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Should I Do It


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If the decision is a go, there IS a visa issue for five years. The most obvious tactic is to use the ED visa studying Thai for four hours a week. The qualifying schools are generally in more expensive areas, not in the sticks. But more expensive is relative. How to make the ED visa last for five years? That a technical visa issue that could be challenging.

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You are the same age as me and I can't imagine working in a prison at this time of my life (or any other to be honest)..I would get out asap and do some studies for something you can make some money from such as teaching or IT and have a long vacation getting your head right and thinking about the future. You could spend the colder months in Thailand and the summer months at home making some extra money until you feel it's time to move for good.

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A lot of good advice but my worry is that a man who is depressed with his work will replace it with next to nothing other than sun sea sand and girls.

OP if you do make the move then stick to those and be careful of the last one. Don't take up a drinking hobby.

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You are the same age as me and I can't imagine working in a prison at this time of my life (or any other to be honest)..I would get out asap and do some studies for something you can make some money from such as teaching or IT and have a long vacation getting your head right and thinking about the future. You could spend the colder months in Thailand and the summer months at home making some extra money until you feel it's time to move for good.

Oh please. The chances the OP is qualified to work in IT or teaching are slight. Also, long term maintaining two bases, the U.S.A. and abroad is going to be prohibitively expensive.
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A lot of good advice but my worry is that a man who is depressed with his work will replace it with next to nothing other than sun sea sand and girls.

OP if you do make the move then stick to those and be careful of the last one. Don't take up a drinking hobby.

Depressed? There is plenty of Prozac for sale in Thailand, too.
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I am somewhat inclined to say go for it, but it might be advisable to keep on working for a couple of years and maybe during that time to take some vacations to other countries you might be interested in relocating to. There are a lot of places in South and Central America that you might be interested in, for example Costa Rica. It wouldn't hurt to check out some other places and perhaps the excitement of checking out various locations might help you to keep your head on straight.

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A lot of good advice but my worry is that a man who is depressed with his work will replace it with next to nothing other than sun sea sand and girls.

OP if you do make the move then stick to those and be careful of the last one. Don't take up a drinking hobby.

Depressed? There is plenty of Prozac for sale in Thailand, too.

You suggest he should move because of the lax rules in pharmacies in Thailand?

I suspect you've had a good evening JT.

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OP. You have a government job. Can you take a leave of absence for a year? Come to LOS, live for a year or so, and make a decision from there?

I did it at 46, for the same reasons.

+1....Best idea yet!

I believe there is another member on TV that did move here from the same situation although not from the US...

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I hope the O.P make the right decision.... Thailand does have other places of intrest other than bars bars and more bar areas also has other neighbouring cheaper countrys aside,doesnt mean once he lands hes stuck there by any standards.......like some say a teerak will have plans for spend spend spend if he goes down that track.......

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I hope the O.P make the right decision.... Thailand does have other places of intrest other than bars bars and more bar areas also has other neighbouring cheaper countrys aside,doesnt mean once he lands hes stuck there by any standards.......like some say a teerak will have plans for spend spend spend if he goes down that track.......

Exactly right!

To the OP may I also suggest you read the Family and children & Marriage and divorce sections of Thai Visa to familiarise yourself with what can happen in the LOS but a good many foreigners are testament to living a very happy existence if you are sensible.

Good luck to you!

Edited by edwinclapham
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You are the same age as me and I can't imagine working in a prison at this time of my life (or any other to be honest)..I would get out asap and do some studies for something you can make some money from such as teaching or IT and have a long vacation getting your head right and thinking about the future. You could spend the colder months in Thailand and the summer months at home making some extra money until you feel it's time to move for good.

Oh please. The chances the OP is qualified to work in IT or teaching are slight. Also, long term maintaining two bases, the U.S.A. and abroad is going to be prohibitively expensive.

You are correct....I would not be good or qualified in those areas of work
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You are correct....I would not be good or qualified in those areas of work

I don;t think this has been asked yet. Have you been to Thailand before?

What sort of a lifestyle are you expecting?

Do yo have any idea of how you will occupy yourself once you get here (study, travel, hobbies?)

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youll probably end up another sad case. Drinking like crazy and whoring. You simply do not have enough and when inflation really hits youll be same as those sad forang trying to scrounge a drink of other forang and moaning about their lot.

Edited by joey88tc
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It could be argued that suggesting the OP stay in that hell on earth job one minute longer than absolutely necessary is schadenfreude.

It could, but it wouldn't stack up.

In the states he has options to change it. By moving to Thailand with his current resources, he doesn't.

Again I repeat, encouraging someone to throw all their limited life savings away to be in Thailand without capital begind you - particularly at such a young age and in the emotional state he is in - is very very dangerous.

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You are correct....I would not be good or qualified in those areas of work

I don;t think this has been asked yet. Have you been to Thailand before?

What sort of a lifestyle are you expecting?

Do yo have any idea of how you will occupy yourself once you get here (study, travel, hobbies?)

I have been going over 4 or 5 times a year since 2007....
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It could be argued that suggesting the OP stay in that hell on earth job one minute longer than absolutely necessary is schadenfreude.

It could, but it wouldn't stack up.

In the states he has options to change it. By moving to Thailand with his current resources, he doesn't.

Again I repeat, encouraging someone to throw all their limited life savings away to be in Thailand without capital begind you - particularly at such a young age and in the emotional state he is in - is very very dangerous.

@ jingthing thanks for understanding how difficult the job can be..maybe you or someone close to you have had to walk in those shoes....

@bendix thanks very much for the passion of trying not to let someone that you dont even know make what you beleive could be a big mistake.........and about my emotional state....it is excellent...im just very anxious to start a new chapter of my life

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Just class it has a long holiday........ Evaluate your current standings at the time........ Leave some $$$$$ in the states for back up........don't burn your bridges........ Recharge OP ........ Recharge

Just class it has a long holiday........ Evaluate your current standings at the time........ Leave some $$$$$ in the states for back up........don't burn your bridges........ Recharge OP ........ Recharge

good advice
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You are correct....I would not be good or qualified in those areas of work

I don;t think this has been asked yet. Have you been to Thailand before?

What sort of a lifestyle are you expecting?

Do yo have any idea of how you will occupy yourself once you get here (study, travel, hobbies?)

I have been going over 4 or 5 times a year since 2007....

Ok, you're a big boy, you will have enough money to live a reasonable lifestyle and have been her often enough to have seen all the traps and learn't a few tricks.

Knock yourself out and enjoy.

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youll probably end up another sad case. Drinking like crazy and whoring. You simply do not have enough and when inflation really hits youll be same as those sad forang trying to scrounge a drink of other forang and moaning about their lot.

Posts like ^^^^ really are pretty sick. Presumptuous and pretty insulting but I guess you always get one!

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Thats plenty, go for it.

But what are actually going to do here?

start by clearing my head out.......getting negativity out of my life

I hear you mate I work in an Australian prison and although not the extremes of a US prison the job can get you down.

I work in a pradominately Aboriginal prison and they all want to act like the Afro American gangsters and when I say act that is exactly what I mean a bunch of Di#k Heads.

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youll probably end up another sad case. Drinking like crazy and whoring. You simply do not have enough and when inflation really hits youll be same as those sad forang trying to scrounge a drink of other forang and moaning about their lot.

Posts like ^^^^ really are pretty sick. Presumptuous and pretty insulting but I guess you always get one!

Saying it as a warning or staement is ok....The problem is he started it with the word "youll" which is directed at me...And the point he makes about "when inflation really hits" I have known people from all walks of life and integrity and self respect has nothing to do with wealth....
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@ jingthing thanks for understanding how difficult the job can be..maybe you or someone close to you have had to walk in those shoes....

@bendix thanks very much for the passion of trying not to let someone that you dont even know make what you beleive could be a big mistake.........and about my emotional state....it is excellent...im just very anxious to start a new chapter of my life

I have known people from all walks of life and integrity and self respect has nothing to do with wealth....

Excellent replies. You sound like you have your head screwed on and will eventually make the right decision for you.

I suggest you come over here on as long a holiday as you can manage, and really look around for places to live. Explore the costs, the things to keep you busy, visa options etc. Come here without the holiday hat on and really see the place. Talk to expats. Generally do more research. Use some of that cash you have to help you come to a decision, rather than possibly waste all of it.wai.gif

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It could be argued that suggesting the OP stay in that hell on earth job one minute longer than absolutely necessary is schadenfreude.

It could, but it wouldn't stack up.

In the states he has options to change it. By moving to Thailand with his current resources, he doesn't.

Again I repeat, encouraging someone to throw all their limited life savings away to be in Thailand without capital begind you - particularly at such a young age and in the emotional state he is in - is very very dangerous.

@ jingthing thanks for understanding how difficult the job can be..maybe you or someone close to you have had to walk in those shoes....

@bendix thanks very much for the passion of trying not to let someone that you dont even know make what you beleive could be a big mistake.........and about my emotional state....it is excellent...im just very anxious to start a new chapter of my life

Joey88tc: I will not tell you do or do not. But look at your current 65K$ funding... Think about how much money you need monthly when you live in Thailand and what costs you will have... because you will probably need an ED Visa (and therefore pay for a school), you would need rent, food... and double that amount if ever you would find a girl... and then think about how much of that money you have left when your pension kicks in...

Not much left in three years!! Coming here with 65K and no income will leave you with around a third of that money in 3 years... so think about how you would then survive if you found a girl (which is easy to find but maybe not so easy to keep once your money is gone...)

And remember that when you do what you think about doing, you will have pretty much burnt your bridges back home (finanially spoken)...

Is it worth that huge risk now or can you not find another job for another three years? I think that would be the solution I would go for...

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Lets do some math.......

$65.000 times exchange rate of 30 = 1.950.000 baht

divide with 3 years/36 months = 54.000 baht per month

IMO 30.000 baht per month is the minimum for a decent life here,

20.000 for basic expenses & 10.000 for gogo

btw most americans i know that live here in Pattaya makes less than 40.000 per month in pension

Edited by poanoi
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I understand where the OP is coming from. I barely made it to 51 and just had to apply for early retirement.

One thing that is being overlooked is the possibility of working in Thailand to supplement the pension. The OP could prepare and do TEFL/TESL or take a certificate in Hotel marketing or management in his home country before coming over and perhaps find work. That is my approach.

I'm very grateful for the OP's service. Keeping prisoners under guard means he is keeping the rest of us safe.

I say the OP should stretch it out to 50, save a bit more money and earn some kind of certificate that might allow him to work in Thailand. He might be qualified to be a tourist cop in the LOS too.

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Lets do some math.......

$65.000 times exchange rate of 30 = 1.950.000 baht

divide with 3 years/36 months = 54.000 baht per month

IMO 30.000 baht per month is the minimum for a decent life here,

20.000 for basic expenses & 10.000 for gogo

btw most americans i know that live here in Pattaya makes less than 40.000 per month in pension

You are right... and that is where the OP has the problem... assuming he is using 30K a month, this will leave him with only 500K left over after three years when his (first) pension kicks in... and he still does not qualify for retirement Visa... and if he is unlucky, the $ to B rate will be down to 20... giving him only 40K a month... so leaves him saving 10K a month for another two years => 240K plus the 500 is 740K => hardly enough for the retirement Visa...

I think it is a high risk going down such a narrow finacial road... SPECIALLY, the Op does not have any savings for emergency... and with 30K baht a month, this definitely does not include health insurance... so one accident, one severe health problem... he will be bust...

EDIT: and the op said "and take my time to hopefully meet a nice lady.." ... well... there goes the other 14K he has previously had left for savings... so completely bust when he is 48... only 2K$ pension... might not even qualify for retirement Visa...

Edited by Swiss1960
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It could be argued that suggesting the OP stay in that hell on earth job one minute longer than absolutely necessary is schadenfreude.

It could, but it wouldn't stack up.

In the states he has options to change it. By moving to Thailand with his current resources, he doesn't.

Again I repeat, encouraging someone to throw all their limited life savings away to be in Thailand without capital begind you - particularly at such a young age and in the emotional state he is in - is very very dangerous.

@ jingthing thanks for understanding how difficult the job can be..maybe you or someone close to you have had to walk in those shoes....

@bendix thanks very much for the passion of trying not to let someone that you dont even know make what you beleive could be a big mistake.........and about my emotional state....it is excellent...im just very anxious to start a new chapter of my life

No disrespect to Jinthing but, I'd listen to Bendix on this issue. Quite frankly, $65,000 isn't alot of savings for the rest of your life. I know you'll be getting other compensations in a few years, but also remember that you'll be needing health insurance, auto, rent, food...etc. It all adds up quickly. You might be comfortable for a few years but down the road you'll regret it. Just think when you get old and tired of Thailand and missing your real home; what will you have to fall back on?..All I'm saying is that you owe it to your self to think clearly before you act. This decision will effect the rest of your life so don't rush into harsh judgement because YOU HATE YOUR JOB.

We're about the same age and going through "almost" the same issue; except that I'm married. I would never think of moving to Thailand until I'm FULLY and COMPLETELY secured financially for the rest of my life. To risk mine & wife's future is unfathomable even though I'm dying to move there today. The way I figured it, Thailand will always be there waiting for me so no need to rush.

BTW, I also hate my my job and cringed everyday with the thought of going to work with a bunch of racist rednecks, but I tell my self that this place is serving my purpose; and that is to save up to move back to Thailand....breath breath breath....

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