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Fastest International Internet Connection In Pattaya

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I know this topic has been covered before, but most of the posts are quite old and the market seems to be moving fast.

Anyone got any advice on the best company for faster international speeds. Currently with TOT but the service is very unreliable with speeds constantly up and down and a very uneven service. We pay for 9MG locally get anything from 2-8 internationally normally under 1mg which is not fast enough for TV streaming, way too much buffering.

So what’s the best and fastest provider? Does True have hi speed internet in this area and what are international speeds like? Anything over 2MG internationaly should be fine for streaming. Any ideas on best companies and costs, don’t mind paying more for a reliable international speed?



I currently have True fiber optic and have had 3bb as well as TOT. True is certainly the best in my opinion. I have the 20 down 2 up package and always when i check reaches those speeds. If you give me an international test site i will give it a whirl and see what it says.jap.gif


I'm with 3bb which costs IIRC around 600 per month. Just checked and am seeing 7.04Mbps download and 1.40Mbps upload.

Watch lots of live sports online and rarely have buffering issues especially since I managed to eliminate un-wanted 'pop-ups' and unwelcome 'ads'.


Hi Foodlover thanks for your reply, If you try speedtest.net and move the location to London see what speed you get there. Where are you located?


Download speed from London hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) Lmt.

20.03 download 1.61 upload

My location is Chonburi, Pattaya

Hope this helps!cowboy.gif


Download speed from London hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) Lmt.

20.03 download 1.61 upload

My location is Chonburi, Pattaya

Hope this helps!cowboy.gif

An invalid, bogus, speed test result due to in-Thailand cache servers. I expect your ping time was low...like around 50ms or less which means you're speed test results were coming from a cache server in Bangkok/Pattaya and not London. Try using the speed tester at DSLReports http://www.dslreport...eedtest?flash=1 which is not fooled by cache servers and you actually end up testing to the selected server. Test to L.A....you'll probably get a download speed in the 1 to 2Mb ballpark since the DSLReports speed test is not fooled/skewed by cache servers...I usually get right around 2Mb. I'm on the same True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan as you. Now if I use Speedtest.net I can pretty much get 20Mb download speeds to "any server on Earth" along with 10ms faster than light ping times due to the cache server effect...speedtest.net and other similar speed testers are easily fooled by cache servers.


Download speed from London hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) Lmt.

20.03 download 1.61 upload

My location is Chonburi, Pattaya

Hope this helps!cowboy.gif

An invalid, bogus, speed test result due to in-Thailand cache servers. I expect your ping time was low...like around 50ms or less which means you're speed test results were coming from a cache server in Bangkok/Pattaya and not London. Try using the speed tester at DSLReports http://www.dslreport...eedtest?flash=1 which is not fooled by cache servers and you actually end up testing to the selected server. Test to L.A....you'll probably get a download speed in the 1 to 2Mb ballpark since the DSLReports speed test is not fooled/skewed by cache servers...I usually get right around 2Mb. I'm on the same True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan as you. Now if I use Speedtest.net I can pretty much get 20Mb download speeds to "any server on Earth" along with 10ms faster than light ping times due to the cache server effect...speedtest.net and other similar speed testers are easily fooled by cache servers.

18192 kbs download and 861 kbs upload from LA. Is this any good?

I think a lot has to do with where you are as to what speeds you'll get. If your "pipe" is packed with power users, you'll have slower response time. I was in an apartment building that had only a few tenants as it was brand new. The speed was incredible. Nothing compared to what I had at my previous apartment, which was almost full. Now with ToT in NaJomtien and it's pretty sad. Many in our village just went with 3BB as they just started providing service here and they are quite unhappy. Not sure why, but they are considering moving back.

Thanks for the heads up on the speed test. Unreal...


Download speed from London hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) Lmt.

20.03 download 1.61 upload

My location is Chonburi, Pattaya

Hope this helps!cowboy.gif

An invalid, bogus, speed test result due to in-Thailand cache servers. I expect your ping time was low...like around 50ms or less which means you're speed test results were coming from a cache server in Bangkok/Pattaya and not London. Try using the speed tester at DSLReports http://www.dslreport...eedtest?flash=1 which is not fooled by cache servers and you actually end up testing to the selected server. Test to L.A....you'll probably get a download speed in the 1 to 2Mb ballpark since the DSLReports speed test is not fooled/skewed by cache servers...I usually get right around 2Mb. I'm on the same True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan as you. Now if I use Speedtest.net I can pretty much get 20Mb download speeds to "any server on Earth" along with 10ms faster than light ping times due to the cache server effect...speedtest.net and other similar speed testers are easily fooled by cache servers.

18192 kbs download and 861 kbs upload from LA. Is this any good?

That is indeed good, but to be totally truthful I doubt they are valid. First time ever I heard of such results on the True cable 20Mb plan using the DSLReports speedtester. I know I've never got those results here in Bangkok using DSLReports.com nor have these many folks in Phuket who have posted their results...results with download speeds in the 1-2Mb ballpark. Can rerun the speed test and post a snapshot of the dowonload/upload/ping results? Just click compare results at the end of the test and then cut and paste the results box. Here are my results run at 9:10am today..and mirrors what the folks in Phuket get. Thanks.



Download speed from London hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) Lmt.

20.03 download 1.61 upload

My location is Chonburi, Pattaya

Hope this helps!cowboy.gif

An invalid, bogus, speed test result due to in-Thailand cache servers. I expect your ping time was low...like around 50ms or less which means you're speed test results were coming from a cache server in Bangkok/Pattaya and not London. Try using the speed tester at DSLReports http://www.dslreport...eedtest?flash=1 which is not fooled by cache servers and you actually end up testing to the selected server. Test to L.A....you'll probably get a download speed in the 1 to 2Mb ballpark since the DSLReports speed test is not fooled/skewed by cache servers...I usually get right around 2Mb. I'm on the same True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan as you. Now if I use Speedtest.net I can pretty much get 20Mb download speeds to "any server on Earth" along with 10ms faster than light ping times due to the cache server effect...speedtest.net and other similar speed testers are easily fooled by cache servers.

18192 kbs download and 861 kbs upload from LA. Is this any good?

That is indeed good, but to be totally truthful I doubt they are valid. First time ever I heard of such results on the True cable 20Mb plan using the DSLReports speedtester. I know I've never got those results here in Bangkok using DSLReports.com nor have these many folks in Phuket who have posted their results...results with download speeds in the 1-2Mb ballpark. Can rerun the speed test and post a snapshot of the dowonload/upload/ping results? Just click compare results at the end of the test and then cut and paste the results box. Here are my results run at 9:10am today..and mirrors what the folks in Phuket get. Thanks.


Here you go.thumbsup.gif Does fiber optic matter? Woops, seems i added it a few times and can not delete.


I pretty sure you are the first person I've seen being able to report such a speed to L.A. when using the DSLReports speedtester. The ping time reported appears valid when tends to support a valid support test (not foolproof but lends strong proof). There have been reports of the speedtester being fooled but it doesn't seem to happen very often due to the way the DSLReports speedtester works. I know it can be fooled because about six months ago I did a few test to the DSLReports Chicago and Denver sites and got speeds appoaching 20Mb but the ping time was way low which indicated the speedtester results were be skewed/fooled probably by a cache server somewhere....then about two weeks later when I tested to those sites I got valid pings and the speeds dropped down to the 2Mb ballpark.

If you want to try one more speedtester which rarely gets fooled, then try the Microsoft Online Services speedtester at this Link. Go about half way down the page where there are three links begin with the words Network Connectivity Analysis....and select the test to the U.S. which tests to LA or San Jose I think (not sure which one). Be interesting to see your results/cut and paste the results. Below are my results at 4:20pm today.

If it reports something close to 20Mb I can only say you are the first one I've seen post any data anywhere which appears to be valid which is achieving such high "international" speed on a DOCSIS, ADSL, or Fiber Optic line. I've only seen a few other ThaiVisa posts from a guy on a CAT 25Mb Fiber Optic plan which appeared to be getting valid 20Mb speeds to many international sites. Him and his friend signed up for the same plan on the same day...he's getting these 20Mb speeds to international sites but his friend is only getting around 2Mb speeds...2Mb speeds which were also in the same ballpark as reported by other folks line those on that Phuket web site in the post above.

By the way, the True DOCSIS internet system is not fiber optics but an RG-type coaxial cable (approx 1/2 inch in diameter) system used as the trunk line running through the neighborhood which looks likes (except bigger) the RG6/RG11 cable that connects to your cable modem or cable TV box. Now there may be fiber optic line feeding the head-end of the trunk line before it enters the neighborhood, but the trunk line and line tapping into the trunk line which runs to your residence is just RG series 75 ohm coaxial cable. In my moobaan, even TOT has just installed junction boxes mounted on poles which are feed by fiber optics/fiber optic boxes, but the individual lines running to homes is still the old two wire copper phone wires. For a while I thought they were ging to install TOT Fiber To The Home (FTTH) but I'm not so sure now since I haven't seen any more activitiy since they installed several fiber optic fed boxes around the moobaan. In my moobaan, TOT lost most of their internet customers to True DOCSIS/cable last year when True installed it's 7Mb-100Mb speed system. I think since TOT lost many of their internet customers to True and last year's flooding damage which caused many customers to lose service for weeks or months that these factors have helped motivate TOT to improve their phone/internet system...but with this TOT fiber optic story I don't know if they have faster ADSL plans to my moobaan now or not with the fiber optics junction boxes installed...before 6Mb ADSL was the best/fastest TOT had to my moobaan....next time I see the TOT lineman in my moobaan which speaks basic English I'll ask him...but I'm not changing back to TOT as long as my True cable 20Mb/2Mb continues to hum along.

Cheers & thanks for the crossfeed.



I pretty sure you are the first person I've seen being able to report such a speed to L.A. when using the DSLReports speedtester. The ping time reported appears valid when tends to support a valid support test (not foolproof but lends strong proof). There have been reports of the speedtester being fooled but it doesn't seem to happen very often due to the way the DSLReports speedtester works. I know it can be fooled because about six months ago I did a few test to the DSLReports Chicago and Denver sites and got speeds appoaching 20Mb but the ping time was way low which indicated the speedtester results were be skewed/fooled probably by a cache server somewhere....then about two weeks later when I tested to those sites I got valid pings and the speeds dropped down to the 2Mb ballpark.

If you want to try one more speedtester which rarely gets fooled, then try the Microsoft Online Services speedtester at this Link. Go about half way down the page where there are three links begin with the words Network Connectivity Analysis....and select the test to the U.S. which tests to LA or San Jose I think (not sure which one). Be interesting to see your results/cut and paste the results. Below are my results at 4:20pm today.

If it reports something close to 20Mb I can only say you are the first one I've seen post any data anywhere which appears to be valid which is achieving such high "international" speed on a DOCSIS, ADSL, or Fiber Optic line. I've only seen a few other ThaiVisa posts from a guy on a CAT 25Mb Fiber Optic plan which appeared to be getting valid 20Mb speeds to many international sites. Him and his friend signed up for the same plan on the same day...he's getting these 20Mb speeds to international sites but his friend is only getting around 2Mb speeds...2Mb speeds which were also in the same ballpark as reported by other folks line those on that Phuket web site in the post above.

By the way, the True DOCSIS internet system is not fiber optics but an RG-type coaxial cable (approx 1/2 inch in diameter) system used as the trunk line running through the neighborhood which looks likes (except bigger) the RG6/RG11 cable that connects to your cable modem or cable TV box. Now there may be fiber optic line feeding the head-end of the trunk line before it enters the neighborhood, but the trunk line and line tapping into the trunk line which runs to your residence is just RG series 75 ohm coaxial cable. In my moobaan, even TOT has just installed junction boxes mounted on poles which are feed by fiber optics/fiber optic boxes, but the individual lines running to homes is still the old two wire copper phone wires. For a while I thought they were ging to install TOT Fiber To The Home (FTTH) but I'm not so sure now since I haven't seen any more activitiy since they installed several fiber optic fed boxes around the moobaan. In my moobaan, TOT lost most of their internet customers to True DOCSIS/cable last year when True installed it's 7Mb-100Mb speed system. I think since TOT lost many of their internet customers to True and last year's flooding damage which caused many customers to lose service for weeks or months that these factors have helped motivate TOT to improve their phone/internet system...but with this TOT fiber optic story I don't know if they have faster ADSL plans to my moobaan now or not with the fiber optics junction boxes installed...before 6Mb ADSL was the best/fastest TOT had to my moobaan....next time I see the TOT lineman in my moobaan which speaks basic English I'll ask him...but I'm not changing back to TOT as long as my True cable 20Mb/2Mb continues to hum along.

Cheers & thanks for the crossfeed.

Speed test statistics


Download speed: 3144104 bps

Upload speed: 2132840 bps

Quality of service: 15 %

Download test type: socket

Upload test type: socket

Maximum TCP delay: 241 ms

Average download pause: 9 ms

Minimum round trip time to server: 288 ms

Average round trip time to server: 289 ms

Estimated download bandwidth: 22400000bps

Route concurrency: 7.1244464

Download TCP forced idle: 92 %

Maximum route speed: --

Capacity test statistics


Download capacity: 20253080 bps

Download packets per second: 2531

Upload capacity: 1891856 bps

Upload packets per second: 236

Quality of service: 99 %

Packet size: 1000 Bytes

Does this tell you anything? I'm having a hard time getting a print screen you can see. Very small.


Thanks. Yes, it shows a donwload speed of 3.14Mb, upload speed of 2.13Mb, and a ping time of 241ms. It also shows you have the capacity for 20.25Mb download speed which is basically saying you have a 20Mb plan. I think these results are "real world" results versus the download and/or ping time being skewed by a in-Thailand/nearby cache server.

I've never had the MSOnline Services give me a download speed result which approaches my 20Mb speed...but as I mentioned, I have on DSLReports.com give skewed results a few times and if using Speedtest.net I can get 20Mb download speeds and approx 10ms ping times to pretty much server on Earth. Let's just say DSLReports.com is much harder to fool than Speedtest.net and similar speedtesters based on OOKLA like True's own speedtest at this Link. However, with Speedtest.net if I enter one of their proxy server settings in my browser setup, the upload and ping times are real world and the download speed seem believable.

As FYI, below is Speedtest.net results with proxy settings disabled (notice my 20Mb and 13ms ping time to L.A....these results are bogus & faster than light). And then right below that I have enabled the True proxy setting and rerun the test...notice how the download speed and ping time are now within the real world realm.

Just as FYI those proxy settings are:

proxy.trueinternet.co.th Port 8080


proxy.asianet.co.th Port 8080

You can search ThaiVisa and find several posts on how to enter the proxy settings depending on which browser you use...it's an easy setup.

Proxy Settings Disabled...testing to L.A. (note: bogus results...and the ping time is like the test server is across the soi)


Proxy Setting Enabled (note download speed, upload speed, and ping time are believeable)


Take all speed test results with a BIG grain of sale and look for things which indicate the results may be skewed/bogus...like ping time to the U.S./Europe which are low...like in the 10 to 50ms range where the real world ping time is in the 200 to 300 ms (or higher) range. And of course download speeds which seem to good to be true...if you are on any plan up to around 30Mb (cable/fiber/ADSL) and getting download speeds a lot higher than around 6Mb to the U.S./Europe that download speed result is probably a cache server skewed results...you are not really testing to that server on the other side of the earth but to a much closer server. Also, keep in mind speedtesting,browsing, and video streaming is a single-threaded operation; but download manager/torrent downloading is a multi-threaded operation and you may be able to pull the full 20Mb download speed to far off servers...I know I do regularly.

In closing, I want to ensure you none of my posts on this subject have meant to be augmentative; I just want to ensure a person understands speed test results are many times skewed/bogus...take speed test results with a BIG grain of salt. Cheers.


Thanks. Yes, it shows a donwload speed of 3.14Mb, upload speed of 2.13Mb, and a ping time of 241ms. It also shows you have the capacity for 20.25Mb download speed which is basically saying you have a 20Mb plan. I think these results are "real world" results versus the download and/or ping time being skewed by a in-Thailand/nearby cache server.

I've never had the MSOnline Services give me a download speed result which approaches my 20Mb speed...but as I mentioned, I have on DSLReports.com give skewed results a few times and if using Speedtest.net I can get 20Mb download speeds and approx 10ms ping times to pretty much server on Earth. Let's just say DSLReports.com is much harder to fool than Speedtest.net and similar speedtesters based on OOKLA like True's own speedtest at this Link. However, with Speedtest.net if I enter one of their proxy server settings in my browser setup, the upload and ping times are real world and the download speed seem believable.

As FYI, below is Speedtest.net results with proxy settings disabled (notice my 20Mb and 13ms ping time to L.A....these results are bogus & faster than light). And then right below that I have enabled the True proxy setting and rerun the test...notice how the download speed and ping time are now within the real world realm.

Just as FYI those proxy settings are:

proxy.trueinternet.co.th Port 8080


proxy.asianet.co.th Port 8080

You can search ThaiVisa and find several posts on how to enter the proxy settings depending on which browser you use...it's an easy setup.

Proxy Settings Disabled...testing to L.A. (note: bogus results...and the ping time is like the test server is across the soi)


Proxy Setting Enabled (note download speed, upload speed, and ping time are believeable)


Take all speed test results with a BIG grain of sale and look for things which indicate the results may be skewed/bogus...like ping time to the U.S./Europe which are low...like in the 10 to 50ms range where the real world ping time is in the 200 to 300 ms (or higher) range. And of course download speeds which seem to good to be true...if you are on any plan up to around 30Mb (cable/fiber/ADSL) and getting download speeds a lot higher than around 6Mb to the U.S./Europe that download speed result is probably a cache server skewed results...you are not really testing to that server on the other side of the earth but to a much closer server. Also, keep in mind speedtesting,browsing, and video streaming is a single-threaded operation; but download manager/torrent downloading is a multi-threaded operation and you may be able to pull the full 20Mb download speed to far off servers...I know I do regularly.

In closing, I want to ensure you none of my posts on this subject have meant to be augmentative; I just want to ensure a person understands speed test results are many times skewed/bogus...take speed test results with a BIG grain of salt. Cheers.

Cool, i learned something today.biggrin.png

Download speed: 3144104 bps

Upload speed: 2132840 bps

3/2 Mbps on the MS test tool is pretty impressive. I typically end up with Kbps. ;) on my 9/1 True DSL line running the MS test tool..

I am back in the U.S. later this week, so will run that MS test on Verizon FiOS and Comcast FTTx networks. These are, as near as I can remember, FTTC(urb) then copper to the home (all 30 feet), but some may terminate fiber at the demarc?


That may still be kinda of an apples and oranges test if testing to the U.S. MS server which will be much closer compared to testing to the server from half-way around the world/here in Thailand. Plus that would be national gateway testing (within country) compared to international gateway testing....seems the Thailand ISPs are more cost aware (cheap basta%ds) with their international bandwidth where maybe the U.S. ISPs may not be as cheap of basta%ds...then again, they may be cheaper. But the results were definitely help shed more light on download speed from-and-to here-and-there...what country you are in...what ISP is being used...etc. Looking forward to the results. Have a safe and good trip.


Back to the original question, TOT tell me that having a dedicated line just for internet instead of 1 line for phone and internet may increase my speed anyone think that would help? getting about 3/4 of a meg on intetnational (on a 9 meg package) need at least 1 or 2 for streaming without any buffering


Back to the original question, TOT tell me that having a dedicated line just for internet instead of 1 line for phone and internet may increase my speed anyone think that would help? getting about 3/4 of a meg on intetnational (on a 9 meg package) need at least 1 or 2 for streaming without any buffering

It would only possibly help if the combo phone and ADSL line currently has "physical" problems (i.e., funky connection, high attentuation, low signal to noise ratio)...and, if it has problems, TOT needs to fix it. The ADSL signal riding on a phone line is not impacted by the phone signal unless maybe you have some funky wiring/devices (fax, splitters, another phone, etc) also hanging on the line. Now if in part of what they meant was they were going to run a new line to your modem in a more direct way and avoid any internal residence wiring which could also be causing your basic connection problem then yes that could possibly help "if" your residence wiring is causing any problem or if the problem was just on the length of new line they run. Remember the distance between your modem and the DSLAM could be kilometers away and just running a new line for part of that distance may not fix the bad portion of the line. But if you are already getting full/close to full speed it probably won't help.

Where you mentioned earlier that you get 2 to 8Mb on your 9Mb plan, that indicates a "physical line" problem...that is, a funky connecton between your modem and the DSLAM which is probably kilometers away in a central station....with a good physical line between your house and DSLAM you should be getting 9Mb 24/7. You may want to take a look at your sync/data speed, Signal to Noise, and Attenuation values in your modem's menu setup...lots of ThaiVisa posts giving info on what would be considered acceptable values....this will tell you if there is a physical line problem.

Regarding the 1Mb international downspeed you are getting when I was on the TOT 4Mb and 6Mb ADSL plans, I got 4Mb/6Mb in-Thailand speed 24/7 and anywhere from 500Kb to 2Mb to internatonal websites depending on the time of day/night...my average/most of the time international speed was probably 1.5Mb.....this was with a rock solid, good physical line. These speeds worked just fine for general browsing and emailing, but it did not do streaming video worth a durn. And here is something very important to understand, when it comes to streaming video there can be night and day difference between say two plans that are both providing an "average" 1Mb download speed. One plan may be providing a slow-down (say 500Kb), then speed-up (say 1.5Mb), then slow-down, then speed-up, etc., type data flow but when "averaging" out the data flow like in a speedtest you get a 1Mb download speed--streaming video hates this type of data flow...will result in a lot of pausing....this is the problem I had on my TOT plans even with a rock solid physical line connection. Where the other plan provides a pretty steady, smooth, consistent 1Mb download speed--say a slow-down to only 900Kb and then only a speed-up to 1.1Mb--streaming video needs this kind of smooth data flow to run correctly. Evening pulling say 2Mb on an international connection/speedtest, if it not "smooth, consistent" but more of a bursty type flow...slow down to 1Mb...speed up to 3Mb for a 2Mb average, you will also experience pausing.

If you use Speedtest.net and look at the little bandwidth chart just below the speedmeter you can see how smoothly or unsmoothly the data is flowing....this assumes any TOT cache servers don't give you bogus results...when I was on TOT, Speedtest.net was not skewed/fooled...I guess TOT didn't use any cache servers. You may want to push TOT to first fix your varying 2-8Mb "in-Thailand"/basic connection speed...this should be pulling 9Mb pretty much all the time with a good physical line....this in turn should also help your international speed for video streaming somewhat.

I know this really don't answer your queston, I just wanted to point out that getting a plan that provides a 2Mb international speed still may not fix your streaming video issue. Good luck.


Many thanks for your detailed answer, Like you I suspect that its a faulty line sometimes the speedtest results show a very smooth line other times its up and down like a mountain range. But you now what TOT are like.........................pretty useless!


^ If you can access your modem's UI and take a look at the line characteristics, and even post them here, some may be able to identify any issues. I'd also look at the modems' log for any potential issues. What DNS are you using? Do you have a telephone? Any noise on the line? Do you have multiple phone jacks in your domicile? Did your service ever work acceptably? Can you borrow another modem/router to try? I troubleshoot a lot of DSL problems here and a speedtest result is nearly useless for identifying potential problems, other than to service as a sort of binary (on/off) gauge. wink.png

I would talk to neighbors to see what else might be available, what they might be using and what might work. Your options may be limited?

This is from a True 9/1 line:



Many thanks for your detailed answer, Like you I suspect that its a faulty line sometimes the speedtest results show a very smooth line other times its up and down like a mountain range. But you now what TOT are like.........................pretty useless!

An intermittent line problem like a corroded/loose connection somewhere along the long length of the line could cause that. I never really had any physical line problems with TOT when on their 4Mb or 6Mb plans, it's just their international speed was inconsistent, choppy. I had no problem going full speed within Thailand...just the international bandwidth/quality of the bandwidth was not that good. In Jun 11, I was able to switch to True DOCSIS/cable internet 20Mb/2Mb and my international bandwidth is much better/much smoother...my days of streaming video pausing are pretty much in the past. But those TOT video streaming problems was on their 4 & 6Mb plans...hopefully their faster plans do streaming video better when having a good physical line.


Hi Pib, here are my TP link results not sure what they tell you. Our local connection speed is always pretty good.Just did a speed test, Bangkok ping 45ms download 9.58 upload 0.51 and very smooth constant graph but on London speed test, ping 829ms download 0.66 upload 0.17 and massive peaks and troughs in the graph. That seems to be my main problem as trying to stream TV from the UK won’t work with constant buffering. True is not available in my area, stops short about 1 mile away which is very frustrating. TOT does have a fibre 2u service but not sure how good that is and if it will solve my problem

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin


14.9 32.0 db

Line Attenuation


43.0 16.2 db

Data Rate


11264 634 kbps



18.3 14.3 dbm



11176 0


Your line stats are fine...at the point in time your took the snapshot. When you are experiencing problems you should take another snapshot to see if you are having an intermittent physical line problem. Your sync/data speed is equal to or greater than your plan's 9Mb/512Kb download/upload speed. Your download SNR/Noise Margin of 14.9db is in the middle of the 11-20db zone considered good with no sync problems, but there are some websites that say a person can start experiencing sync/disconnect problems starting around 10-12db. And your download line attenuation of 43db is in the good zone of 40-50db. All your numbers look good. Take a look at this DSLReports Link for a chart showing key line parameters.

The next time you experience low "in-Thailand" speeds take a look at your modem stats again and also do a speedtest to Bangkok. If your modem stats are good, especially the sync/data speed pulling at least 9Mb, but your speedtest results are pulling less that probably an indication of the TOT servers/national gateway holding you back. If the "in-Thailand" speed is good, but your international speed is low that's probably a case of the TOT servers/internation gateway holding you back. Also known as bandwidth issues.

Wow, an 829ms ping time to London....that's very high...TOT must be using a DNS routing going through the U.S or all around Asia and Europe before getting to London....taking the long way to London. I just did a Speedtest.net test to London on my True cable 20Mb/2Mb plan and got a 253ms ping time and a 5.27Mb DL/1.36Mb UL with True proxy setting turned on (if I turn off the proxy setting when using most speed test programs I get bogus/faster than light results ot 20Mb/2Mb/10ms ping to pretty much any server on Earth). Normally most ping times to Europe should be in the 200-350ms ballpark.

TOT FTTH is an option but don't expect faster international speeds than what a good ADSL/Cable/Other Fiber connection will provide. Remember, regardless of what system is used to provide that Final Mile of connection so to speak (i.e.,ADSL, Cable, Fiber, etc) that is only the connection from your residence to the ISP's central station/DSLAM...after that you are on the ISP's backbone/national/international gateways along with everyone else. While the ISP can still code your profile to get faster international speed, it seems all the Thai ISP's pretty much limit their international bandwidth to around 2Mb for plans up to around 30Mb based on DSLReports speedtester results. Here's a Link to a Phuket website/database were folks log their results on various ISPs in Phuket. Hopefully the link will pull-up with TOT Fiber 10Mb/1Mb plan results. Ignore the results which reflect high download speeds as those posters were not following instructions of using the DSLReports Speedtest to their L.A. server...instead quite a few people who can't follow instructions will use Speedtest.net or some other speed tester that is easy fooled by local cache severs. Cheers.

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