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Life In Thai Prison, Is It Really That Bad. ?


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Do they have electric fans in the cells?

I guess you could buy a fan.

Most of us know what its like to be in a room in the middle of the day when there's a power cut. Imagine being in a room that hot all the time. Then imagine there were another twenty people in that room. Sheesh.

The heat must be one of the biggest problems in a Thai prison.

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Do they have electric fans in the cells?

I guess you could buy a fan.

Most of us know what its like to be in a room in the middle of the day when there's a power cut. Imagine being in a room that hot all the time. Then imagine there were another twenty people in that room. Sheesh.

The heat must be one of the biggest problems in a Thai prison.

Reckon you could buy a fan, but would you have the powerpoint to plug the thing into?? Could always hot-wire into the mains if it got too hot.

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The only answer to the OP's question is for him to spend a few years in a Thai prison rather than being a spectator. After 5 years in there he can let us all know how much fun it was.

Tut tut, here with go again, another negitive nit wit with nothing better to say.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I was asked to work with a group investigating health conditions. I quickly found multiple obligations that made it impossible. TB, lice, skin infections, hepatitis and GI infections are prevalent. No way I was going to get near walking reservoirs of disease.

The worst fate I can think of is having to use a squat toilet with no tp, let alone a bum gun and having to poo in front of 40 guys. A thai can squat and squirt quickly. This farang cannot.

The guys put in for small drug offenses might seem nice enough, but they still have some trust issues. It's the psycho ones that would terrify me. Thailand doesn't have a system of detention centers for wackos, they get put in with the general population. I have no problem getting wedged up between Tak the yaba user and Nok the kathoey, but I don't want to sleep next to Nong who stabs people for fun when he hears voices.

Suan Saranrom Psychiatric hospital (Surat Thani) has a Forensic Unit where the 'criminally insane' are held.

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I know someone who spend 8 years in the Bangkok Hilton. I visited him on numerous occasions and brought him day-to-day basics, many of us did this.

Whilst he was there he became a fitness fanaticand in all the years I have known him, I have never seen him so fit & healthy. This was due partly because he was able to pay for good food but even the Thai inmates looked well and quite healthy.

I too read the books and heard the stories and I'm here to tell you it's not nearly as bad as they make out.

Of course it's no bed of roses but my friend told me most of the damage done is prisoners to each other. If you piss a gaurd off then you are in for a seriously hard time. He kept his nose clean, he did his time and now he is a free man and shows no symptoms of a traumatic time.

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