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Specialized Info Needed Urgently ! !

Gonzo the Face

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Yesterday i must have received an email from heaven. My screen turned a very pretty lighter shade of blue and in the top center of the screen, appeared to be a very bright light , just as above the top of the screen that beamed down bright blue rays. Much like you see during a thunderstorm when the sun beams thru a crack in the clouds.

The computer locked up and any attempt to re-boot ends up with a return to this this screen. The guy that does my computer work looked at it and tried several things to correct, but to no avail. Seems to be some sort of corruption in the hard disc.

Its a little out of the normal standard for laptops, I think, and may be hard to find a replacement drive in CM.

It is a HP dv 7-3063 d Entertainment Notebook.

My question....

Does anyone else here in CM have one of these and has anything like this ever happened to you?


Does anyone know of a HP Center for repair of this type of laptop here in CM.

Not a printer repair center but one for laptops...... I am told they have different centers

Your quick input would be much appreciated.


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I have seen it before and was not the hard drive it was the motherboard . Check you model number and see if there was a recall for that particular problem ... Just google your model number and add the word problems . Most likley you will find the same has happened to other ...

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I believe there is a HP repair center on Changklang just past a little hospital.

I know it is beyond the Shangrala hotel and I am pretty sure it is before the Empress hotel. It is on the west side of the street.

I think you are correct, there certainly was one.

G have you tried the HP Thailand support site?


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Thanks gang for all the suggestions....... reviewing all serious and reading this thread in between ....

Nothing has helped yet and safe mode only throws it back to blue screen.....Does seem as though it is not a one off event though as there is a thread about it in one of the help forums.

Appreciate the responses



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Saswasdee Khrup, Khun Gonzo the Face,

Important information to share here, I think: how old is the laptop; what OS version (XP, Vista, 7, etc.) is it running; is it still under any type of warranty.

Second, the point made in a comment here about "can you boot in safe mode" is a very important suggestion,

The idea of using the (assumed present) video-out hooked up to an external monitor is interesting, and I might try it, but doubt it will do anything but show the same screen. This is not a screen problem !

If, by chance, you are not familiar with booting in safe mode: try some of the HP links found here: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&safe=off&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=laptop%20hp%20boot%20in%20safe-mode&oq=&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=&pbx=1&fp=1&ix=sea&ion=1&biw=1280&bih=655&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&cad=b

Last, if you find the HP Center here either cannot help you, or will help you for a cost equal, to, or more than, the cost of a newer laptop (my experience with a dead six-year old Acer 17-inch once-state-of-the-art at the Acer service center here), please PM, and I will refer you to the "miracle worker" who resurrected my Acer on the basis that if he succeeded I paid 2500 baht, and if he failed, I paid zero.

He did ... succeed !

good luck, ~o:37;

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I had an HP laptop that should have come under the recall saga with an overheating graphics chip a few years ago. I almost binned it as HP didn't want to know and couldn't fix it. It had managed to fry about every component in it.

I got it fixed in Pantip Plaza 4 th floor.

Unfortunately they are no longer there but I did notice there was a shop of same name at Computer Plaza on the Moat. Go in Computer Plaza (the smaller more crowded building with car park in front - not the one that used to be Tantraphan). On ground floor right hand side, a shop called Space Bar (that name might be slightly wrong as I don't have any records of the name). Ask them if they used to be Pantip 3 or 4 floor, if so they are the people.

3 years later I am still using this laptop, no problems.

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I have an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC that is really touchy about overheating. Does the same trick as Gonzo's, causing major freakout on my part. The IT dept (Hubby) learned more about the problem by consulting Dr. Google and inputting words describing the situation. One thing that helped to bring it back to life is to turn it over and let it cool down before trying to restart it. Also, it sometimes helps to remove the battery, reinstall the battery and restart using battery power, after the computer has cooled down.

Hubby solved the problem permanently by buying me a 300 baht fan cooler base that I keep under the computer at all times. It gets its power from a USB port, so it does suck down the battery life of the computer, but I can live with it. He found the cooling base somewhere in Panthip Plaza.

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I have used that HP center and find them extremely helpful and very reasonably priced, as well as fast workers!

The overheating issue can be easily addressed as NancyL says, buying a fan base, which solved many of my wife's toshiba issues... but first, we took it to Panthip, second floor, laptop repair at top of escalator and had them clean the machine (cost a few hundred baht and was done in one day).

Lastly, do you have a bootable rescue disk around? I have an extremely handy one that loads up and then makes multiple suggests on how to fix your problems...

Lastly lastly.. have you ever made a backup (acronis style or partition magic or something?) if so, see if that will reinstall over present system .....

I agree, if you can't get into safe mode it is either a VERY nasty bug or a significant hardware issue.... if you cannot boot up from a rescue disk, then hardware is your more like scenario.

good luck... you might also try posting on CM computer club pages... i have gotten good help over there too

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Still no luck, still down. Today I will try some of the shops mentioned and some of the other solutions suggested.

Do have the underneath fan stand and that does a lot for keeping the temp. down.... Thanks for suggesting .

Somewhere following up one of the suggestions, I ran across a link to a HP forum and someone there suggested a site where one can download a 64 bit Windows repair disk. Tried that and the only results were a change in the blue screen with the beams from heaven to a blue sky with sky writing contrails and a little white dove in the bottom corner with a green twig . Oh and the light from heaven has fallen to the right hand corner.

Maybe today will be different.

Many thanks for all the suggestions.


PS Thanks NancyL, Sounds like I bought the same fan stand from the same place as your husband

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Sounds like what happened to my GPU. What I did to fix it, and sadly it was only a temp fix, was bake it. Yes, I literally took the video card out of the laptop (though, many laptops have an integrated GPU) and placed it in the oven at 200°F for 12 minutes. This reflowed the solder and it worked flawlessly, until I made it play a very graphic intense game and I over heated it again, ruining the solder yet again.

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I don't know how old yours is but mine is about 4 yrs old and the issue was the Nvidia graphics card which was "cooking " the computer.

See here:


It cooked just about every component in the computer before it was fixed: including motherboard, hard disk and battery.

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Well to repeat a bit from our friend Joe Cocker..... Get Along with a little Help from my Friends......

I can say no truer words were ever spoken..... Some good friends on this forum , gave some good recommendations and referrals.

Suggestions and recommendations are not hard to find/get, its the good ones that are rare.

I got a referral and recommendation from a good poster on TV and followed up on it.

To refresh your memory last week I had a blue screen on my laptop, probably best described as appearing like a email from heaven .

A couple computer people came and looked at it, a couple computer shops looked at it and the suggested repairs covered the gamut.. Virus, hard disc no good, disc corrupted , etc..... suggested fixes any where up to about 5000 B and next day or days to fix. Probably loose some or all data.

Followed up on a suggestion from a TV'er , to check out a suspected miracle worker in Panthip Pz. Did just that and found his shop with very little problem on the 2nd floor. The Man is Kn. Khong. I won't give specific contact details on the forum as I think that is a no no. BUT any one having a problem with their machines, I would be more than happy to sing his praises in a PM. Just ask.

The man is truly a miracle worker, in my eyes. Took the computer and booted it up to the heavenly blue screen...... pushed this, clicked that, then walked to a pile of computer parts and stuff..... took out a disc from something that looked like a scrap pile, thats another reason I liked the place] put it in the computer......booted it,....shut it down....turned it over and got to the insides...... pulled out 2 little chips and appeared to sand them down...... put another chip in..... booted it.... shut down again ..... put the old chips back in and rebooted...... End of story, that was it,,,, rebooted and up it came , clear as a bell with not one byte missing..... 20-25 minutes spent..... Talk about miracle workers !!!!! but not a financial big boy....

Oh ,,, I forgot..... the bill was alll of 200 baht...

Again to those in need, and want to try him, I would be more than happy to answer any and all PM's.... However there is a fee involved for my services........

Didn't think knowledge was free did ya ??????

If I give you the contact details for Kn Khong, and you try him,,,,, the fee is that you post on this forum your experiences...... good or other,,,,,, I have full confidence in Kn Khong, I know your experience will be positive and very good.

Thank you too all the posters who offered me suggestions..... I did and do really appreciate it.


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Doesn't sound like the hard drive.

Easy to find out. Take out the drive and turn on the computer. If the computer 'posts' and says something like "boot disc not found", then it is a problem with the drive.

If you still have the same blue screen...

it is something else (and then you can save all your data to another computer if you can't fix this one).

Good luck

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This case sounds like dirty, dusty memory card. He must have tried with another memory card and when that worked, cleaned up yours and put them back in.

This is good because it means you don't have a graphics card that cooks the computer. Just try to keep away from dusty places (yes, not easy in CM).

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took out a disc from something that looked like a scrap pile

Just to demystify this for you... That will have been a generic PC diagnostics disk. It will have reported that the RAM was faulty. Lucky that the quick solution was just to clean the contacts, and re-seat.

If I were you, I would run a RAM-checker overnight (it takes hours to do a thorough RAM reliability check). Your BIOS can probably do this itself - failing that, download a free diagnostics CD image (e.g. "memtest").

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