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Even having lived here for years before, it still somewhat shocks me on returning to see the extremely high price of cars. I am therefor thinking of doing a rebuild project. Might be a fun hobby in any case. Anyone have ideas on where to look to find wrecked vehicles for cheap? Either engine destroyed or body or both? With the high price of vehicles, and the low cost of good mechanical and body repair I was thinking that this may be a way to swap some of my time and skull sweat for a cash savings on what could end up being a nice vehicle in exactly the color and style that suits me.

Also anyone want to recommend their favorite mechanics or body shops? I am hoping that this thread may eventually become a good resource for others interested in taking on similar car projects. My personal interest would be to find what had originally been a luxury van or SUV or large car. A newer model would be best. Then there is more chance of getting value for the time and money spent on restoration.

As I find good resources I will also post them here.

Thanks all! wai.gif


I can see why you would like to do something like this given the costs of newer vehicles. I also see how this could be a great idea for a classic or vehicle without specific designs based around impact and crash tests.

However, I'd be very careful about chop-shopping two cars together as new cars are designed to dissipate the energy of an impact throughout the vehicle. I suspect that joining two parts of the same cars (i.e. front and rear) could be hazardous, more so than a classic.

I only suspect this, I've really no idea but some of the experts on this forum might provide better insight.

Perhaps flood damaged cars could be a way forwards, however I suspect many Garages already have that idea and you are behind the curve and may not save much at all.


Thanks Richard. Those are good thoughts. I do recall from past years of looking for used cars that one had to be careful that any welding work previously done on a car needed to be checked carefully in terms of quality of work. I hope to find something not so seriously damaged but open to anything doable. Flood damage might be a good option.


Another point of concern is how to avoid paying top dollar for parts. Doing any kind of work involving metal is indeed cheap, but the plastic bits cost a fortune. (Light units, mirrors, etc.)

Perhaps a good compromise is to not buy a total wreck, just a very old car (classic car even) and expect to be doing a lot of work on the mechanics.

Let's see if I can find some examples:



http://www.one2car.c...c-Car/B18110205 (Click onthe thumbnails on the left)

http://www.one2car.c...CLASS/A27550535 (Click onthe thumbnails on the left)

http://www.one2car.c...0HERO/B23550324 (Click onthe thumbnails on the left)

Or just anything ever made by Peugeot, Renault or Fiat. Cheap, and potentially not that difficult to work on. (But work on it you will, of course) Rationale is that top brands still command a premium even when very old; this would include Mercedes, BMW and also popular Japanese brands like Toyota and Honda. But anything not that is very cheap.




But out of all of those, in your case, I'd get a Saab. They're reasonably available, cost not too much over 100K baht for a 900 or 9000, and are very solidly built.

Go watch the Top Gear piece on Saab's demise as a company that aired last Sunday: http://www.finalgear...s/topgear/18/5/

EDIT: Final comment: You might be shocked at the price of *wrecked* cars. As in: completely wrecked, complete write-offs in any civilized country. Those can still easily cost several hundred thousands of baht, because the seller knows that it's fairly affordable to fix up and then sell at one of the second hand car places.. So you might as well go for something old and cheap, but not necessarily wrecked.


dont wanna create multiple similar threads but i as well is looking for a mechanic, any place in chiang mai to recommend? i dont mind higher service charges as long as they dont rip and replace working parts

im struck with a kia sportage =( if should had just get a new suzuki carry instead


dont wanna create multiple similar threads but i as well is looking for a mechanic, any place in chiang mai to recommend? i dont mind higher service charges as long as they dont rip and replace working parts

im struck with a kia sportage =( if should had just get a new suzuki carry instead

My favorite mechanic so far is on the canal road going north toward Mae Rim on the left side about 5 or 6 km up from Huey Kaew. Very basic with no English and no hydraulic lift, etc. I think he can do any cars but seems to specialize in European cars like Peugeot and Citroen. I have not yet used him this year (except to vet 1 car for me) but he worked on both my 20 year old Toyota Crown and my 7 year old Toyota Soluna about 9 and 7 years ago respectively. I found him to do good work, reasonably quick, honest and very inexpensive. His #s are 053 214610 & 087 1757416. Good luck with the Kia

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