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'Maybe They All Must Die First': Thai Analysis


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CalgaryII for the umptyzillionth time, the Government was not stolen from the Reds! Had your messiah not been so busy trying to rob as much money as possible from the Thai people during his tenure as PM and not been paving the way for a communist coup of his own, the country would not be in the mess it is in now. Prem did what was required and his stools contain a greater sense of duty than that combined in Thaksin's entire family.

Saying "see ya at election time" would be almost the right thing to say, but more appropriately "see you at election time during which time we will not be able to bribe, bully and coerce the disadvanted poor in the North, nor will we be allowed to make pre election promises that have been plucked from the 'ideas box' at the local Cubs and Brownies annual Ging Gang Gooley celebrations. Furthermore any MP subsequently elected to either house will face the full force of Thai law should they be found to be involved in misappropriation of funds and assets during their time in Government". Maybe we might start on the road to reconcilliation then!!

The Gentleman in the OP is absolutely correct, this lot will need to die first. What we need to consider is how to stop their offspring repeating the same treasonous behaviour when they 'inherit' their parents Parliamentary seats.

Thaksin was planning a communist coup? This is something only an american would say. Your european compatriots call Thaksin a right wing neo con. Please pick a label and reach a common point of pettiness.

I take it you agree with the rest of his post.

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This is according to Democrats, but one guy prepared several homemade bombs, he threw a couple at the local bank, then one exploded in his hands severely injuring him. How unfortunate, but the current government paid millions in compensation.

Are they going to pay that Iranian dude, too? He only has to prove that his bomb throwing was political in nature.

Actually two cases aren't the same. The red shirt guy really believed that bombing banks was just and fair, the Iranian dude knew it was wrong.

The problem for the country going forward is admitting that bombing banks is just and fair, they just don't want to admit that it has come to this. They, the Democrats and others, want to keep an illusion that there's still respect for the "old" law in this country. No, there isn't. The old sense of right and wrong is just old, the new standard is that one who wins elections makes the rules.

"The problem for the country going forward is admitting that bombing banks is just and fair,"

Did you mean not just and fair

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CalgaryII for the umptyzillionth time, the Government was not stolen from the Reds! Had your messiah not been so busy trying to rob as much money as possible from the Thai people during his tenure as PM and not been paving the way for a communist coup of his own, the country would not be in the mess it is in now. Prem did what was required and his stools contain a greater sense of duty than that combined in Thaksin's entire family.

Saying "see ya at election time" would be almost the right thing to say, but more appropriately "see you at election time during which time we will not be able to bribe, bully and coerce the disadvanted poor in the North, nor will we be allowed to make pre election promises that have been plucked from the 'ideas box' at the local Cubs and Brownies annual Ging Gang Gooley celebrations. Furthermore any MP subsequently elected to either house will face the full force of Thai law should they be found to be involved in misappropriation of funds and assets during their time in Government". Maybe we might start on the road to reconcilliation then!!

The Gentleman in the OP is absolutely correct, this lot will need to die first. What we need to consider is how to stop their offspring repeating the same treasonous behaviour when they 'inherit' their parents Parliamentary seats.

Thaksin was planning a communist coup? This is something only an american would say. Your european compatriots call Thaksin a right wing neo con. Please pick a label and reach a common point of pettiness.

Can you try and make a serious effort to grow up? I know it would not automatically make you any wiser but it would hopefully make you less infantile. I understand from your avatar name that you are very confused but do try anyway.

Do you think he could be senile?

Is that why he wants his slippers to be fetched?

Or mabye he got a fever.

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"The problem for the country going forward is admitting that bombing banks is just and fair,"

Did you mean not just and fair

No, that's what I meant - bombing banks and robbing 7-elevens is just and fair if you feel like doing it. Democrats base their values on what the generation from some twenty years ago thought was right and wrong. Now the values have shifted, old anchors do not matter anymore, rules are made as you go, corruption is widely acceptable and everything is right if people like Thaksin say it is so.

This is the generation of rights and entitlement without any responsibilities, if anything, Thaksin will take care of the bill. Simple arithmetics of where his undeclared money had come from goes over people's heads. They believe it's the best way - let someone steal it first, that way he will have something to spend on the betterment of the society if he so desires.

Just imagine if he didn't steal anything? Where would all the money to help the poor could have come from?

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The wrold sucks now, I admit.... But To wish anybody death is IMO a little harsh,...If politicians were dead, there would be the absolute chaos in the world, where people can do anything they want even if it means to kill someone... Have you ever thought about that, folks???

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The wrold sucks now, I admit.... But To wish anybody death is IMO a little harsh,...If politicians were dead, there would be the absolute chaos in the world, where people can do anything they want even if it means to kill someone... Have you ever thought about that, folks???

Don't worry Max, there a plenty more Slimeballs to take their place. IMHO politicians should be conscripted to the job with a set, short term of office. Anybody who volunteers should automatically be exclude.

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He's hit the nail on the head. Kids in the playground are more mature than these jokers

That's true, but Jokers are generally funny - these lot are far from funny. Moronic springs to mind.

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When I saw Sanan talking to Sorayut on his Channel 3 evening programme the other day and saying that if only General Prem and Thaksin could meet up, then these 2 pooyai (senior, important) people could solve the reconciliation issue, I felt disheartened.by the old fashioned, patronising attitudesso often displayed by these dinosaurs.

Only the rule of law and facing up to the consequences of one's actions will help the country move forward.

Sonthi Limtongkun's guilty verdict regarding financial dishonesty was recently upheld in the Appeals Court, the final verdict- The Supreme Court's- shoud be heard in approx 2 years. Apparently he's been laying off staff from his papers and I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave Thailand soon.

Let both Sonthis, Sanan, Sanoh join Thaksin in an oasis in the desert in Dubai never to be heard of again

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CalgaryII for the umptyzillionth time, the Government was not stolen from the Reds! Had your messiah not been so busy trying to rob as much money as possible from the Thai people during his tenure as PM and not been paving the way for a communist coup of his own, the country would not be in the mess it is in now. Prem did what was required and his stools contain a greater sense of duty than that combined in Thaksin's entire family.

Saying "see ya at election time" would be almost the right thing to say, but more appropriately "see you at election time during which time we will not be able to bribe, bully and coerce the disadvanted poor in the North, nor will we be allowed to make pre election promises that have been plucked from the 'ideas box' at the local Cubs and Brownies annual Ging Gang Gooley celebrations. Furthermore any MP subsequently elected to either house will face the full force of Thai law should they be found to be involved in misappropriation of funds and assets during their time in Government". Maybe we might start on the road to reconcilliation then!!

The Gentleman in the OP is absolutely correct, this lot will need to die first. What we need to consider is how to stop their offspring repeating the same treasonous behaviour when they 'inherit' their parents Parliamentary seats.

Thaksin was planning a communist coup? This is something only an american would say. Your european compatriots call Thaksin a right wing neo con. Please pick a label and reach a common point of pettiness.

I am European and don't call him a right wing neo con.

But even if he would be a right wing neo con he could plan a communist coup. That is not contradicting each other. You don't need to be a communist to use communists to make a coup.

Just that commies and right wing is a bit 1970s ...things are more difficult these days.....

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When I saw Sanan talking to Sorayut on his Channel 3 evening programme the other day and saying that if only General Prem and Thaksin could meet up, then these 2 pooyai (senior, important) people could solve the reconciliation issue, I felt disheartened.by the old fashioned, patronising attitudesso often displayed by these dinosaurs.

Only the rule of law and facing up to the consequences of one's actions will help the country move forward.

Sonthi Limtongkun's guilty verdict regarding financial dishonesty was recently upheld in the Appeals Court, the final verdict- The Supreme Court's- shoud be heard in approx 2 years. Apparently he's been laying off staff from his papers and I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave Thailand soon.

Let both Sonthis, Sanan, Sanoh join Thaksin in an oasis in the desert in Dubai never to be heard of again

Well Thaksin is in Dubai, but still makes a lot troubles.....

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Can you even imagine a popular movement to overturn guilty verdicts against Sondhi? He is/was yellow leader for some time but, unlike Thaksin, he didn't create a movement in his own honor.

Plenty of people who joined hims don't mind if he ends up bankrupt or even in jail, people that put the law first and foremost, not personalities.

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The fact of the matter is that Thaksin doesn't fit into the old left-right paradigm, as he clearly uses populist rhetoric and policies to get into power but never really does any social restructuring to reshape it into something, atleast he, thinks is better for all. The aim is to get power, enrich themselves and stay in power. A populist, with links to other corporatist including strong ties to the Carlyle group. A coup or re-shaping would be to further make it a authoritarian rule, not specifically right or left wing.

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"The very people who are calling for reconciliation do not want to actually be reconciled with their enemies," said Wasant"

At least it has been shown by 'word and deed' who is interested in Reconciliation, and who is not. Those seeking what they cannot get via other means, such as elections, and when that doesn't work, take their 'ball and bat and go home'......... Just put it in a perspective of one-on-one..... If you were a Red Shirt, are you expected to seek reconciliation with a guy who looks down his arrogant nose at you, sees you as a lesser being with zero political sensibilities, a guy who stole your Govt. and beat the sh.. out of you when you objected. What would you say to a guy like that? I won't indicate what I would say to him, but I sure wouldn't bother with any reconcilaition stuff, that is for sure. Maybe I would say, "see ya at election time'.

CalgaryII for the umptyzillionth time, the Government was not stolen from the Reds! Had your messiah not been so busy trying to rob as much money as possible from the Thai people during his tenure as PM and not been paving the way for a communist coup of his own, the country would not be in the mess it is in now. Prem did what was required and his stools contain a greater sense of duty than that combined in Thaksin's entire family.

Saying "see ya at election time" would be almost the right thing to say, but more appropriately "see you at election time during which time we will not be able to bribe, bully and coerce the disadvanted poor in the North, nor will we be allowed to make pre election promises that have been plucked from the 'ideas box' at the local Cubs and Brownies annual Ging Gang Gooley celebrations. Furthermore any MP subsequently elected to either house will face the full force of Thai law should they be found to be involved in misappropriation of funds and assets during their time in Government". Maybe we might start on the road to reconcilliation then!!

The Gentleman in the OP is absolutely correct, this lot will need to die first. What we need to consider is how to stop their offspring repeating the same treasonous behaviour when they 'inherit' their parents Parliamentary seats.

Maybe a rule of one just MP per family might help to spread the political 'talent' around a bit.

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Here's a novel idea why don't we go to the polls and see what the people want. We already know 52% of them don't want Thaksin.

It could be more than 52% if you consider that not all people who voted for Pheu Thai voted for Thaksin, but instead for other reasons such as Pheu Thai's populist policies.

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When I saw Sanan talking to Sorayut on his Channel 3 evening programme the other day and saying that if only General Prem and Thaksin could meet up, then these 2 pooyai (senior, important) people could solve the reconciliation issue, I felt disheartened.by the old fashioned, patronising attitudesso often displayed by these dinosaurs.

Only the rule of law and facing up to the consequences of one's actions will help the country move forward.

Sonthi Limtongkun's guilty verdict regarding financial dishonesty was recently upheld in the Appeals Court, the final verdict- The Supreme Court's- shoud be heard in approx 2 years. Apparently he's been laying off staff from his papers and I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave Thailand soon.

Let both Sonthis, Sanan, Sanoh join Thaksin in an oasis in the desert in Dubai never to be heard of again

Wishful thinking I fear. At least one of these rapers of Thailand (if you don't know which one, then go and stand in,the corner) will never shut up and go away until he runs out of money, or is at least down to his last 50 million or so.

If the overweight lady who apparently hasn't yet dicovered that there are posh shops in BKK, and feels that she has to bug off to Paris or some other fashion conscious capital city to pay 10 times more money than the goods she buys are worth, can get the Supreme Court to declare her Little Miss Goody Shoes, then I expect Sondhi to get a similar result.

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