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Jewish school shooting in southwestern France kills 4


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Jewish school shooting in southwestern France kills 4

2012-03-20 11:39:29 GMT+7 (ICT)

TOULOUSE, FRANCE (BNO NEWS) -- Four people were confirmed killed, including three children, at a Jewish school shooting on Monday in southwestern France, local authorities said.

The incident occurred on Monday morning at the Ozar Hatorah school in the Roseraie District of Toulouse, France, when a man riding a scooter opened fire against the school as students began arriving.

According to Le Monde, a Rabbi was killed, along with his two children, while a third child reportedly died later. The children were aged 8, 6, and 3, although they were not students of the school. In addition, five others have been injured, two of them reported in serious condition.

The shooting comes just eight days after a soldier was shot dead in Toulouse as well. And last Friday, only four days after the first incident, a similar shooting in not far from Toulouse in Montauban, resulted in the death of another three soldiers.

During the attack, the shooter also arrived on a motorbike, and initial reports indicate that some of the bullets are of the same caliber as Monday's schools shooting. The attacker initially used an 11.43-caliber automatic weapon before switching to a 9 millimeter caliber firearm.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who arrived at the scene of the shooting along with Interior Minister Claude Gueant, has declared a national day of mourning.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-03-20

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The current news is the police have a 24 yo algerian/French suspect holed up in a seige situation. Some reports say he was one of a number of prisoners who escaped from of an Afgan prison in 2008. Other reports claim he has links to AQ.

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The current news is the police have a 24 yo algerian/French suspect holed up in a seige situation. Some reports say he was one of a number of prisoners who escaped from of an Afgan prison in 2008. Other reports claim he has links to AQ.

Hopefully they get him alive (for 30 minutes) and find out what is going on.

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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

Anyway, very tragic news. Not the first time (innocent Jewish targets in the west have been attacked many times over the years) and unfortunately not the last time either.

Edited by Jingthing
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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

You have real issues Jingthing!

Can I expect a bill in the mail for your diagnostic services?
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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

You have real issues Jingthing!

Can I expect a bill in the mail for your diagnostic services?

I wouldn't even attempt a diagnosis Jingthing! Far to scary for me.


That is great news if true, now I hope a few beefy members of the Foreign Legion can find out what this animal has done and who he is connected with, prior to him spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement.

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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

You have real issues Jingthing!

It is a sad statement he made but in line with the usual suspects...Let no crisis go to waste mentality

RIP to the victims.

Edited by flying
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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

Anyway, very tragic news. Not the first time (innocent Jewish targets in the west have been attacked many times over the years) and unfortunately not the last time either.

You really are a disgrace. False flag first - commiserations second.

It is not a disgrace, but a fair observation. Whenever a horrific act such as this occurs, the first response of those with a bias is to blame the victims or to suggest that they were responsible. The most recent examples were the failed attacks by the Iranians in Bangkok and the comments about the ongoing barrage of missiles and rockets against Israel. In this case, because the accused has been identified and has admitted to his acts, it is hard to trot out the usual "false flag" excuse.

In addition to the school kids were the 3 French military personnel (out of uniform) that were shot in their backs. We now see the nature of Al Q. terrorists and why this is not about politics but a fight between right and wrong.

Well written "kiddo" I'm sure "most poster,s" agree entirely with your sentiments ,I know I do 110%.
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That is great news if true, now I hope a few beefy members of the Foreign Legion can find out what this animal has done and who he is connected with, prior to him spending the rest of his life in solitary confinement.

Just don't let those beefy Foreign Legion boys use water boarding.

Not to mention he could have been taken out by a drone on his training mission to Afpak

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At least in this case, we won't be hearing any wacky Israel "false flag" insinuations. Al Queda terrorist fanatic murders innocent Jewish babes. Even the most rabid false flag fantasy spinners won't touch this one. coffee1.gif

Anyway, very tragic news. Not the first time (innocent Jewish targets in the west have been attacked many times over the years) and unfortunately not the last time either.

You really are a disgrace. False flag first - commiserations second.

It is not a disgrace, but a fair observation. Whenever a horrific act such as this occurs, the first response of those with a bias is to blame the victims or to suggest that they were responsible. The most recent examples were the failed attacks by the Iranians in Bangkok and the comments about the ongoing barrage of missiles and rockets against Israel. In this case, because the accused has been identified and has admitted to his acts, it is hard to trot out the usual "false flag" excuse.

In addition to the school kids were the 3 French military personnel (out of uniform) that were shot in their backs. We now see the nature of Al Q. terrorists and why this is not about politics but a fight between right and wrong.

You also forgot the indecent haste to make political capital out of the tragic shooting of Afghan citizens by a U.S marine. Actually it was asked in said case whether there were any warning signs which could have alerted those in charge and incredibly the same definitely applies here as the French were supposed to be watching the murderer, but evidently not close enough seeing as he managed to murder 7 people.

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I await the chorus of condemnation from moderate Imans stating that no political cause can possibly justify the cold blooded murder of children due to their religion.

i wonder what language "Imans" speak.

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Oh Lord when i am the reasonable one saying KEEP ON TOPIC, snowmen have taken over hell. Pretty sensitive issue, no?

Quite correct Food lover ,but as Naam started the snowball rolling, pitifully pointing out a member's simple mistake ,cos he was grasping at straws and could not come up with a sensible answer , just thought I would bring it to members attention ,for me only the lowest of the low point out a simple error in either grammar or Spelling ,as long as the message comes through loud and clear which is undoubtedly to Dan's credit, that,s good enough for me. Edited by Colin Yai
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I want to add a note of condolence for the murdered Rabbi, Jonathan Sandler, who was only 30. While not a child, and understandably murdered children get most of our sympathy, the rabbi didn't deserve to be murdered either. He wasn't chopped liver.

Edited by Jingthing
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You really are a disgrace. False flag first - commiserations second.

Quite possibly you haven't been closely following the context of my comment about false flag accusations in relation to other threads here about the middle east conflict. In any case, I don't think you are justified to make such a blanket blatant personal insult. I suggest in future if you don't agree with something that you criticize the content and not try to demonize the person making the statement.

I suggest in future if you don't agree with something that you criticize the content and not try to demonize the person making the statement.

Try taking a leaf out of your own book Jingthing, how many people on here do you brand as anti semitic, racist blah blah blah. Talk about pot calling kettle black rolleyes.gif Do you think anyone can follow the context of your posts when you try to cram in a 100 a day? Is the mantra quantity not quality?

Colin Yai

for me only the lowest of the low point out a simple error in either grammar or Spelling

Cor blimey you need to get a life, the lowest of the low eh!

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