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PM Yingluck: We Will Return Happiness To Hat Yai


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Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

Did you not know that they are like the IRA. They have a military and political part.

There is a mere smidgeon of sense in your post in that during the conflict in Northern Ireland there was a close relationship between the Provisional IRA Army Council and Sinn Fein and undoubted overlap in members; however I cannot remember anything that would in any way reflect the situation in Thailand. Are you suggesting that there is an armed wing of the UDD?
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Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

Did you not know that they are like the IRA. They have a military and political part.

red shirts are like the ira... what an ignorant comment

the ira were a full blown armed militia, there were no non-combatant members.

you could better compare republican nationalist citizens and supporters to the red shirts... in your analogy of course.

now if you had said the black shirts were like the ira, and ptp were like sinn fein then it would have a bit more merit... though for it to have any merit, it would mean you'd have to prove a link between ptp and the black shirts, which you can't...

the only connection would be that the black shirts were an armed militia and so are the ira... the comparision ends there.

that does not equal the 'red shirts are like the ira'

try to be more informed on subjects before making comments.

Edited by nurofiend
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Yeah Sure but when? violin.gif

If I remember correctly South did not vote for the Red Shirts, so they are not priority

How could they? The Redshirts (UDD) were not running for political office last election.

Did you not know that they are like the IRA. They have a military and political part.

red shirts are like the ira... what an ignorant comment

the ira were a full blown armed militia, there were no non-combatant members.

you could better compare republican nationalist citizens and supporters to the red shirts... in your analogy of course.

now if you had said the black shirts were like the ira, and ptp were like sinn fein then it would have a bit more merit... though for it to have any merit, it would mean you'd have to prove a link between ptp and the black shirts, which you can't...

the only connection would be that the black shirts were an armed militia and so are the ira... the comparision ends there.

that does not equal the 'red shirts are like the ira'

try to be more informed on subjects before making comments.

O goody another red shirt supporter claiming the red shirts did nothing wrong it was some one else. Did any one see a video of a black shirt on stage urging a crowd of red shirts to burn Bangkok down. Was it not armed red shirts invading a hospital.

Maybe you should learn some thing about what you are talking about. The IRA had the Sinn Fein political arm.

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O goody another red shirt supporter claiming the red shirts did nothing wrong it was some one else. Did any one see a video of a black shirt on stage urging a crowd of red shirts to burn Bangkok down. Was it not armed red shirts invading a hospital.

Maybe you should learn some thing about what you are talking about. The IRA had the Sinn Fein political arm.

no, if you could try reading next time and taking in what is said, you would see that i didn't claim the red shirts did nothing wrong.... and never have claimed it.

really, the ira have connections with sinn fein??? well thanks for that enlightenment, that i already mentioned in the post that you didn't seem to read..

sinn fein aren't 'the ira's political arm'... they are not just spokesmen for the ira, it's just slightly more complicated than that.

perhaps if you knew what you were talking about then you would know a lot of the ira, and i mean the provo's obv, denounce sinn fein.

just because you make a ridiculous comment based on ignorance, don't try to tell me i'm the one who doesn't know what i'm talking about.

saying that the 'red shirts are like the ira' either shows your ignorance about the ira, or your ignorance full stop.

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Just like Gerry Adams, always denied it.

are you also suffering from reading problems?

i said the ira and sinn fein are linked.

to simply say that sinn fein are 'the ira's politicial arm', is idiotic.

well 'idiotic' is overstating it a bit, but there's a lot more to it than the simplistic statement of basically saying they are one in the same.. the two don't share in every idealogy, and have many contradictions in 'what they're about'.

many years ago, it would be a fair statement to make.

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Just like Gerry Adams, always denied it.

btw, do you think the red shirts are just like the ira? yes, no?

or do you think it's a stupid comparison?

and btw... what do you refer to gerry adams denying?

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In denial years ago and still in denial now doesn't change reality.

so please enlighten me on what the reality is? i'm always keen to learn and be educated.

and i ask, what do you refer to gerry adams denying? as in the point you made in comparison to my post?

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In denial years ago and still in denial now doesn't change reality.

so please enlighten me on what the reality is? i'm always keen to learn and be educated.

and i ask, what do you refer to gerry adams denying? as in the point you made in comparison to my post?

Is it that difficult.

Gerry Adams has always denied being associated with the IRA, years ago and still does today.

In answer to your other question.

btw, do you think the red shirts are just like the ira? yes, no?

I would not have thought of it myself originally, but as some one else brought it up, I can see similarities both in ethics and actions. It would not surprise me at all if in years to come that being of high moral fibre called Jatuporn denies any links with the red shirts (just like his boss does)

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In denial years ago and still in denial now doesn't change reality.

so please enlighten me on what the reality is? i'm always keen to learn and be educated.

and i ask, what do you refer to gerry adams denying? as in the point you made in comparison to my post?

Is it that difficult.

Gerry Adams has always denied being associated with the IRA, years ago and still does today.

so you are as informed as i originally thought..

"I am proud of my association with the IRA. It was not a perfect organisation and it made many mistakes.

'Its business was war and in the madness that is war the IRA did many things which deeply hurt people.

'I regret that very much and I have worked with others to ameliorate this. Some victims' families do not accept this. That is their entitlement.'"

The Sinn Fein leader said he would be prepared to give an account of his actions 'during the war' and encourage others to do the same if there was a Truth Commission like those set up after the end of apartheid in South Africa.

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Is this now the Irish Visa Forum ?offtopic.gif

it will all be deleted, much to thaddeus's delight, don't you worry...

i like the way you moan about it and yet have nothing to say on the actual topic

you should try setting your 'things that upset me' threshold a bit higher

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Get a grip guys the IRA could be described as community funded freedom fighters or violent hard core political and religeous extremist.,depending on which side of the divide you were on. Nothing like the redshirts who are a few true believers but a majority of easily led poorly informed Thaksin funded thugs for hire. Now can we get back to the topic?

Edited by waza
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Get a grip guys the IRA could be described as community funded freedom fighters or violent hard core political and religeous extremist.,depending on which side of the divide you were on. Nothing like the redshirts who are a few true believers but a majority of easily led poorly informed Thaksin funded thugs for hire. Now can we get back to the topic?

i agree with most of what you've just said - though completely disagree that the majority of red shirts are funded thugs for hire.

my only point in the previous discussions was the ridiculousness of the original off topic comparison.

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The boarder is porous and needs to remain so for the International contraband trafficers to stay in business, therefore they must keep the area unstable. I Imagine a great deal of effort goes into firing up the uneducated locals paying off the police and army. Once the fire is going they just keep fanning the flames.

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