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I Am Never Going Back.....


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Ive been back in England for 8 months, in that time I have seen about half a dozen women who do it for me (three of them were Asian). Reckon I would have seen as many as that on an afternoon stroll down Sukhumvit.

Dont know about the post about English women having sexy accents, dont know if its just me but its a right turn off. The women here seem bigger aswell, well they dont seem bigger, they are.

Also noticed women here are becoming masculine in many ways. Dont know about you pepole but I prefer a women to be feminine. The women here seem to enjoy spitting, pissing in the street and using foul language whilst supping on a pint of lager, not my cup of tea at all. Roll on November. :o

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For me, the biggest difference is my Thai wife seems to be more patient with my faults and shortcommings than any farang girl I ever dated. Her patients helps me to be a better husband and a better man.

Perhaps for some men like myself, we need this kind of woman to make a relationship work.

I'm sure there is nothing wrong with farang women and wish them the same happiness in their relationships that I have found in mine.

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I married a 19 y/o TG 5 years ago. I was 33.


Only downside is she is very jealous and gets homesick for LOS.

Upside is its the 1st woman I can trust, she would take a bullet for me.

SO many guys here in the US tried to steal her away but she angrily tells them

off - like its an insult to her that they thought she would leave her husband.

The key is GET ONE FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE, the poorer the better. The ones

from BKK or any city areas  are tainted.

She dies, i am heading right back upcountry to bag another one.

You should here the stories of my friends here and what they put up with

with their lady farangs. I want to puke. I try to tell them about TGs but

they dont listen. Poor buggers. How can they go on...

best regards


American women - barf. I had pretty much had it after 40 + years of them telling me all the reasons why I was not good enough for them. Thai/Asian women generally more respectful and considerate of your feelings, at least to your face. American women seem to thrive on an atmosphere of confrontation rather than cooperation. I guess it is represenative of the general culture there. Make sure you lock up your pants at night, or they will be wearing them in the morning. It is good your wife is loyal to you. It is not unknown for some sweet Asian women to become corrupted by western standards (or lack thereof) after some years away from thier native country.

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Women are women just like men are men, some good some really bad, doesn't matter where  they are from or what nationality. Just an opinion (I've got an a$$hole) as everyone does, but I think most of the guys here have just been through a bad experience and that does NOT mean that it was the womans fault. A lot of guys came here on vacation and found a YOUNG thing that fulfilled their needs and then they dumped the misses (and sometimes kids) then got married to this woman and others that couldn't get a ride unless they paid for it. I think some of you guys whinging are just going through MALE minopause (SP) and just don't have a clue.  I could go on and on but...The other group might have just been in just a real bad situation and are lucky to be out of it. Don't bash all farang women just because of your history. I have an ex farang wife but she is a great lady and a very good mom. Just didn't work for us.

Excellent post Kringle :D

Finally something we both agree with.

(And thats menopause :o )

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Extremely old topic, quite boring and beaten to death already. It's amazing to me how many men must slag someone else off in order to justify their choices.

Totally agree, sbk. This one belongs in the Geriatric Ward right next to all the negative BG threads... :o

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