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Dating Muslima


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. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

So her bros are sexually curious too then!

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I would be careful with doing the "runner"... she might go back to her family crying and telling them you stole her virginity etc etc... and you might end up finding a knive between your legs and being very kindly asked to convert to Islam and get married immediately... or otherwise be allowed to keep the knive as present but stuck between your rips...

Swiss, I think I wrote, that it is not my intention to take her virginity. The 'runner'/walkout applied only if, after a view dates, I realised that it is not for me.

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OP. Why complicate things? Just date a Bar-Lady and eventually marry her, like everyone else does. tongue.png Kids are normally included in the deal, so you miss all the hassle with 0-3 year olds who keep you awake all night. smile.png

Edited by Semper
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I have been maried to a Thai Muslim for seventeen years, of which two years living in Pattaya where my wife was born and raised. Yes it is true you normally will be required to convert prior to marraige, but for me personally no big deal. yes you are provided with a Muslim name by the Imam when you convert. They older members of the family use my Muslim name, whlist the younger ones call me grandfather or uncle. Did not require having a "snip" . Any Muslim/Jew will not consume pork or pork products. In my case, out of respect, I also do not eat pork. I have found my wife's extended family (whilst poor) are honest, hard working, courteous and respectful. When they have needed monetary assistance they have always repaid me. About every month or two I'll go to Friday prayers - again out of respect. Talking with other westerners living in Pattaya the feedback I have got is Thai Mustim people are good people to deal with. However as with any Thai you do not want to dis-respect them.

Thai Muslims are a lt more laid back than from Arabic countries. Some of my extended family who have lived and worked in Saudi Arabia are more "ridgid" but no problems/attitude towards me. As we know any relationship to be a positive experience requires effort from both parties. PM me if you want any further input.

The snipping OFF of the For* S*in is mandatory . As is going to prayer and not just on Fridays. Please also do not forget you must perform Hadj at least once in your lifetime. lol

Edited by maprao
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I have been maried to a Thai Muslim for seventeen years, of which two years living in Pattaya where my wife was born and raised. Yes it is true you normally will be required to convert prior to marraige, but for me personally no big deal. yes you are provided with a Muslim name by the Imam when you convert. They older members of the family use my Muslim name, whlist the younger ones call me grandfather or uncle. Did not require having a "snip" . Any Muslim/Jew will not consume pork or pork products. In my case, out of respect, I also do not eat pork. I have found my wife's extended family (whilst poor) are honest, hard working, courteous and respectful. When they have needed monetary assistance they have always repaid me. About every month or two I'll go to Friday prayers - again out of respect. Talking with other westerners living in Pattaya the feedback I have got is Thai Mustim people are good people to deal with. However as with any Thai you do not want to dis-respect them.

Thai Muslims are a lt more laid back than from Arabic countries. Some of my extended family who have lived and worked in Saudi Arabia are more "ridgid" but no problems/attitude towards me. As we know any relationship to be a positive experience requires effort from both parties. PM me if you want any further input.

The snipping OFF of the For* S*in is mandatory . As is going to prayer and not just on Fridays. Please also do not forget you must perform Hadj at least once in your lifetime. lol

Only if you can afford it, and another anomaly, you don't have to participate in Ramadan if your ill ( I would say obviously ) or you can buy your way out by paying for a poor man to do it for you, ( allowed but rare ).

The rule about the Hadj is that you are not allowed to do it unless you have provided properly for your family before you go. In days gone past the pilgrimage to Mecca could easily take 3 months or more by foot, hence you had to make sure your family was looked after and provided for when you were gone.

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The snipping OFF of the For* S*in is mandatory . As is going to prayer and not just on Fridays. Please also do not forget you must perform Hadj at least once in your lifetime. lol

No it is not. You will find that in Tunisia, Algeria, parts of Africa and India it is not always practiced. (I know because one of the HPV studies was reviewing incidence and some muslim population clusters were showing little variation from non muslim populations. Closer review showed that the males were not circumcised and once the characteristic was accounted for, the reduced HPV incidence in the circumcised population was re-established.)

Although vaginal intercourse is discouraged until married, it is acceptable by some to engage in anal intercourse and other adventures provided the virginity is retained. not my cup of tea, but anyway.....

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OP. Why complicate things? Just date a Bar-Lady and eventually marry her, like everyone else does. tongue.png Kids are normally included in the deal, so you miss all the hassle with 0-3 year olds who keep you awake all night. smile.png

Some of us are not into leftovers.

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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


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There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

So...you have been warned. Good luck.

That is a well thought out warning, Take heed all ye horny males. I remember dating a Doukhobor girl back in my late teens. Her brothers pretty much sorted me out about having any future with their sister. It's pretty much the same thing with young muslim women and their families.

Thats so sad isnt it, religion humph!!

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It never ceases to amaze me the ridiculous lengths people will go to cut off parts of their body for religion based on zero evidence a God exists, why not just chop the bleeding lot off.

Religion the bane of society IMO

Male circumcision might be an exception. It makes for easier cleaning, more aesthetically pleasing, lower cancer rates, lower HIV infection rates, and greater incidence of total body sexual awareness due the loss of a penile pleasure zone. Just saying!

As far as food restrictions, anthropologists have found good ecological reasons why that was done that made good sense in the ancient times the rules were set. They make no sense now though!

Oh really http://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Re-examine-Circumcision-George-Denniston/dp/0971187800/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Tom Holland has written a book that has dug into the history of Islam, if you have a look at the Sunday Times it makes interesting reading.

Apparently the New York Times carried an anti-christian advert last week, then refused to carry an anti Islamic advert.......they bottled it. I'll see if I can find the link.


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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Tom Holland has written a book that has dug into the history of Islam, if you have a look at the Sunday Times it makes interesting reading.

Apparently the New York Times carried an anti-christian advert last week, then refused to carry an anti Islamic advert.......they bottled it. I'll see if I can find the link.


I don't think I would change my beliefs at the request of a newspaper ad, nor on the strength of the outrageous crimes committed by others who shared my religion. I don't ask anyone to reject catholicism because of the activities of the IRA, nor the widely-publicised failings of some priests. To do so would be to attack that person's religous freedoms, something that I believe is contrary to law in the US, and to pursue such an agenda would help bring the US one step closer to Saudi Arabia.

The couple of friends that I have who have converted seem happy enough in their marriages, though neither seems particularly devout.


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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

For the Islam religion, if a Muslim converts to another religion (eg Christrianity), it willbe a big issue for their entire community. She will get Ostracized from her family and even her family may be ostracized from their community! It is a big shame in their point of view. It is going to take a lot of courage from her and her faith in her new religion hs to be really strong.

I've seen such incidents in Singapore where the new Christian ex-Mulslim really needs very solid and constant support from the Church and the man she loves. She has been cut off from her community and wirse, by her own family 1st and foremost. Yes, the cost is high.Most but the strongest minded would give up after a while and give up her new found God and man to go back to the family.

As for the 2 keeping their own religions, it would be hard, as both would be what we call "unequally" Yoked.

Edited by thanchart
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If things turn serious, is the any logical reason why she couldn't follow your faith?

If a mutually respectful relationship is expected to develop then compromise should exist from both sides.

In a world free of hypocrisy neither partner should be expected to compromise their beleifs.

I have only ever seen this forced change in faith be expected in one direction, why not the other way round. Why couldn't a muslim woman switch to Christianity? But, why would she have to? You and your family would be fair to her right?

This is not a One-way street, practice a fair life with equality of freedoms, and also expect that of the treatment you receive.

Slightly different: when My wife and I married I was asked if I will become Buddhust, I replied no, I not Buddhist, I'm not Thai, while I respect the belief and culture of others, I also expect that same respect to apply to mine.

When asked about future children, I replied that there are great aspects but also failings in the religion and attitudes of both our countries and cultures, I expect to give our future children the benefits of both....

One possible reason that she might be unwilling to convert is that perhaps apostasy is a crime punishable by death under Shariah law in some countries, I believe. As usual, not a topic I am so interested in that I will spend five minutes looking it up, but those that have an interest might.

Islam places no restrictions on the religous beliefs of non-believers, but is quite strict on the religous freedoms of believers


Tom Holland has written a book that has dug into the history of Islam, if you have a look at the Sunday Times it makes interesting reading.

Apparently the New York Times carried an anti-christian advert last week, then refused to carry an anti Islamic advert.......they bottled it. I'll see if I can find the link.


I don't think I would change my beliefs at the request of a newspaper ad, nor on the strength of the outrageous crimes committed by others who shared my religion. I don't ask anyone to reject catholicism because of the activities of the IRA, nor the widely-publicised failings of some priests. To do so would be to attack that person's religous freedoms, something that I believe is contrary to law in the US, and to pursue such an agenda would help bring the US one step closer to Saudi Arabia.

The couple of friends that I have who have converted seem happy enough in their marriages, though neither seems particularly devout.


Ii a newspaper advert can shake your belief then your belief wasn't very strong to begin with, the issue re the NYT was that they bottled out of the advert after running an anti-Christian advert. Shameful.

ps ......you're right about the right to religious expression being enshrined in the constitution.

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Thai Muslim used to be unique, no hijab, eat pork and socialize with all religions.

Yeah and the no sex part doesn't necessarily apply either..

If you get to the possible point of marriage then a clip in your nether regions is necessary for you if you're not already and she and her family is devout, that might effect your thinking on that aspect..

... and you've dated how many Muslim woman?

Just for WarpSpeed ... yes I dated a lady from Iran for over a year.

She considered herself Persian before Iranian.

First off what business is it of yours? Secondly what is supposed to be your point as you've not made any just spouted some senselessness..

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There are so many guys near where I live that continue to fall in to this trap. They all end up separated and/or divorced. The reasons are simple. If your relationship gets that serious you want to marry then you will have to/pretend convert to Islam. Once you have children the problems will start. About the age of two or three the wife's parents will insist on a strong muslim upbringing for their Grandchild. You may be living away from the Grandparents home area, but your wife WILL up and leave with your child, back to her parental home. There are many broken hearted men I know and when I hear another is about to embark on the same course of action I just say why? I have not known a relationship in Thailand between a muslim girl/non muslim man end any differently. If you have a baby girl she will be a valuable 'asset' to the family, new blood, whitish skin, worthy of a good dowry. I am not being racist or bigoted, these are just the facts from many many thai men I know that fell in love with a muslim woman. All will be great and well until you have children and they reach toddler age. Your wife may even love you very much but when her parents say 'come home and bring the child', thats it, and you will get NO visiting rights.

By the way, don't be fooled by the no sex before marriage thing. Young Muslim women are just as curious about sex as any other young woman, but don't get caught, her brothers will have your gonads.

So...you have been warned. Good luck.

I agree with this completely. My last Thai Girlfriend was a Muslim. Initially she seemed about as Muslim as I am Catholic. It was an upbringing, and not much more. Sex was fun and often, and she was a blast to go out drinking with. She did not eat pork, but she did not go overboard with the praying either. Sometimes only first thing in the morning. She did not wear a scarf, or flaunt her religion. In fact we had dated probably 4 or 5 months before I even knew she was Muslim. I asked her why she didn't ask me to go to temple with her like past girlfriends had and she told me. After a while we got serious and started talking about a future. She started talking about our kids have to be raised Muslim, she made me take down all the Buddhas and the Virgin Mary Statue I had in my apartment. Eventually she took me to meet her family. That was a disaster. We went to her mothers birthday party with the whole family. I didn't need to speak the language to understand they were NOT HAPPY, and the dirty looks were not in short supply.. The following weekend she went home to visit, she came back with bruises and cigarette burns which she wouldn't talk about, Her earings and Navel peircing were out, and she was adament that I had to convert to Islam. Sex became less and less frequent, with her even encouraging me to go out and get with bar girls. We pushed through about another year of an off and on relationship fighting alot and eventually dropping the whole thing. I think this process will be repeated more often than not.

Maybe it was referring to her religious place of worship as a "temple" I'd bet that really set it all sideways! :cheesy:

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In fact she has been the one to convert religiously , to celticfootballteamism .

That's a terrible Cult, her parents are worried sick crying.gif

Is there any way of getting her counselling

Nah , she dosnae require it , her smile tells a million tales .

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When marrying in no uncertain terms my father was told by the priest in my Mothers Church that he should become Catholic (I'm of the understanding that he received the 'hellfire and damnation' speech). His response was to politely tell my grandparents on my mothers side that they will marry in the Church of England.

It was my Grandmother (mothers side) who informed me of this. What shone was a far more interesting aspect of the pride my Grandmother had in the resolve and honor my father showed at the time. My mother wasn't marrying a Catholic man, she was marrying a good man.

What stands out is the difference in the level of civilization of the potential inplications involved in not towing the line....

When a society forces a belief out of fear, in reality it only serves to loose it....

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I dated a Muslim once. Her family were quite persuasive in her marrying someone of the same religion. If you are willing to change your faith and way of life to suit her family then then fine. Ultimately if you feel about her that much you will. If you are just looking to get laid then move on.

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Thai Muslim used to be unique, no hijab, eat pork and socialize with all religions.

Yeah and the no sex part doesn't necessarily apply either..

If you get to the possible point of marriage then a clip in your nether regions is necessary for you if you're not already and she and her family is devout, that might effect your thinking on that aspect..

... and you've dated how many Muslim woman?

Just for WarpSpeed ... yes I dated a lady from Iran for over a year.

She considered herself Persian before Iranian.

First off what business is it of yours? Secondly what is supposed to be your point as you've not made any just spouted some senselessness..

Well WarpSpeed ... the OP came to the Forum asking advice and /or opinions.

Usually we reply from our experiences.

You offered advice on the sexual practises of unmarried Muslim woman.

Then offer some Marriage Counselling advice.

So my question was simple in asking what direct experience you had in that area?

So, without the reply containing derogatory statements about me, what exactly was your experience in this subject again?

Apologies in advance to the OP for this slight diversion.

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OP. Why complicate things? Just date a Bar-Lady and eventually marry her, like everyone else does. tongue.png Kids are normally included in the deal, so you miss all the hassle with 0-3 year olds who keep you awake all night. smile.png

Some of us are not into leftovers.

You must belong to the minority group then. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Semper
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The snipping OFF of the For* S*in is mandatory . As is going to prayer and not just on Fridays. Please also do not forget you must perform Hadj at least once in your lifetime. lol

you, Honourable Sir, would be entitled to be awarded the certificate "possesses a wealth of no bloody idea". but then you were only joking, isn't it? biggrin.png

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Thai Muslim used to be unique, no hijab, eat pork and socialize with all religions.

Yeah and the no sex part doesn't necessarily apply either..

If you get to the possible point of marriage then a clip in your nether regions is necessary for you if you're not already and she and her family is devout, that might effect your thinking on that aspect..

Yes a fellow teacher had the clip for a muslim girl. ^ weeks of pain, only to have her dump him. His was on and off the muslim wagon himself after there lol

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Yes a fellow teacher had the clip for a muslim girl. ^ weeks of pain, only to have her dump him. His was on and off the muslim wagon himself after there lol

I don't wanna hijack my own thread, but did he do it in Thailand? And is he okay with the clip now, that the pain has stopped. I mean, do the girls like the looks, and does he consider the lower propensity of contracting HIV as an advantage?

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An entire thread an nobody mentioned polygamy?

That would be an advantage, of course. Just read on Yahoo that Bin Laden fathered 4 children while on the run and hiding in Pakistan. No wonder with 4 or 5 wives. (I read 5 somewhere, so either he broke the rules, or drove one into suicide, who knows..)

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