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Gas, Oil Prices To Hike Power Rates Soon: Thailand


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US gas prices seem to be anywhere between $3.78 and $4.23 a gallon, so thats 31.5 Baht per litre if we take an average of 4$ for calculation. When you look at the numbers above you will see that nobody is taking the piss in Thailand when it comes to gas prices as it all adds up, even the refinery prices .

The first petrol stations in Europe just hit $10 a gallon and you're seriously complaining about the fair and transparent petrol pricing in here... Get your car converted to LPG or NGV if you want to save, more environmentally friendly anyway.

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US gas prices seem to be anywhere between $3.78 and $4.23 a gallon, so thats 31.5 Baht per litre if we take an average of 4$ for calculation. When you look at the numbers above you will see that nobody is taking the piss in Thailand when it comes to gas prices as it all adds up, even the refinery prices .

The first petrol stations in Europe just hit $10 a gallon and you're seriously complaining about the fair and transparent petrol pricing in here... Get your car converted to LPG or NGV if you want to save, more environmentally friendly anyway.

Or buy a mountain bike....after all isnt the goverment going to put bike lanes country wide ?

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On this site you can view the detailed composition of the fuel price updated every day.

Don't talk rubbish like 50% tax if you don't know.

hmmm... according to you

JeffreyMcCollum So nearly 50% is tax or profit by the government or oil companies

talked rubbish?

i suggest you check your ability to do a simple percentage calculation whistling.gif

not to mention the wrong basis "ex refinery" cost which includes already a certain amount of taxes.

example: ULG95 ex refinery 27.32, total taxes 13.99 = ~51.2%

Edited by Naam
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Whether there is a solar hot water service on the roof is immaterial to most thais. THey do not bathe in hot water. In fact the installation of such would almost certainly involve a net energy loss.

This is simply because they are unaccustomed to the uses of hot water, not just for bathing but also for laundry and as preheated water for cooking food.

It is like saying why sell motorbikes, Thais traditionally walked. Or mobile phones. Every week I get pestered by people trying to sell me water purifiers, air cons and induction hot plates. Why sell microwave ovens, Thais are accustomed to cooking on charcoal.

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Thialand could release some of its oil reserves to help ease the situation and shield the PRICE RISES from the general public, where again it will hit the poorest hardest starting at the forecourt of your nearest petrol station. I am assuming that this headline is preparation fo the public for another petrol price rise. It looks likely to me that as the current govt took power last july/august time that forecourt prices will likely have gone up by 1/3rd year on year, no doubt the "official" inflation rate will be below 3% so thats alright then. The govt will get more VAT reciepts and that 300 bts a day looks a hollow promise right now, even if you know someone who has recieved it, lots in the economy will just dream of it.

They only implemented the 300 Baht policy in 7 provinces. I wonder if those province had the majority of their workers making less than 300 baht a day. No question about it there is defiantly a lot of people there not making the 300 Baht a day but I would be wiling to bet that if you listed all the provinces by percent they would be the 7 with the least amount making under 300 Baht a day.

And why was it not implemented in the provinces where the majority is defiantly not making 300 baht a day. In fact most are not even making 200 Baht a day.

Wait until and if they implement it in every province. Can you imagine the number of people loosing there job's at just the 7 11's plus all the other small business. They talk about help for foreign investors but P-ss on there own people.

Do not foget that there are lots of people in the local economy who do earn 300 bts a day, stall holders, hot food vendors etc who are still being hit by the oil price rises, the poor get clobbered again.
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Thialand could release some of its oil reserves to help ease the situation and shield the PRICE RISES from the general public, where again it will hit the poorest hardest starting at the forecourt of your nearest petrol station. I am assuming that this headline is preparation fo the public for another petrol price rise. It looks likely to me that as the current govt took power last july/august time that forecourt prices will likely have gone up by 1/3rd year on year, no doubt the "official" inflation rate will be below 3% so thats alright then. The govt will get more VAT reciepts and that 300 bts a day looks a hollow promise right now, even if you know someone who has recieved it, lots in the economy will just dream of it.

Sure enough fuel up 40 satang a litre, did not wait long did they!
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