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My Wife Has Struma And We Are Worried.....


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For 20 years my wife has struma. Her cervix is " filled well" and better than mine. The thyroid gland is bigger than usual but the composition is smooth, even, no bulging. It is not growing for years and years.

We have visited a general practitioner in Khon Kaen and she wanted an 'echo' and the result is this....

Abnormal result. The study showed multiple inhomogeneous echoic solid masses at bilateral thyroid lobes size 6,9 mm to 26,5 mm. Hypervascular appearance is seen. There were a few subcentrimeter middle cervical nodes enlargement>>nonspecific finding. The skin and nipples are intact. Impression: multiple solid thyroid masses.

We got a bloodtest also and the chemistry lab says...

Free T4 1,2, normal 0,7 to 1,8 ng/dl

Total T3 113,8, normal 61 to 177 ng/dl

TSH 0,48 normal 0,50 en 5 ulU/ml.

This is not abnormal ?

We are a bit worried about the words 'hypervascular appearance'.

The general practitioner does not give any medication until the throat doctor has taken a biopsy and has this tested for cancer.

Is this normal ? Are these figures normal ? Does hypervascular appearance mean that there is cancer ?

I appreciate your opinion. And I apologize for my poor English.

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The thyroid function is normal.

The hypervascularity does not necessarily mean cancer, more than half of hypervascular thyroid nodules are benign. However the only way to be sure is through biopsy.

Need to be sure to be treated by a specialist in thyroid disorders. Should be able to find one at Kon Kaen University Hospital.

good luck

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A straight, simple to understand reply from Sheryl which should greatly reduce OP's anxiety. Wonder why the doctor or the hospital could not have explained this to them.

is Sheryl Thai ??

She is one amazing lady who has helped me a lot since moving here! jap.gif

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