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Irish Music


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I'd say go to Kilburn in NW6 in London and recruit a few of the lads from The Old Bell pub...keep them in Guiness and Tullamore Dew and then they will 'burn down the house' on a regular basis...

I never heard nothin' like the music at that place...an irish reel with a squeezebox player that went on for over an hour...he was in a trance and couldn't stop...just like the music from Scorcese's 'The Departed'; violent and unending, fighting music...it was a republican pub...

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I was in a bar in Dublin and almost got into a fight with some locals which for me is very unusual...not something that I'd want to repeat...

but we're talking about the music here which can be performed anywhere...I listened to better irish music in Kilburn NW6 in London than any bar in Dublin...irish music in Ireland is more 'sedate' where in other places it is wild and crazy...almost riotous...I've never seen acoustic music excite a crowd in the same way with just a squeezebox, fiddle, guitar and percussion...

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There are not a lot of options for Irish Music in Bangkok these days.

Celtic Colors are a long-standing band here that play some Irish numbers and trad. However they recently lost their star fiddle player, Tets, a classically trained Japanese violinist who could play gigs and reels and plenty of trad stuff. At this point they have no Irish members and I'm not sure of their current line-up.

Error 99 are an all Thai band that play a wide range of tradtional music and popular Irish numbers. Their lead singer does good Pogues covers and the band all play their instruments well, but when it's other than Pogues, the lyrics are rather mangled by a strong Thai accent -- so this might not suit your needs.

Other Irish bands pass through from time to time.

If you are really set on getting Irish music, you should either import it or get one of the above bands. However things change quickly, so you never know when someone might arrive.

I'm also from Dublin and resident here for 20 years.

I suggest you join the Irish Thai Chamber of Commerce (www.irishthaicc.com) and chances are we can hold an event at your place which will more than cover the cost of joining (not expensive at all). There are some other members on the board who know more about the music scene,

PM me if you need more info...

Best Regards,


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yeah...it's not required to get irish musicians but it helps...filipinos can lay down some good shit and are flexible but you won't get authentic squeeze box or fiddle which are the heart and soul in my view...

someone pushed my drunken ass onto a stage to do an 'american song' once with a filipino band in Indonesia and I said to them: 'Cotton Fields'? and the lead just nodded and we then 'blew the roof offa the place'...and my indo girlfriend then quietly smoked a clove cigarette with a new understanding of her crazy american boyfriend and said: 'you're not really an engineer, are you?...'


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