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Racism Against Farangs


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The last 24 hrs I've had to fend off (with thanks and good humour) 4 different people, complete strangers, who were falling all over themselves to help me (assuming that I spoke no Thai in shop/restaurant/pub/etc.). It's because they were racist!!! I should've clubbed 'em with my flip-flops. rolleyes.gif

You lost me. What makes you think they were racist?

I think he was joking...at the expense of the OP.

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Because of your choices in your daily life you are perhaps meeting with a greater mix of uneducated folk than the average Westerner. If you were to mix with a greater amount of uneducated folk in your home country (or folk uneducated to the same extent) you may find yourself facing very similar hostilities or lack of acceptance. No one is simply bothered about your environmental, animal kindness and organic efforts. The hospitals etc might however see the negative and conclude you are draining the system you have no paid in to. You may simply be an enigma to the bus drivers who have no comprehension of why you are not taking a taxi, that might simply be more of a suggestion...

But, to live a life you have chosen in Thailand, or I suspect any other country as a foreigner, you will need to have thick skin.

I think you may be onto something there. I too have noticed that the greatest level of racism is from the lower socio econonic group., but I am starting to think maybe it isnt race bias but a wealth bias. However, this cant be openly shown to rich Thais as they have power, control and connections. But we farrangs are a soft target to vent their frustrations on and this increase in racusm is actually increasd frustration due to economic stress caused by inflation.

I think you're right

A friend told me that, for Thai people, we are only here to sucked off our money.

A farang is accepted as long as he spends money, as soon as we are seen as "poor" or less rich, we become unwelcome

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Fascinating story by the OP . If only she could spend 20k on poor Thais or find a family to adopt instead of wasting it on soi dogs.

Human lifes are more important to save . 20k would help a lot of people in the Bangkok slums...

I live cheap to , travel with local buses and trains , never had a problem , mostly smiles wherever I go .

My dog was in serious trouble and eventually died last month, it took 5 trips to various ER services of vet hospital to actually get the diagnostic. the 20k was spent to save his life and I met many other thai people who spent that much on their animals here.

It has nothing with being not thai

This is buddhist country, every life is precious

Stop judging people

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I'll get in on the Thai vs. Chinese thing for a moment.

First of all, WHAT is a Thai person? Is it an Isaan person, a Southerner, one of the 'sea gypsies', or someone half-Cambodian? Or is it only the 'central' population? I don't think Skinner had any clue.

Second of all, WHAT is a Chinese person? Good lord, people say 'China' as if it were the same as 'Germany' (where everyone is of course exactly the same, as everyone knows <------- humour alert). 'China' is a potpourri of different regions, countries, and peoples as various as the whole of Europe! Who the heck was Skinner picking to be 'Chinese'? I bet he had no clue about this either.

And frankly, the way I tell the Thais and Chinese apart mostly is behavioural (if we're talking about 1st generation Chinese). And frankly, the group of Chinese that have mostly come here DO differ from the Thai in physical appearance and it is not all that hard to see those differences in many people who are only 2nd or 3rd generation, any more than it is hard to see the difference in kids from European/Thai marriages.

And none of this is saying that any humans are of any race at all other than human.

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Because of your choices in your daily life you are perhaps meeting with a greater mix of uneducated folk than the average Westerner. If you were to mix with a greater amount of uneducated folk in your home country (or folk uneducated to the same extent) you may find yourself facing very similar hostilities or lack of acceptance. No one is simply bothered about your environmental, animal kindness and organic efforts. The hospitals etc might however see the negative and conclude you are draining the system you have no paid in to. You may simply be an enigma to the bus drivers who have no comprehension of why you are not taking a taxi, that might simply be more of a suggestion...

But, to live a life you have chosen in Thailand, or I suspect any other country as a foreigner, you will need to have thick skin.

I think you may be onto something there. I too have noticed that the greatest level of racism is from the lower socio econonic group., but I am starting to think maybe it isnt race bias but a wealth bias. However, this cant be openly shown to rich Thais as they have power, control and connections. But we farrangs are a soft target to vent their frustrations on and this increase in racusm is actually increasd frustration due to economic stress caused by inflation.

I think you're right

A friend told me that, for Thai people, we are only here to sucked off our money.

A farang is accepted as long as he spends money, as soon as we are seen as "poor" or less rich, we become unwelcome

You have to be a troll.

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And KerryK, really. I'm surprised (or maybe not?) you needed it pointed out I was joking, especially with my line about flip-flops!!! What's been going on in this thread?!?

I knew you were kidding. I didn't know if I should respond because I called one of the posters racist because of his skin color comments and the usual stuff. The thread really got off topic because of the Thai Chinese thing.

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The last 24 hrs I've had to fend off (with thanks and good humour) 4 different people, complete strangers, who were falling all over themselves to help me (assuming that I spoke no Thai in shop/restaurant/pub/etc.). It's because they were racist!!! I should've clubbed 'em with my flip-flops. rolleyes.gif

Thank you to close/remove this topic as I feel it has turned into constant mocking or personal attacks.

If even moderators join in to mock my sharing of experience and question my ability to judge the experience I share, I prefer to stop.

I respect everyone's view and I expect all to do the same with me, unfortunately I realize this not possible here.

Sorry to the few who actually answered honestly.

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And KerryK, really. I'm surprised (or maybe not?) you needed it pointed out I was joking, especially with my line about flip-flops!!! What's been going on in this thread?!?

Hey mod. I have an idea. How about putting this thread to bed. mfr_closed1.gif

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