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Hello everyone. So I will try to keep it simple and short.

I'm 28, educated and have stayed in Thailand for 2 1/2 years all together. I can speak Thai and and am learning Issan.

I have known one family that have been market sellers from the start. I am actually staying with them at the moment and have observed enough to know that they are real and not out to rip off the farang.....although that is a risk one must take. What I want to do is give them an investment so they can open a slightly bigger market. They go place to place all over Issan. Udon, Nong Khai, Khon Kaen, Udon. Its hard work but there are 3 who have the capabilitly of doing so. A 200,000 baht investement is not much but I hope to slowly incorporate it into an import/export business let things happen naturally. I have finished my masters degree in environmental science and will use that knowledge when the time is ripe and when the doors open. But this is just the start. For the time being becoming an English teacher and doing the course is what I will personally do.

This family has already told me that I can stay at their home because its only 10 km outside Khon Khaen and that I can even use their motorbike for transportation. They are not dirt poor but I still want to help them without being stupid myself.

What I am asking if anyone has done something similar? Does anyone have any contacts in Khon Kaen to establish legality,contracts, and make it all kosher. This is not a copy business. I dont want to get myself or others into trouble.

Any advice, knowledge, and so forth would be so much appreciated that I will buy at least the first 2 beers :o

I want to get the ball rolling on this so any response or a meet up for those who are staying in Khon Kaen would be even better.


I haven't done anything like this but we have been discussing some future projects that might involve funding some modest ventures within the family. This is what I think.

You have gone to more effort than many to get to know Thailand and the family that you are with. The local community must respect you a great deal. Your command of the language will alert you to any untoward attitude to you and your money. I don't share the cynical attitude of some farang that Thais are just after our money one way or another. The ones that I know are absolutely straight, kind and reliable. It is as well to remember, though, that they see us a very rich people compared with themselves and, naturally, that gives rise to some expectations. The people that you know are likely to be honourable. However, as you must know, things are different and we never stop discovering new aspects of the culture.

If you regard your investment as no more than a gift, you won't suffer any disappointment. Contracts may protect you and there is no reason not to enter into them. However, don't rely on them. Explain to the family what you would like them to do with the money and how you want to be involved and rely on goodwill. At the outset, make it clear that you are prepared to spend so much and no more.

The best protection your money has is the reputation of the family in the local community. Few Thais with traditional values would consider doing anything that would 'shame' them in the eyes of their neighbours.

If you cannot find a lawyer, I know one in Korat who might be willing to help.

Good luck with your venture.


You don't say what you intend to gain from this venture? If it is nothing then, as morden has said, treat the investment as a gift & hope it works out but if you are looking to make profit for yourself & this family & to use it as a means to support your stay in thailand then you need to draw up some kind of legal plan with the family as, even if they are as nice & honest as you say, business is business & things can & will change & you as well as them will benefit from having something legal in place.

Best of luck with it.

I hope to slowly incorporate it into an import/export business let things happen naturally.

You didn't expand on what exactly should the biz do; however I can only remark that in import/export things will not just "happen naturally". If it's import you're doing, going through the customs, having long and expensive delivery expenses and dealing with suppliers whom you never met, is not the same as working with local suppliers the family know for years. If it's export, the difficulties are even higher, as you are far away from your market. Competetion is fierce and marketing expenses are high.

For the time being becoming an English teacher and doing the course is what I will personally do.

This family has already told me that I can stay at their home because its only 10 km outside Khon Khaen and that I can even use their motorbike for transportation.

Take no offence, but as 200K is hardly enough to even start an import/export business, it might be quite a lot for a person on an English teacher's salary. What exactly do you hope to accomplish with that? Any projected ROI? Just a present?


Thanks for the response and thanks for helping me to clarify exactly what I want. What I intend to do is give this as a startup but as they claim they know the business well. I'll seeit when i believe it. In the meanwhile, it will provide some extra income for me and at least open up some doors for them. I hope to teach english because I am simply not made to work as them.

I have a masters degree in environmental science and want to incorporate sustainable development which includes health awarness education, self reliance, non exploitation, and what I am truly hoping for even more of an income for the future is biofuel and biodiesel. Have a company that I worked with during my masters that already has set up biofuel and rural development in India. Hope it can expand. I'm patient and taking things one step at a time. For now its going to get the family Iam staying with started and already had 2 friends from the states email who have e commerce business so it will export. at least its a start. Competition is fierce but but finding a niche or doing it all two ways of going about it. So are connections. I'm still waiting to hear back from some folks.

For now, I just want advice or opinions on the market startup. Also to meet other farangs in Khon Kaen. Things are falling into place quickly and perhaps its not just chance. But lets not get mystical here. They claim that with that 200,000 baht start up and travelling around issan and working the morning market as well as the night market one can net 5000 on a bad day and up to 10-12k on a good day and during certain seasons and holidays even more. 4 of them will work it.

I've observed enough and know that they are respected in the village. Previously I was a paramedic as well and there were two situations in which help was needed so I gained some face from that. I have adapted well. And while its the land of fake smiles at times, I can feel what is genuine and what is not. If I lose it and they rip me off, i'll survive. Som nam na.

Would also like to see what other farangs who have settled are doing here and how they do it. Anyone up for a meet up and a few drinks?

Also by the way. Any good suggestions for a root canal, would rather pay a little more and have it done properly. where? tel#?

All help and exchange of ideas are much appreciated.


You seem to have a pretty realistic view of how things work in LOS, so may have some success.

Hope things work out well. Would love to hear some realistic good stories sometimes.

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