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Why Dont They Allow Any Of Those Beautiful Issan Girls On The Lakorn Tv Shows


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The the level of prejudice of Thai Visa posters is what amazes me. If someone were to suggest one of the great things about Thailand is the availability of both dark skinned Issan women and light skinned Chinese looking Thai ladies of the night the prejudiced Falang will insist there are no light skinned Chinese ladies of the night.

And amazing how farang ladies in faragland spend ooooooodles of cash to look like an Isaan girl.

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The the level of prejudice of Thai Visa posters is what amazes me. If someone were to suggest one of the great things about Thailand is the availability of both dark skinned Issan women and light skinned Chinese looking Thai ladies of the night the prejudiced Falang will insist there are no light skinned Chinese ladies of the night.

And amazing how farang ladies in faragland spend ooooooodles of cash to look like an Isaan girl.

It's perhaps the same attitude that existed in the West in the past, when pale skin was an indication that you did not have to work outside and were therefore of a higher class. Jane Austen's heroines would have swooned in the sunshine that we enjoy. It is no coincidence that the word "fair" was a synonym for beautiful for centuries in English poetry and prose.
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The the level of prejudice of Thai Visa posters is what amazes me. If someone were to suggest one of the great things about Thailand is the availability of both dark skinned Issan women and light skinned Chinese looking Thai ladies of the night the prejudiced Falang will insist there are no light skinned Chinese ladies of the night.

And amazing how farang ladies in faragland spend ooooooodles of cash to look like an Isaan girl.

It's perhaps the same attitude that existed in the West in the past, when pale skin was an indication that you did not have to work outside and were therefore of a higher class. Jane Austen's heroines would have swooned in the sunshine that we enjoy. It is no coincidence that the word "fair" was a synonym for beautiful for centuries in English poetry and prose.

Still is. In a moderate sort of way. It could be applied to ladies, or weather - as in "it's not fair, but it's not raining either..."


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Who are you to say issan girls look better,In my view they do not and give me a pasty face thai white girl anyday day of the week as you call them.Its not that farnags prefer issan girls its just that usually its all they can get until they see the light and find a nortmal thai girl but most of you will not as you hang around in bars.Much love goodnight.

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Who are you to say issan girls look better,In my view they do not and give me a pasty face thai white girl anyday day of the week as you call them.Its not that farnags prefer issan girls its just that usually its all they can get until they see the light and find a nortmal thai girl but most of you will not as you hang around in bars.Much love goodnight.

i think you will find that normal thai girls are brown

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Who are you to say issan girls look better,In my view they do not and give me a pasty face thai white girl anyday day of the week as you call them.Its not that farnags prefer issan girls its just that usually its all they can get until they see the light and find a nortmal thai girl but most of you will not as you hang around in bars.Much love goodnight.

i think you will find that normal thai girls are brown

Normall meaning not finding her in a bar.

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The the level of prejudice of Thai Visa posters is what amazes me. If someone were to suggest one of the great things about Thailand is the availability of both dark skinned Issan women and light skinned Chinese looking Thai ladies of the night the prejudiced Falang will insist there are no light skinned Chinese ladies of the night.

I told myself it was just a matter of time. Check out the following quote from Draftpunker, " but most of you will not as you hang around in bars."

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I'm sure glad that everyone doesn't have the same taste in women. There would be a shortage of women if that was the case. If you examine every man and woman closely there are very few true beauties or handsome men around, and that doesn't even factor in the colour of skin. When I wander through a busy shopping mall in Thailand and actually LOOK at the thousands of people passing by I don't see one in 50 truly beautiful women. I see lots of sexy looking young ladies with great legs, but only a very few have beautiful faces. And again, that is ignoring the skin colour.

However, when a woman smiles at you she can turn from average looking to radiant. There are so many subtle things a woman does that you can't put into words that make her truly lovely. I know a couple of truly stunning bar girls from a visual point of view, but seem dead of all feelings. They have absolutely no spark. Maybe with the right man that might change, but not from what I've seen.

The scripts on those soap opera sit-coms on Thai television are so poorly written that it would take a great actress to make them seem believable.

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i found one

Oddly enough, so did I. A girl friend I hadn't seen in a year came to see me a week ago. It was a 4 hour bus ride to get here from her village. She apologized for getting a bit poopooi, but of the 10 pounds of extra weight she put on, about 7 pounds went to her boobs. I could hardly believe the difference. She used to be the typical flat chested Thai girl with the great legs and butt. I just hope she doesn't continue to put on weight or it will all go for naught.

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because the dark skin isan girls are ugly and the white skinned are pretty.

Well my 4 year old son tells me this as he already knows white skin is suay and black is mai suay.

I agree with him though.

Yingluck know best.

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