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Wat Kamala Restored


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Wat Kamala Restored

December 15, 2005

A number of temples and mosques were damaged by the December 26th tsunami, but they have been restored and improved, Wat Kamala or Kamala temple is one of them. Today the temple is in very good condition and ready to be a sanctuary for people from all walks of life. Our special report today takes you to visit the village temple.

The faded mark of sea water on the face of the Buddha image in the chapel at a local temple in Kamala can still be seen. It clearly tells how high the water was on December 26th in this area.

The tidal waves left 7 buildings of the temple damaged and claimed 3 monks’ lives.

One year after the incident, the temple has been reconstructed and restored to be an outstanding monastery for local villagers and visitors to visit and pay respect at.

The rapid restoration of this temple owed much to several organizations and individuals. So far it has cost around 10 million baht for the restoration. These contributions include some from Australia through a famous television show, Canada and Thailand as well as expats who fell in love with the village they live in and are proud to lend a hand in times of crisis: Like Peter Lyons, a British national, resident of Phuket: He is only one example, a good example as Kamala people say.

This brand new two-storey Thai style monk cell is designed by Australian architects and situated behind the sermon hall. A small garden was put in to add a pleasant site for people who come to seek peace of mind and a friendly relaxing feeling.

The abbot said after the temple was restored, mural pictures telling the Lord Buddha’s biography were remade. All in all, the temple is now fully revived with eight monks staying there and ready to perform religious ceremonies according to Buddhist practices for all.

source: http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=154601

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