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A Very Simple Uk Student Visitor Visa Question

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My friend is applying for a UK Student Visitor visa, which I know must be completed online via the visa4uk system. However, there doesn't seem to be an option to apply for an actual Student Visitor visa. One of the very first pages "Your Visa Requirements", after asking for the nationality of the applicant, then asks for the type of visa required. When you select "Study" it only gives you two options for the next field ("Purpose of Application"): "PBS Tier 4 Student" or "Study (non-points based system)". The first option, as I understand it, is the type of visa for longer courses, where you are allowed to work part-time also, which is different from the Student Visitor visa. The second option, if chosen, then asks whether you're a Student Dependant, Prospective Student Dependant or Student of the Isle of Man, none of which seems right to me.

I knew that helping my firend apply for this visa could get a little complicated, but I never thought I would stumble at the first (embarrassingly easy) hurdle like this! So which option do I need to choose if I want to apply for a 6 month Student Visitor visa?

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