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Abhisit In '2-For-1' Offer


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Those people are of little concern to him. Have you ever heard of a red shirt apologizing to the little people who's lives they disrupted and in some cases destroyed.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told. If I remember correctly while the red shirts were on their rampage in Bangkok they were setting up schools in the poorer areas to teach what democracy was.

That must have been interesting trying to teach some thing they knew nothing about. And why try to teach democracy in a country that is not a democracy it has a parliamentarian system.

One must remember that when dealing with those idiots most of them come from areas where many schools have no electricity and they were never given a education just taught to believe what ever they are told.

and what's your point here?

your hatred for a large population of people is suffocating btw...

It is not hatred it is pity.

They blindly follow leaders who could care less about them. Look at the number of them jailed and their leaders left them to rot. The Dem's bailed many of them out and still they listen to their red shirt leaders.

That is because like you they were trained to believe not think.

That is my point they are made up of people who learned just swallowed every thing their teachers said without questioning it.

i don't want to get personal in regards to how i percieve your educational ability...

you can spin it however you want but you should know (maybe) that i wasn't saying you shouldn't question anything that is ever told to you....

and what i was saying was, education in the classic sense of the schooling system is believing what the teacher tells you... in subjects... that they are teachers of, learning from the books that you read with them.... i tended not to be paranoid that my teacher was lying to me about geography but maybe i should have questioned more... maybe i'll look back and say to myself, hey wait a minute THATS not australia!!!!!!

there is a difference between being taught math and being taught politicial idealogies, i didn't get much of the latter at my school.

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no, i guess i confuse my experience of what school was like for me...

i didn't sit there questioning algebra,

Of course you questioned it. When you are given an equation, a+b=c-d, it is by questioning why a+b=c-d, that you can make your deduction.

or denying the existence of shakespeare...

Using your own brain doesn't mean denying the existence of everything.

Of course you questioned it. When you are given an equation, a+b=c-d, it is by questioning why a+b=c-d, that you can make your deduction.

i genuinely was waiting for that predictable response... i meant i didn't question whether the formula being taught to us by our teacher was correct.

try twist what i said all you want, but if you really genuinely aren't just trolling and cannot understand the basic concept of what i meant... then maybe you should have asked more questions in school

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Speaking of brainwashing, that is what the Red masses are. Brainwashed.

Derp, you obstinately refuse to understand what scorecard said. He does not look own on Red Shirts or peopole from poor villages.

What he said what that they are idiots for believing the Red Propaganda. A better choice of word would have been 'ignorant'.

They are not stupid, just uneducated. Now they are just indoctrinated.

names not derp btw

the quote i took up was "One must remember that when dealing with those idiots"

that's where i got involved in this conversation.

He does not look own on Red Shirts

and that statement... it think is <deleted> tbh, but that's my opinion.

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Is Chuan having an incontinence moment? rolleyes.gif

Probably discomfort knowing his own brother was a wanted fugitive for embezzlement until the statute of limitations expired.

What is it with PM's and their fugitive criminal siblings! :rolleyes:

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i genuinely was waiting for that predictable response... i meant i didn't question whether the formula being taught to us by our teacher was correct.

Well i think you probably would have questioned the formula too. It's what we naturally are inclined to do when we don't understand something. Might not mean standing up and accusing the teacher of lying, but it does mean going through an internal thought process of challenging why we are being told, what we are being told.

try twist what i said all you want, but if you really genuinely aren't just trolling and cannot understand the basic concept of what i meant... then maybe you should have asked more questions in school

A lot of accusations and insults in there. Calm yourself down.

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i genuinely was waiting for that predictable response... i meant i didn't question whether the formula being taught to us by our teacher was correct.

Well i think you probably would have questioned the formula too. It's what we naturally are inclined to do when we don't understand something. Might not mean standing up and accusing the teacher of lying, but it does mean going through an internal thought process of challenging why we are being told, what we are being told.

try twist what i said all you want, but if you really genuinely aren't just trolling and cannot understand the basic concept of what i meant... then maybe you should have asked more questions in school

A lot of accusations and insults in there. Calm yourself down.

i'm very mellow indeed and no insults, just observations.

i'm just still extremely surprised that you seemingly can't understand the difference between the type of questioning you highlight the red shirts for not asking (truths or untruths about what they're told) and the questioning of how things work... like in algebra, questioning the formula.

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i'm just still extremely surprised that you seemingly can't understand the difference between the type of questioning you highlight the red shirts for not asking (truths or untruths about what they're told) and the questioning of how things work... like in algebra, questioning the formula.

I was simply responding and disagreeing to your comment: education is being taught to believe what you're told...

At what point did i highlight anything concerning the red shirts?

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education is being taught to believe what you're told...

You confuse the art of brainwashing with educating.

Education is being taught to use your own brain, not simply parrot someone else's. Unless you are training monkeys.

Speaking of brainwashing, that is what the Red masses are. Brainwashed.

Derp, you obstinately refuse to understand what scorecard said. He does not look own on Red Shirts or peopole from poor villages.

What he said what that they are idiots for believing the Red Propaganda. A better choice of word would have been 'ignorant'.

They are not stupid, just uneducated. Now they are just indoctrinated.

This thread has gone real far off topic again.

Abhisit, saint or no, laid down a challenge, which the PTP have pussied out of. They (read: Thaksin) have too much to lose.

Anything Jatuporn or any other ex-protest leader MP says has to be completely discounted. Jatuporn is insane.

I am not sure if he actually believes his own insane rhetoric/demagogery.

IMO, the best way for reconciliation is that Thaksin comes back, faces the music and does some jail time.

However, he has always insisted he will not spend a day in jail.

So, who is blocking reconcilitation then?

Well no I wasn't meaning they are idiots for believing...

In fact, for the puspose of this particular discussion I would definitely not use the work idiot at all.

But I would agree that a large proportion of the masses are unaware and uninformed about the real big picture involved here, what it should look like so that they had better and sustainable opportunities, better quality of life, etc etc.

And I do believe with better education and access to better more balanced dicussion many of these good folks would see a completely different analysis.

Edited by scorecard
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The offer is inherently unfair even at 2-for-1 because only the one needs a whitewash.

The offer is a political gimmick because Abhisit and Suthep have not been charged for their alleged crimes.Should there be a proper investigation - no sign of this yet - and they are found guilty, that would be a different matter.However since they know the army in Thailand is never held accountable it's an empty gesture.

The problem will be proving that they did anything against the law while carrying out their duties and putting down an armed insurrection.

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education is being taught to believe what you're told...

No, that's indoctrination.


in·doc·tri·nate: To imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view: a generation of children who had been indoctrinated against the values of their parents.

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Thaksin wanted as many thais and red shirts to die as possible, The more that died the more he could wield his power against the dems, Now he is paying compensation to the familys of the 92 victims of thaksin who died in the conflict, He will have as many hired guns as he needs at his beck and call for the next round of confrontation in bangkok, if you were poor and knew that your family will recieve 700.000 baht if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity, but at 500 baht very afordable for the square one.

May I suggest you slow down when typing and think first - trust me, people may actually read your posts then. Otherwise they'll get as far as something like this

"if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity"

and just give up.

Again, just trust me, dying for a cause, whatever it may be, is not a good career opportunity.

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Thaksin wanted as many thais and red shirts to die as possible, The more that died the more he could wield his power against the dems, Now he is paying compensation to the familys of the 92 victims of thaksin who died in the conflict, He will have as many hired guns as he needs at his beck and call for the next round of confrontation in bangkok, if you were poor and knew that your family will recieve 700.000 baht if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity, but at 500 baht very afordable for the square one.

May I suggest you slow down when typing and think first - trust me, people may actually read your posts then. Otherwise they'll get as far as something like this

"if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity"

and just give up.

Again, just trust me, dying for a cause, whatever it may be, is not a good career opportunity.

For some it gives more money to their families than they would have been giving them the usual honest way, no doubt from them drinking and gambling away their daily salaries.

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Thai (uni educated wife) says it is known y her peers that Thaskin needs to keep Issan area uneducated, so he can control them with his promises

His greatest enemy is not the democrates but Farang who marry Issan girls and teach them about the correct ways of law

This mean the voters of tomorrow will be western influenced

The only way to stop this is to stop Farang living in Thailand and influencing his voters of tomorrow

Conclusion all those who seem to back Thaskin who are Farang and in self extinction mode

Thaskin wants you out of thailand, you are a thorn in his future plans

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Thaksin wanted as many thais and red shirts to die as possible, The more that died the more he could wield his power against the dems, Now he is paying compensation to the familys of the 92 victims of thaksin who died in the conflict, He will have as many hired guns as he needs at his beck and call for the next round of confrontation in bangkok, if you were poor and knew that your family will recieve 700.000 baht if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity, but at 500 baht very afordable for the square one.

May I suggest you slow down when typing and think first - trust me, people may actually read your posts then. Otherwise they'll get as far as something like this

"if you die defending thaksin it sounds like a good career opurtunity"

and just give up.

Again, just trust me, dying for a cause, whatever it may be, is not a good career opportunity.

For some it gives more money to their families than they would have been giving them the usual honest way, no doubt from them drinking and gambling away their daily salaries.

My, you have a lot of respect for "some" Thais don't you. There is certainly no doubt that dying would stop them from drinking and gambling away their 150 baht or more a day and probably make you feel better at the same time.

I can see them volunteering for it now, thousands of them, because they are all so stupid they think it's a good "career choice".

I think I can safely say that they are not as stupid as the posters on here that think this will happen.

Do you actually read what you have written before posting?

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Thai (uni educated wife) says it is known y her peers that Thaskin needs to keep Issan area uneducated, so he can control them with his promises

His greatest enemy is not the democrates but Farang who marry Issan girls and teach them about the correct ways of law

This mean the voters of tomorrow will be western influenced

The only way to stop this is to stop Farang living in Thailand and influencing his voters of tomorrow

Conclusion all those who seem to back Thaskin who are Farang and in self extinction mode

Thaskin wants you out of thailand, you are a thorn in his future plans

I agree with your first sentence, but I am skeptikal regarding the rest.

If you look at all the topics in General, you see a lot of guys complaining that their wives/GFs don't listen to what they say. Some of that could be down to communication/language issues, but how many times have I heard/read that most Thai women with western husbands don't believe what they say. They rather listen to what their family/friends tell them.

You give foreigners(westerners) way too much credit. Westerners are irrelevant in this country. Most Thai people, rich or poor, don't give us a second thought. We don't matter.

"Farang who marry Issan girls and teach them about the correct ways of law" That made me laugh.

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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education is being taught to believe what you're told...

No, that's indoctrination.

No, your interpretation of what i meant is indoctrination.

what i meant is that from an early age... when you are being educated by a teacher, you are being taught to believe what you are told within the education system.

"what you're told" is a broad statement, and when talking about education and teachers "what your told" by a teacher will usually involve it being shown in some form or another.

so no, i didn't mean that they are literally saying "you must believe whatever you are told" and give no evidence for anything.

(though it seems that was the viewpoint being projected on to me, either just for the sake of arguing or out of lack of understanding, i'd go with the former.)

what you are being taught in school... you are being taught to believe that it's true, correct, legitimate.

saying 'education is being taught to believe what your told'... does not mean that you are not given evidence to back up what you are told.

it's a wide open statement.. you can justifiably say it was wrong by your interpretation and i can justifiably say it was right by my interpretation, but i was the one who said it, and i know how i meant it...

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