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Getting A 15 Day Extension On A 60-Day Extension

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I have a feeling the answer to this is no but don't want to make sure before doing a border run.

I anticipated returning to the US for a couple weeks at the start of April but now have pushed it back until later in April. I currently have a 60-day extension based on marriage to a Thai on my 30-day entry permit that expires on the 5th.

Is it possible to go to immigration and get a 15-day (or any kind/length) extension on the 5th?

Thanks in advance for any knowledgeable replies/advice.

Edited by Crossy
clarified reason for extension
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On a different but similar topic ... I am here just about all the time but almost always have to return to the US for meeting every quarter. Usually the 30-day plus 60 day extension works out fine and seems to be the easiest and cheapest way for me to go. I realize there are other options available but do any make more sense? 1,100 baht and 1 trip to immigration for a total stay of 3-months (90 days) seems seems the best way in my mind but it is just a pain when I end up not having to go back that quarter or run into a situation where my meeting gets pushed back a couple weeks.

In my mind a tourist visa would give me the same for more money but at least I could always extend that by 60-days if I run into the same problem and it also allows me at least 1 trip back into the country without a return ticket ... but just a pain leaving the country for a day and there is no Thai embassies close to me in the US. So, I was thinking more along the lines of an "O" Visa but not sure if those are multi entry and or the costs to keep it active and get re-entry permits.

Again, any thoughts would be appreciated.

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I'm confused, on what basis are you geting 60 day extensions and what ype of visa did you enter on?

It is a 60-day extension based on marriage. It is an extension of a 30-day entry permit but I don't believe what it is extending is relevant once you get the extension based on taking care of family (wife). What I am 99.9% sure of is you cannot get a back to back 60-day extension but just not positive if I can get a standard 15-day extension or if there is another way to get an extra couple weeks at immigration.

Edited by Nisa
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immigration would not allow me 15 days , only 7 days .

so i think you had better prepare for a border run .

no fun , another page on my passport used up.violin.gif

SH@T!!! Why was I thinking it was 15-days. You are talking about the standard extension anyone can get when you go to immigration right? I must have got it confused with a 15-day land border crossing.

The good news is I found out I can send somebody to the US Embassy (i don't have to go in person) to get pages added since I am out. This I just saw on their web site. I guess I have something for my daughter to do to earn a few hundred baht on one of her days off from the university. Just too bad I can't send somebody to do the border run for me .. I actually know one of the border run guys (companies) will do it for me but I am just so concerned about them running into a problem (not sure if it is legal) and getting my passport confiscated because I have to make this meeting in the US next month. It is not the money or even the time as much as I just hate the drive or more so the drivers that drive the mini vans. It is like gambling with your life to get some extra days here. I've never tried Jack Gulf but I hear he runs an actual full size bus but not sure if that is for the overnight (tourist visa) runs or if he does that for the 15-day border crossing runs too. I guess I could check them out, I just hate those mini bus drivers passing cars on hills and blind curves going way too fast ... especially after reading about all the accidents in those vans that seem to occur regularly.

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Apply for a one year multi-entry "O" based on your marriage at Savanakhet, Laos, Each entry would be valid for a stay of upto 90 days, unlimited entries, so need for re-entry permits.

Thanks!! Is there a reason why Laos as opposed to Cambodia? And is this something you need to leave the country to do .. I can't get an O at immigration? I briefly looked into the requirements (proof of income, marriage ...) but I thought (assumed) I did this all at immigration here in Bangkok.

I also thought you needed to go to immigration and pay to get a re-entry permit (or whatever it is called) if you wanted to leave the country. I will definitely look more into this but if you don't mind sharing a bit more ...

Do you have to leave the country every 90-days or can you just do the address update if I was not going back that period (90-days) ?

If I do it in Laos, do I need to bring my wife?

I am not sure I need to bring her when I get the 90-day extensions but I do know they want copies of her ID and stuff and just kind of assumed she needed to be there with me. Can't remember if they have her sign anything but I think not.

And finally, do you happen to know if the Visa Run companies go to Savanakhet, Laos and if so, will they take care of filing the papers and stuff like they do for a tourist visa? I can call them myself but just wondering if you have ever done this yourself.


Edited by Nisa
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1. Only one 60 day extension is available without a new entry.

2. Only 7 days would be available and that might require ticket he does not have (out within that time).

3. A border run for 15 day visa exempt seems prudent.

4. As married to a Thai take marriage certificate with you to obtain a multi entry non immigrant O visa from Thai Consulate in US. Much better than tourist and up to 90 days stay on each entry for one year it is valid. I would also take signed/dated copies of her ID card and home register but they may not be required in US. Also always good to have short note asking for visa to be issued as helps prove relationship is ongoing (main concern of visa issue folks). You can do by mail to Portland or other location if not near a Consulate.

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