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How Long I Can Use Educational Visa When Come Back To Thailand?

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I have at the moment the non immigrant o visa valid until Oktober this year!

After have year in Thailand I fly now back to Europe for 3 Month come back and August and then stay maybe one year here!

Before I go I take the paper from school to get ed visa in my home country here in Thailand the language school told me if you Allready in Thailand is not nesarsary to take ed visa in another country local Imigration can do inside Thailand when you provide all dokuments!

Now I need to know in. Detail because i dont know exactly , when u want Beginn with The learning!

Can a consulate Apply Outside Thailand The ed Visa without canceling The non Immigrant o Visa?

Or are to valid visas of diffrent types iin Same passboard not possible?

When My Old Visa is still valid until Oktober but a want make longer validility in my homecountry Must Old Visa of Same type chanceled before appling a New One , no matter what type it is?

The main question if I currencly don't know, when studdy begin, how long I have time to beginn study, if I enter Thailand with Ed visa, Is it allowed to wait 3 month with the studybeginn and before the 3 month is finish I can go to local Imigration ,apply for next 3 month,or must study begin imidiatly?

About the time of study every week and holiday times on diffrent locations in Thailand I got diffrent information for the same question!

Chiang may Univercity told must Learn at least 7 h Every week!

In Pattaya school says only 4h!

About the question can the visa only be extended at Imigration at place of study or everywhere in Thailand,the school don't know some say can everywhere and here information on board was via versa?

What happens when someone make to long holiday during study?

How high are the fine?

I still don't know about the allowed holiday times?

I only know everything not easy since my language school in Pattaya close 2 times during study because the got visit from local Imigration , I think it's better to ask here, all the difficult questions, before I do a step wrong in the complicated process !

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For an extension, you would need to studying avarege at least 4 hours a week and must provide school documents confirming you study with them.

If you travel around in Thailand the question can be how you visit school to study and if you are really studying. If immigration think you are not studying they can deny you an extension of stay, meaning you have to leave the country.

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