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Ned makes a good point.....and it is something we should all be vigilant about here in Thailand.

It only takes one tiny act, or unwelcome comment, and people can go mental, ballistic - ........kill you.

It is said that the Thai 'jai yen' is a cover for really wanting to tell you to bugger off, and that once gone, real temper can emerge.

( I realise that this is something of a sweeping statement - but bear with me a moment!)

...and that the English solid defence (their 'jai yen'), once penetrated, reveals a more sunny side.

...not that anyone ever penetrated Geoffrey Boycott's solid defence.

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Latest update public service for Hooksie next Tuesday at Adelaide oval.

On a lighter note when we watched boycot batting it was lucky that the grass was alive cause we could watch it growing. :o

It looks likely that further charges will be laid, police doing mirror job. This is the second incident the bouncer has been involved in, the last was only 2 months ago according to 9 news report.

Still taking most of the time in news coverage here and tributes flowing in from all over the world, naturally little jonny put in his worthless 2 cent comment.

What a waste of a life.

How, oh how could the shitbrain magistrate let the mongrel out on bail ? Another example of ridiculous decisions from half baked lawyers who take on the magistracy coz they can't make it in legal practice. What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 66 ? Your Honour or Your Worship.

where you been Doc I was worried sick :o

anyway off to funeral tuesday say ta ta  to Hooksie :D

I inflicted myself on the Republic of Singapore for a week Bronco. Say bye bye for me at the funeral, and start the angst to piss off His bloody Worship for exceedingly poor judgement (at the very least) or more likely, INCOMPETENCE. Jeez they lock up bloody shoplifters.


bye bye Hooksie

He was farewelled yesterday at the Adelaide oval in a memorial service conducted by the Deacon of St Peters Cathederal and attended by 10,000 people.

The pitch had a set of stumps decorated with Hooksies Bat leaning on one stump and a Redback Cap on another.

It was a who's who of Oz celebrities and sportsmen, notable attendies Kerry Packer, Russel Crow, Aussie Cricket team, Redbacks, Bushrangers.

He made his final farewell from the Oval and was given a standing ovation accompanied by the bells of St Peters.

When the hearse exited the ground Hooksies hat fell off the stump.

As a memorial every time the Redbacks and Bushrangers play it will be for the David Hookes trophy.



The picture in today's Nation of the stumps at the Adelaide Oval was very moving. Good to hear so many fine cricketers from around the world turned up to pay their last respects.

Nice one Bronco, I saw it on BBC - RIP.

It was good that Packer went and Crowe - brilliant.

Has the murderer been locked up yet?

some failed lawyer( aka a 2 bit magistrate ) in Melbourne actually let him out on bail, notwithstanding the fact that he is already up on another bashing charge. Can you believe that ? :o


The story continues just when you thought Hooksie was at peace you get a scum bag journalist, headline hinch, speaking out of turn.

He again sought the headlines by reporting on a facet of David and Robyn's lives that was essentially private, they were separated, big deal.

The reaction to Oz public, "not our business, hinch has shot his mouth off again".

I think his employers will rid themselves of that idiot and maybe nobody in Oz will ever hire the prick again

This is one kiwi that should swim home and drown in the process. :o


What a sad state of affairs Doc, how could they let a guy out on bail for such a crime? I am still hoping the public or the politicians who loved him, will make this a special case and try him for murder.

Bronco - Do you remember about 10?years ago, Hinch was axed and jailed for his journalism practices - he named someone that had a suppresion order - I cant remember all the details, but the guy has no ethics and I was surprised from you post that he is still on air. Totally out of line, sensationalist idiot that he is.


yes Gent,

he is a prick, headline hinch, he should be the last guy to want his personal life revealed.

sorry kiwis he is one who is past his use by date about time you took him back


It is interesting that the bouncer had an ethnic name. racism is everywhere, but melbourne shocked me one time a few years back whenI was at the wedding of my mate......there was a bunch of Croats calling all the Aussies some name....cant remember. but I asked one of them what they mean...he said it is the nick name for Aussies. Then the penny dropped and I realised I was being discriminated against in my own country. So I asked himwhere he came from ...he said melbourne so I called him the same nick name for an Aussie that he was using......it almost got to fisticuffs. I could not help thinking - if they want to be like that in the name of Croatia, then go back there...why live here !!

It is interesting that the bouncer had an ethnic name. racism is everywhere, but melbourne shocked me

Have held back my comments, as am from melbourne and have an ethnic background (also used to be a regular at the beaconsfield on a sunday arvo :D) - have encountered many bouncers like the one involved in this incident. My views on these types (yes, they are types) are very harsh and it's not ladylike to divulge them. Will say that melbourne has a very large european community that deliberately isolates its self eg. greeks hang out with greeks, italians with italians, croats with croats etc. When the europeans first migrated to melbourne they were the ones who experienced the racism and now it seems as though the situation has reversed - regardless there's no excuse for such behaviour and find it appalling (actually makes me physically ill). Have personally been on the receiving end of such behaviour - from other europeans (cause I don't have "their" mentality) and also from aussies (only when they hear my surname - I get the "oh, you're a w*g).

Anyway, melbourne seriously needs to do something about the "security" issue at venues - any guy that goes to the gym and is on roids (probably also on the dole) can be a bouncer :o

(ps sorry for such a negative post)

Guest IT Manager

This occurred so long ago on a QANTAS flight it scares me. In those days I used to book 76G as a seat. Last row on most birds, second last on some. Right by the toilets, and I could smoke. That dates me I suppose. Although it was a jumbo not a flying boat.

A grubby little creep sat beside me, and he was so on the nose. I was ex BKK to Sydney. He was ex God knows and don't care. Was croat and had been over there killing for that sleazy little grot that ended up in the war crimes tribunal slobo whateverthe######hisnamewas.

Took weeks to get the smell of him off me.

Was croat and had been over there killing for that sleazy little grot that ended up in the war crimes tribunal slobo whateverthe######hisnamewas

Slobodan Milosevic :o - if he was one of his followers he would've been a sleazy socialist serb (bit of a tongue twister :D ). That's another heart wrenching state of affairs, glad the new countries are slowly getting back on their feet.

Didn't want to be too negative earlier - really do appreciate and respect other cultures. Melbourne's been described as a cultural melting pot, which isn't a bad thing, just don't tolerate ethnocentrism too well.

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