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Does The Songkran Water Madness Finish On Sunday 15Th?


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Those morons (your countrymen) are the many who keep hotels running, the airport open, your mobile phones on, hospitals (doctors, nurses, janitors, care givers, etc.), all the stores in malls and all supermarkets open for business,etc.. This is only to name a few companies, from utilities to a myriad of other services that do require a dress code. Will you find proper for a front desk clerk at a 5, 4 star hotel soaking wet when you check in? Demanding Card Blanche for a mob that stabs, maims, throws blocks of ice to moving cars and motorcycles and kills people while having "Songkran fun" is absurd and a sign of lunacy. First of all, the "fun" that takes place nowadays has nothing to do with Songkran. Know your own history and traditions. Who are you to judge the medical needs of someone scheduled for eye surgery on a specific day? Not all things Thai are good. To think that all things Thai are good is to live in denial of the obvious. But to some dim witted people the mantra Farang bad, Thai good, is all they know without stopping to thing about the consequences of their actions.

what a drama queen you are! could you possibly exaggerate more?

it does feel good to abandon yourself to the throes of righteous indignation, doesn't it?

Edited by nocturn
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Those morons (your countrymen) are the many who keep hotels running, the airport open, your mobile phones on, hospitals (doctors, nurses, janitors, care givers, etc.), all the stores in malls and all supermarkets open for business,etc.. This is only to name a few companies, from utilities to a myriad of other services that do require a dress code. Will you find proper for a front desk clerk at a 5, 4 star hotel soaking wet when you check in? Demanding Card Blanche for a mob that stabs, maims, throws blocks of ice to moving cars and motorcycles and kills people while having "Songkran fun" is absurd and a sign of lunacy. First of all, the "fun" that takes place nowadays has nothing to do with Songkran. Know your own history and traditions. Who are you to judge the medical needs of someone scheduled for eye surgery on a specific day? Not all things Thai are good. To think that all things Thai are good is to live in denial of the obvious. But to some dim witted people the mantra Farang bad, Thai good, is all they know without stopping to thing about the consequences of their actions.

what a drama queen you are! could you possibly exaggerate more?

it does feel good to abandon yourself to the throes of righteous indignation, doesn't it?

When people shout, call names or epithets to someone they disagree, it means they lost the argument and lack the wherewithal to prevail using reason, data or facts.

Exaggeration? You obviously remain immune to the news. This link will take you to the information that you obviously ignore and was published in TV and The Nation.

The title reads:

3 Murders As Songkran In Thailand Turns Ugly

Before you open your mouth to spout names or accuse, know what you are talking about. Or else, be smart and shut up.

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All year long there are farangs make fun of the Thais for being scared of going out in the rain but come Songkran you'd think some foreigners believe water to be one of the worst carcinogens know to man.

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Those morons (your countrymen) are the many who keep hotels running, the airport open, your mobile phones on, hospitals (doctors, nurses, janitors, care givers, etc.), all the stores in malls and all supermarkets open for business,etc.. This is only to name a few companies, from utilities to a myriad of other services that do require a dress code. Will you find proper for a front desk clerk at a 5, 4 star hotel soaking wet when you check in? Demanding Card Blanche for a mob that stabs, maims, throws blocks of ice to moving cars and motorcycles and kills people while having "Songkran fun" is absurd and a sign of lunacy. First of all, the "fun" that takes place nowadays has nothing to do with Songkran. Know your own history and traditions. Who are you to judge the medical needs of someone scheduled for eye surgery on a specific day? Not all things Thai are good. To think that all things Thai are good is to live in denial of the obvious. But to some dim witted people the mantra Farang bad, Thai good, is all they know without stopping to thing about the consequences of their actions.

what a drama queen you are! could you possibly exaggerate more?

it does feel good to abandon yourself to the throes of righteous indignation, doesn't it?

When people shout, call names or epithets to someone they disagree, it means they lost the argument and lack the wherewithal to prevail using reason, data or facts.

Exaggeration? You obviously remain immune to the news. This link will take you to the information that you obviously ignore and was published in TV and The Nation.

The title reads:

3 Murders As Songkran In Thailand Turns Ugly


Before you open your mouth to spout names or accuse, know what you are talking about. Or else, be smart and shut up.

Since the first part of the OP says

Three vicious murders
Songkran celebrations in separate incidents around the country yesterday.

I think most reasonable people would conclude that murder is not part of the Songkran celebrations. One might also consider people are murdered every day all over the world when it is not Songkran and that people who are going to kill somebody for being splashed with water are going to end up killing somebody anyway at some point ... and actually probably not too far off to believe they may have killed before but only got caught this time because of all the witnesses around because of the celebrations.

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I may be wrong, my understanding was that the Pattaya area was always one week behind BKK. It used to give you a chance to miss it in BKK and then leave Pattaya to get back to BKK when it was all over .

It's starts even earlier in Pattaya. In the bar areas water throwing started on April 11.

Edited by tropo
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OK,Nisa,the parties you refer to,rock concerts and so on,are parties you can chose to go to,or not.If you don`t want to go,you do not have to alter your life for 4-5 days..!And you can chose which party. New year celebration can be noisy,but normally only for an evening,when many people stay home anyway.My guess is,that people with your reasoning also must say,that it is ok with corrupt police,because that is "tradition" in this country.Likewise the burning every year,which cause dangerous pollution and other similar things.It is true,that one can not change this and that one has to grin and endure it,but that doesn`t mean,that one has to like it.The alternativ,so often presented,"go back where you came from",is often not a relevant one.There can be many circumstances that makes a move like that more or less impossible,as in my situation.Still,I sometimes ponder it anyway...

Again, to answer your question ... if this is your view of Songkran then you should be all means stay indoors for the few days it lasts. Some people don't go out or drive in the rain and that is their preference. Others, like myself, love going out and watching a thunder storm. You have to do what feels safe for you. The millions and millions of people who take to the streets and enjoy this celebration feel differently. New Years celebrations in the west, as do many other holidays (especially when they fall on a week-end), results in many more accidents, deaths and injuries on the roads and there are a number of folks who choose to stay home.

As for corrupt police, pollution and so on, this is a different topic but instead of blaming others, why not blame yourself for getting in a position where you are stuck in a country you seem to view so negatively. I suggest you try to adapt and enjoy the holidays as do the overwhelming vast majority of millions upon millions of people who do each year without injury. As for the police, learn to enjoy the freedoms and don't get involved with police here if you cannot trust them ... it is very easy to do. Pollution exists everywhere and certain areas of every country has it more so than others and if you can't move then you only have yourself to blame.

Bottom line is we can control ourselves and not others and we alone are responsible for our own happiness and safety. If you wanted more controlled life with restrictions and lots of government regulations all designed to protect you then you picked the wrong country to live.


Understanding Nina's idiotioc reasoning is impossible.

Edited by ralphlsasser
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Want to know why I love songkran so much?

Because I love to throw water on grumpy tourists and expats, who thinks (!) that their wish to stay dry weighs heavier than Thailand's traditions.

I believe most of you who talk of this being traditional don't have much of an idea of what the holiday is supposed to be about, or just how traditional the current Songkran madness is. I first came to Thailand 47 years ago, which predates most expats. Back in those days it was a much gentler and friendlier tradition, and I never saw any aggressive behavior. The water splashing was much more respectful, I mean WAY more respectful, than I see these days. I don't think I've gotten grumpier, at least I hope not--I still like to have fun--but the holiday isn't much fun for me anymore, and I try to stay inside and avoid as much of it as I can. I don't believe in banning alcohol or trying to force people to quit enjoying themselves, but I think that looking back to what the original traditions are here, and their meanings, would be instructive. I don't think that people who don't want to get wet should have to stay inside for days at a time. And the suggested "mai aow," in my experience, 1) doesn't work most of the time and 2) makes you look grumpy even if you really aren't. Didn't use to have to say that, or even think it. So when you mention tradition, be sure you know what you're talking about.

Nicely explained. The uneducated without an inkling of what a true Thai tradition is think that the current assault on people with high power water canons, blocks of ice and bucketfuls of water splashed on someone's face in a fun tradition. They are just in the dark of what Songkran is really about. But, to their reckless brains lacking the couth or willingness to learn, the random aggressive assault using water canons, buckets and blocks of ice that is just fun. A gentleman was explaining in TV that he had a cataract removed at the hospital and on his way home, although he had the bandage on his eye, he was splashed water all over his face several times. Other people who are going to work in their daily best suffer a similar fate. Songkran is indeed a lovely tradition, not what is going on nowadays. It has descended to the level of the lowest common denominator. If we defend the real tradition and we are against such mayhem then, in the eyes of the Western troglodytes telling us to go home or fit in we are just grumpy old men. Their lack of couth and insensitivity to other people's rights speak volumes of who they are.

You really are as stupid as you sound. Amazing.

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Want to know why I love songkran so much?

Because I love to throw water on grumpy tourists and expats, who thinks that their wish to stay dry weighs heavier than Thailand's traditions.

That is why.

So watch out. Me and my friends will be aiming for you. cool.png

You dont have a clue about anything. That´s ok, not everyone can be intelligent.

Ignore it. He obviously doesn't respect his elders neither, be it here or be it from under the stone he once crawled!


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Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?
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Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?

I think that one line sums it all up...

I'm not happy with the lifestyle choice my next door neighbour's cat has made but I can accept it and don't feel the need to tell her what she should/shouln't do, where she should/shouldn't do it and how she should/shouldn't do it.

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Want to know why I love songkran so much?

Because I love to throw water on grumpy tourists and expats, who thinks (!) that their wish to stay dry weighs heavier than Thailand's traditions.

I believe most of you who talk of this being traditional don't have much of an idea of what the holiday is supposed to be about, or just how traditional the current Songkran madness is. I first came to Thailand 47 years ago, which predates most expats. Back in those days it was a much gentler and friendlier tradition, and I never saw any aggressive behavior. The water splashing was much more respectful, I mean WAY more respectful, than I see these days. I don't think I've gotten grumpier, at least I hope not--I still like to have fun--but the holiday isn't much fun for me anymore, and I try to stay inside and avoid as much of it as I can. I don't believe in banning alcohol or trying to force people to quit enjoying themselves, but I think that looking back to what the original traditions are here, and their meanings, would be instructive. I don't think that people who don't want to get wet should have to stay inside for days at a time. And the suggested "mai aow," in my experience, 1) doesn't work most of the time and 2) makes you look grumpy even if you really aren't. Didn't use to have to say that, or even think it. So when you mention tradition, be sure you know what you're talking about.

Nicely explained. The uneducated without an inkling of what a true Thai tradition is think that the current assault on people with high power water canons, blocks of ice and bucketfuls of water splashed on someone's face in a fun tradition. They are just in the dark of what Songkran is really about. But, to their reckless brains lacking the couth or willingness to learn, the random aggressive assault using water canons, buckets and blocks of ice that is just fun. A gentleman was explaining in TV that he had a cataract removed at the hospital and on his way home, although he had the bandage on his eye, he was splashed water all over his face several times. Other people who are going to work in their daily best suffer a similar fate. Songkran is indeed a lovely tradition, not what is going on nowadays. It has descended to the level of the lowest common denominator. If we defend the real tradition and we are against such mayhem then, in the eyes of the Western troglodytes telling us to go home or fit in we are just grumpy old men. Their lack of couth and insensitivity to other people's rights speak volumes of who they are.

What moron would go to work in his daily best during Songkran when there is not one company in Thailand who would expect such dress knowing that a National Holiday is going on where water is thrown and powder applied? And if somebody really was expected to dress in their best suite and make it to work looking like they were hosting an award ceremony but couldn't handle this then maybe they have no business having a job because it really isn't that difficult avoiding the celebrations if you really need to. The same could be said about a person who not only who schedules a surgery during Songkran but then decides to walk the streets after the surgery where folks are splashing water.

It is like some people come to Thailand and exchange their common sense at their airport with a elevated sense of superiority and the inability to not whine about everything Thai.

"It is like some people come to Thailand and exchange their common sense at their airport with a elevated sense of superiority and the inability to not whine about everything Thai."

Yes, Nisa, your rhetorical statement sums you up immensely.

Your lack of regard for elders, and simplistic egotistical viewpoint mirror the likes of your personality to a T.

Nobody is whining about everything Thai. Simple observations of Songkran becoming more apparently dangerous year on year is not whining.

Oh! And by the way! One is supposed to be aged 18 to have an account at TV. If you are 18 and over then please let your comments reflect this, and stop the negative attitude of, "sod you old farts, I will have fun how and where, attacking who I like, regardless!"


Edited by MEL1
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Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?

I think that one line sums it all up...

I'm not happy with the lifestyle choice my next door neighbour's cat has made but I can accept it and don't feel the need to tell her what she should/shouln't do, where she should/shouldn't do it and how she should/shouldn't do it.

Does your neighbour's cat throw hard ice in your face?

No, I didn't think so. If you're going to make similes, please make warranted ones!


Edited by MEL1
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Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?

I think that one line sums it all up...

I'm not happy with the lifestyle choice my next door neighbour's cat has made but I can accept it and don't feel the need to tell her what she should/shouln't do, where she should/shouldn't do it and how she should/shouldn't do it.

Really!? Even if the cat use your bedroom or citchen as a toilett..If you read the next line in my previous post,"Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me!"That is the line that sums it up!To narrow it down even more for you,all this discussion boils down to one thing: Are you many enough to have your fun amongst yourself or must you force others to participate?As I stated before,you can go on with your playing with water everyday of the year,I do not care,I do not want to stop it,I do not want to change your lifestyles!!!Get it? But please,let us,who do not like it,stay outside your game! That`s all! PS. Give my regards to your neighbours cat,which,by the way,probably doesn`t like to have water thrown at it either. Edited by Bosse137
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"It is like some people come to Thailand and exchange their common sense at their airport with a elevated sense of superiority and the inability to not whine about everything Thai."

Yes, Nisa, your rhetorical statement sums you up immensely.

Your lack of regard for elders, and simplistic egotistical viewpoint mirror the likes of your personality to a T.

Nobody is whining about everything Thai. Simple observations of Songkran becoming more apparently dangerous year on year is not whining.

Oh! And by the way! One is supposed to be aged 18 to have an account at TV. If you are 18 and over then please let your comments reflect this, and stop the negative attitude of, "sod you old farts, I will have fun how and where, attacking who I like, regardless!"


Mel, you may want to face the reality that it is nothing to do with Songkran why people want to abuse you.

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Does your neighbour's cat throw hard ice in your face?

No, I didn't think so. If you're going to make similes, please make warranted ones!


Of course the cat doesn't throw ice. It's just a cat for crying out loud! Cats can't throw anything - they just have paws...

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I've never had anybody throw hard (or soft) ice at me in Songkgran and each year I visit the most wild places around Bangkok and all the area in between. Never had anybody throw a rock either. The worst is ice cold water.

I usually spend one day and evening out partying with the water and then spend another day having a few drinks watching on the sidelines (never bothered by revelers to any degree I needed to get myself worked up) and then spend one day as if the celebrations were not going on at all and the only ill effect is it is harder to get around.

If somebody got hit in the face with a rock or hard ice then they simply had some bad luck and that is a shame. If they think it is a common problem then I think they may have some enemies or have upset people.

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If somebody got hit in the face with a rock or hard ice then they simply had some bad luck and that is a shame. If they think it is a common problem then I think they may have some enemies or have upset people.

I agree. More than 20 years and have never seen anyone throwing chunks of ice on purpose and certainly no rocks.

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