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Ten Things You Will Never Hear In Thailand.........


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I noticed many of the posts on this thread are actually attacks on certain aspects of Thailand. For balance, see below some snipes at farang-land...

Thai prison inmate: actually it's not that bad in here, I plan to reoffend

Pregnant Thai teenager: at least I will get a free apartment now

Thai guy/girl: I live off the state, no need to work, taxpayers do it for me

Foreign guy/girl: as above

Thai taxpayer: I wish I didn't have to give more than half my salary to the government to spend on wars in distant lands and to provide everything free to those less inclined to getting off their backside

Anyone in Thailand: it's bl00dy freezing outside

Anyone in Thailand: everything is so expensive here

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The OP is absolutely delighted at the input on this thread...........absolutely hysterical and a very descriptive............the actual original post encourages us to have a go at our farang colleagues too.

This is The Land Of Smiles, a country with a quite outstanding sense of humour, and for many of us that is why we love it. So far from being an attack on Thailand this thread is a labour of love, a way of showing and saying..........

Thailand.......you drive us crazy!!!.......you make us laugh!!!........but Thailand we LOVE YOU!!!! wub.png

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telling him to grow a pear


Can't be a young tree then

I noticed many of the posts on this thread are actually attacks on certain aspects of Thailand. For balance, see below some snipes at farang-land...

Is it really that tough reading the thread title?

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I've said it many times, Blether, many of the things I find annoying about Thailand are the very same things that I enjoy. It's a strange anomaly, but it's true. I stand in wonder how everyone accepts some person stopping their vehicle right in the middle of a busy passageway just so they can purchase something at the 7-11, Or, how they will park their vehicle right outside their home at lunch hour and block a whole lane in the road... forcing the rest of the traffic to try and get around. Or, they will triple park anywhere if it means they don't have to walk further than 50 feet.

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I've said it many times, Blether, many of the things I find annoying about Thailand are the very same things that I enjoy. It's a strange anomaly, but it's true. I stand in wonder how everyone accepts some person stopping their vehicle right in the middle of a busy passageway just so they can purchase something at the 7-11, Or, how they will park their vehicle right outside their home at lunch hour and block a whole lane in the road... forcing the rest of the traffic to try and get around. Or, they will triple park anywhere if it means they don't have to walk further than 50 feet.

It's because their drunk and cant walk. giggle.gif

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I've said it many times, Blether, many of the things I find annoying about Thailand are the very same things that I enjoy. It's a strange anomaly, but it's true. I stand in wonder how everyone accepts some person stopping their vehicle right in the middle of a busy passageway just so they can purchase something at the 7-11, Or, how they will park their vehicle right outside their home at lunch hour and block a whole lane in the road... forcing the rest of the traffic to try and get around. Or, they will triple park anywhere if it means they don't have to walk further than 50 feet.

So true . . . I laugh and quite enjoy myself at the sight of brainless and selfish morons inconveniencing everyone else . . . cheesy.gif Oh dear, a laugh a minute, those scalliwags

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Taxi Driver -Of course i dont Rip Off Tourists

Taxi Driver - The Meter Never Gets Broken

Taxi Driver _ Sorry ,i dont know where is that place ,rather than waste your time and money looking ,i suggest you take another cab

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Free balloons, today only when you buy a BTS ticket.

That is better than mine. I nearly spilt my cuppa. clap2.gif

God I misread that "better" as "bigger".

Just realised you have to look at Dean999's avatar for that one

Edited by pastitche
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Thai Taxi Driver: Excuse me Sir. Do you speak Thai? I was just checking before I started talking to your wife about you and referring to you as the "farang" this and the "farang" that.

Thai Taxi Driver: Do you mind if I change the radio station from Luk Thung to a bit of Industrial Drum and Bass?

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Sombat! You're fired! There's no room for people who drive like maniacs to get to the next pickup to maximize profits thus endangering the lives of the passengers in this minivan company!

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Condo builder - Maybe we should build the railings on the balcony a little taller.

Condo Assc - Yes, we know only one of the four elevators works and no, we don't know when they will be fixed.

Condo builder - No sir, you will not be getting a title to your condo because we sold that one three times.

Hotel Reception - Yes sir, I can tell exactly how to get to where you are going. Let me draw you a map.

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I have a cunning plan.

Sadly we hear that all too often, and too rarely in jest.

We rarely hear "I have a plan so flawed in its conception that its execution will be indistinguishable from anarchic, aimless and ignorant panic",

except, of course, when me and Smokie are planning a night out for some poor unsuspecting newbie who had the naive temerity to ask for recommendations in the pub forum


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