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I'm looking for the experiences of Thai nationals who have obtained a Green Card (Permanent Resident Status) from the United States, but are splitting time between residing in the U.S. and Thailand ... what has been your experience in the following areas:

1) Any issues whatsoever (complaints, funny looks, probative questioning, threatening of denial of entry, etc.) at the U.S. port of entry simply because your passport indicates long periods of absence (though less than 1 year) from the United States?

2) Providing you have not remained outside the U.S. for a period exceeding 1 year, have you had any issues renewing an expired Green Card?

3) If you don't mind sharing, please indicate what is the average balance of time spent residing in the U.S. vs. Thailand.

Second-hand experiences of others that you have heard of, would also be welcome as I'm really trying to figure out if split residency is more than a theoretical problem for Green Card holders in practice.



We never had a problem with my wife re-entry to the US

Although we never stayed more than 3-4 months out at a time

If you do plan to stay out more than a year just fill out the reentry form.

Some claim that if over 6 months may be a good idea but we have no first hand

experience with that. It is important to realize your residence is suppose to be US

If not you could be seen as abandoning temp/perm residence

Never had a problem re-newing green cards....except we never did actually re-new

Instead she changed from 2 yr to 10 year card then shortly after applied for US citizenship

Re-entry Permit Info

Info on renewing Green card

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