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Ministerial Action Urged Over Vice TV Message 'Thailand Is The World's Brothel'


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There is no Prostitution in Thailand, how preposterous!!!!!!!! Especially in a country like thailand that prides itself on Buddhism being it's national religion. Lets see, what are the 5 basic precepts...1. No Killing or harming anyone. 2. No Stealing. 3. No lying for or coning people for personal gain,

4. No alcohol, and S-x outside the cultural norms of society. Prostitution! No Way!giggle.giflicklips.gifspamsign.gif

... http://s18.postimage.org/flkkzp71l/ghandi_principles.jpg

Edited by atyclb
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Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps I am. I am always willing to learn new things. If I gave you 1000 baht and told you to find a woman for sex but it had to be in a mall and in the day time. What country would you choose? And what city?

If you gave me the 1000 baht that would make me the prostitute! unsure.png

Not necessarily. You could be a Thai voter.

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True, but it's the world's largest low quality brothel.If there is a country in the world where most women are totally unskilled and uninteresd in sex, this is Thailand.It's easy to have sex in Thailand, but difficult to have good sex.It's easy to get into a relationship in Thailand, but difficult to get into a good ,meaningful,adult relationship.Any guy having experience with ' latina' will agree with me...

True, but it's the world's largest low quality brothel.If there is a country in the world where most women are totally unskilled and uninteresd in sex, this is Thailand.It's easy to have sex in Thailand, but difficult to have good sex.It's easy to get into a relationship in Thailand, but difficult to get into a good ,meaningful,adult relationship.Any guy having experience with ' latina' will agree with me...

So you must be a frequent visitor and having the looks of an old farang sex tourist!!! coffee1.gif Edited by LeeKat
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Two issues here

1. Isn't it time the Thai government and/or various political groups stopped the ingenuous posturing regarding the PR image of the Kingdom regarding prostitution? Prostitution is, has been, and always will be, merely a service job which thrives within any socio-economic environment offering few other options. As the oldest profession, It has no moral backdrop, no political affiliation or sexual bias. If you represent a nation as a government appointee, take a look first at your educational system, your empowerment culture for all genders/sexual preferences, the values you impart to the next generation regarding materialism, sexuality, inequality and opportunity. First and foremost, take a long hard look, with your sons and daughters in mind, at both government and parental responsibility/provision; legal enforcement; role modelling; and how your national policy assists, promotes and affords a lifestyle which makes prostitution redundant.

Then, take your argument to the media and try to change the image.

The facts are that the consumers of such a socio-economic culture are not the problem; supply and demand are intimate and symbiotic partners in this exchange. It is the job of the nation, its government and cultural representatives to tailor its reality to prevent this kind of prevalent SEA/Pattaya PR.

Simply, educate the population to raise the bar for its children, and most importantly, offer social/financial support for the most vulnerable groups in society: especially women and children of both genders.

2. The second issue is less wordy. Anyone: male, female, other, of all nationalities: look at your life and your choices. Not against any highly moral or religious backdrop: that is every person's own choice and private concern. Simply, to participants of this forum (and I am looking at the banner Ad right now on this forum as I type...asking me which AsianBeauty.com I prefer ?? ) why respond to this kind of news with some kind of morbid pissing competition as to whether Pattaya, Hanoi or Mexico City is, in fact, the biggest brothel?? Don't you have some laundry to do, or something???

Thanks for reminding me about my laundry lady. She is a cutie and I haven't done her in a while. Now maybe there are laundries in other countries that offer the same services as my laundry lady in Thailand does, namely; booze, slot machines and sex but I have not seen them. I did hear of one in the States that did business at a truck stop like that. Same labor pool. Not quite the same market. Long haul truckers and bored housewives. It is a good business model, if you think about it. Low initial cash outlay.

Low intelligence outlay, no need to think about it.

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18) Not to discuss the specifics of prostitution.Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgment of that fact is not forbidden. However ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.


They mean telling people how to find it, or trying to actually pander, via TVF.

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Well now, If a woman gave me a 1000 Baht for sex, I would consider my self do lucky. And after we were finished, I would ask her for another 200 Baht for a taxi home.passifier.giflicklips.gifgiggle.gifcowboy.gif

you could tell her that your grandmother died AGAIN, or the buffalo are sick, she would feel very sorry for you,as she would never have heard of these excuses before. Believe me if you were Mr.universe your not gonna get nothing. and if she did pay you she would have to be certified as a mental nutter. ( that is not intended to be personal) just fact here in general.

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This perception won't go away until taxi drivers stop offering services, or you don't get offered something around the pool at the Hilton in Pattaya (a little shocking for a 5 start hotel) as happened to a relative of mine, or your caddie doesn't give out her phone number offering a bit at the 19th hole. It is everywhere, freely available even from apparently the most innocuous places and this adds to the perception above and beyond looking at the red light districts alone.

In other words the perception won't go away until the overall prosperity of Thailand has increased to the point where most women can make a good living to support their families without going on the game. Of course the industry will continue to flourish, but by then there will be other more poor countries to fill the role in the top perception slot.

Maybe North Korea as it starts to open up?

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This perception won't go away until taxi drivers stop offering services, or you don't get offered something around the pool at the Hilton in Pattaya (a little shocking for a 5 start hotel) as happened to a relative of mine, or your caddie doesn't give out her phone number offering a bit at the 19th hole. It is everywhere, freely available even from apparently the most innocuous places and this adds to the perception above and beyond looking at the red light districts alone.

In other words the perception won't go away until the overall prosperity of Thailand has increased to the point where most women can make a good living to support their families without going on the game. Of course the industry will continue to flourish, but by then there will be other more poor countries to fill the role in the top perception slot.

Maybe North Korea as it starts to open up?

I met a guy like you who told me the same thing the first time I got to Thailand. I came here by way of Singapore and Taiwan. At the time in 1968 Singapore and Taiwan were very much like Thailand when it came to available women.

Now there are still available women in Singapore and Taiwan and if you get just a little ways out of downtown not that much difference than 40 years ago. Hmmm. I guess what I am saying is that nothing much has changed in the past 40 years. Hmmmm.

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This perception won't go away until taxi drivers stop offering services, or you don't get offered something around the pool at the Hilton in Pattaya (a little shocking for a 5 start hotel) as happened to a relative of mine, or your caddie doesn't give out her phone number offering a bit at the 19th hole. It is everywhere, freely available even from apparently the most innocuous places and this adds to the perception above and beyond looking at the red light districts alone.

In other words the perception won't go away until the overall prosperity of Thailand has increased to the point where most women can make a good living to support their families without going on the game. Of course the industry will continue to flourish, but by then there will be other more poor countries to fill the role in the top perception slot.

Maybe North Korea as it starts to open up?

yes and Myanmar? BTW there is no sign of NK 'opening up'

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Why is it always "insulting to Thais" if one speaks the truth?

On another note, for what achievement did Nathee receive that trophy in front of him embellished with what appears to be a golden condom?

it's insulting because nobody would like to hear their country known as the 'world's brothel'

it's easy enough to understand i find.

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yes and Myanmar? BTW there is no sign of NK 'opening up'

I know that, I was talking about some imaginary distant future in both cases.

I think Burma is promising in many ways, but my impression is that the powers that be are unlikely to relax their laws forbidding foreign marriages. It's possible that a future more democratic regime may do so, but that's anyone's guess at this point.

Of course if you find a girl willing to run away with you and abandon her home and country, but that's just as true as NK, just a bit more difficult.

A Burmese from Rangoon without any paperwork can buy a ticket to Bangkok for THB11,500, including paying off the border guards and police.

Just don't make any false promises, or you're guilty of trafficking, and that's just as much a media/political hot button as paedophilia these days. . .

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