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Taliban vow revenge for Afghans killed by U.S. soldier


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Taliban vow revenge for Afghans killed by U.S. soldier

2012-03-12 23:06:10 GMT+7 (ICT)

KABUL, Afghanistan (BNO NEWS) -- The Taliban insurgent group on Monday vowed to take revenge after a U.S. service member went on a shooting spree in southern Afghanistan, killing sixteen civilians as they slept in their homes and injuring several others.

"The sick minded American savages, in continuation of their barbaric actions, have once again reached out to committing a blood-soaked and inhumane crime," a Taliban spokesman said in a statement on Monday. The Taliban had earlier condemned the killings as an 'act of genocide' and accused multiple U.S. soldiers.

"A large number from amongst the victims are innocent children, women and the elderly, martyred by the American barbarians who mercilessly robbed them of their precious lives and drenched their hands with their innocent blood," the statement said. "According to witnesses from the scene, the American savages perpetrated this crime in the homes of three such villagers which posed no threat to them militarily or security wise and neither were theses martyred villagers a menace to them."

The attack happened at around 3:45 a.m. local time on Sunday when a rogue U.S. soldier broke into three homes, killing at least sixteen civilians who were sleeping inside. Among those killed were nine children and three women while five others were wounded. A U.S .soldier was arrested by NATO-led forces.

In Monday's statement, the Taliban addressed speculation that the U.S. soldier may have been suffering from a mental illness. "The American 'terrorists' want to come up with an excuse for the perpetrator of this inhumane crime by claiming that this immoral culprit was mentally ill," the spokesman said.

"If the perpetrators of this massacre were in fact mentally-ill then this testifies to yet another moral transgression by the American military because they are arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against the defenseless Afghans without giving a second thought," the spokesman added. "Is there any military stipulation in the entire world which gives legality for unstable persons to be armed and be drafted into the military and then be given the duty of so-called peace keeping?"

Sunday's incident comes shortly after U.S. troops were accused of burning Qurans at the Bagram Airbase. The accusations triggered a series of violent protests across Afghanistan which have left more than 30 people killed, including six U.S. soldiers who insurgents said were killed in revenge.

Although U.S. officials raced to reject accusations that the killings were sanctioned by the U.S. military, the deadly attack on civilians is likely to increase already high anti-American sentiment in Afghanistan. The incident could trigger another round of violent anti-American protests in the country and insurgents are likely to use it for propaganda purposes.

"The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (Taliban), while sympathizing with the victims of this savage act as part of its Islamic and human obligation, gives assurance to their heirs that it shall take revenge from the invaders and the savage murderers for every single martyr with the help of Allah and they shall receive punishment for their barbaric actions," the Taliban said in their statement on Monday.

It added: "The Islamic Emirate once again calls on all the international human right organizations and NGOs, as part of their human conscience, to help the Afghans in preventing such unjustifiable crimes by the American invaders from taking place and to put them on trial as part of its moral obligation."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-03-12

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I particularly was struck by this quote from the Taliban.

A large number from amongst the victims are innocent children, women and the elderly, martyred by the American barbarians who mercilessly robbed them of their precious lives and drenched their hands with their innocent blood,"

I hope they remember that one the next time they stone a 16 year old to death, or execute a woman for showing an ankle.

The atheist part of me is saying, I really really do hope there is a God and he throws the Taliban and their like into the fire for killing in his name. Evil scum.

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A strange story but it has been reported that this particular individual has had 4 middle east combat tours and in one of those, he sustained some kind of serious head injury in a vehicle accident.

Not apologizing at all, just saying like the rest, we need to get out of there or at least bring back the draft. Certainly not looking to attack Iran or anybody else.

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