work hours.

Well, from now on before I jump into a taxi I'm going to make sure the driver complies with above dress code; if he does, then I will know he's an honest and professional driver. Gosh, why didn't the BIB think of this great idea before...it will set the taxi driver standard for the world.

Would be an idea to have a checklist available for the passengers to fill in before accepting the contract of transportation. If the driver does meet the standard set, it could be an option for the fare to post it on www.whogivesaflyingfcuk.gov (or similar) for monitoring purposes by the relevant authorities.

But removing their driving flip-flops, thats a bit much! It will never happen IMHO

EDIT: I didn't read the title correctly; it is Bkk only. OK, so it might work, might even be expanded to the bus drivers, minibus drivers and even the motorbike taxis.

No just make the motorbike taxi riders shower at least once a month.


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I am sure the citizens of Singapore will be delighted to learn they are a Chinese city, and good luck with that line in Hong Kong!!!

Methinks you should brush up on your comprehension skills before you attack - he clearly says 'also'...

"Overall, service in the main Chinese cities has also improved enormously in the last few years, both taxis and buses."

Yes, I see...I guess since that sentence has nothing to do with his thesis, I read it too fast.


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Exactly. No zoning. Inadequate roads and streets. Lots of taxis because the elite business and privileged class don't take public transportation and Bangkok is not walkable. In Bangkok the taxi driver knows his customer and he is in command. In other major cities like Tokyo, London, and New York, the customer is still in command.

I really need to know...have you ever been to New York City? If Bangkok is "not walkable" what are those 3 million people on the sidewalks and skywalks doing this afternoon? Is there a charity marathon going on? Where do I get my number?
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After reading the article I thought, great, we're improving things in Bangkok. Then I started reading the replies full of hatred. Granted, there are some issues all of which cumulate around the areas populated with scum, but elsewhere the service is 'pretty good'.

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