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What Do You Sell Online ?

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Just a thought, what do you sell (or maybe involved with a company) online ?

Maybe a start to create a members directory of who deals in what and maybe make some useful business/trading/ or just a pool of experience to pull from for other TV members.

There are so many members all doing so many different things that there must be some useful connections and a wealth of experience out there for relationships of mutual benefit.

As for me, I used to be involved in online selling, Ebay etc for many years in the Uk, but retired now.

How about you ?

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Good idea charlie....

i have sold music online for over 10 years now, but that is going down the pan due to file sharing and lack of physical product

i have diversified into selling designer clothes online, but getting the supplies is really difficult as the brands only want to allow people who are already established to open an account with them... i was hoping i could find the clothes easier here in thailand as i was closer to the source of manufacture, but i am still struggling a little.....

i build my own e-commerce websites, so this helps to get them exactly how i want, and helps with designing the back end to suit my needs exactly

can i ask what you sell on ebay? what products here do you think will sell well on ebay and be easy to ship home etc??

my brother does the shipping from uk for me, i just need to get the product home and get the sale

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Just to clarify, I dont sell anything via Ebay nowadays as I have retired.

When I was in the Uk I used to deal heavily in "returns" from major stores, fix them, or make one good from two bad and so on or just straight re-sale.

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