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Successful Relationships With Thai Men?


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i understand you only want to hear positive story and yes they are many but you also have to understand that thing not alway are positive or good,

i see often farang lady and thai men mostly farang lady have to pay for everything, apartment , food, cloths, medicine because farang lady have a biger income than thai men some thai men work tattoo shop some men work boxing some work construction all of these are small salary jobs this can make lady feel resentful and therefor other nagative feeling come.

but i wish you good luck in your future

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i understand you only want to hear positive story and yes they are many but you also have to understand that thing not alway are positive or good,

i see often farang lady and thai men mostly farang lady have to pay for everything, apartment , food, cloths, medicine because farang lady have a biger income than thai men some thai men work tattoo shop some men work boxing some work construction all of these are small salary jobs this can make lady feel resentful and therefor other nagative feeling come.

but i wish you good luck in your future

I think that is a very big flying generalisation and not always true in some cases. Of course some Western women have a bigger income than the Thai men they're dating, however it does not mean they are necessarily expected to pay for everything. I certainly do not. It is mostly 50/50 for me. :)

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Odd, can't say I've seen it either and in general Thai culture and the way the men are raised wouldn't really allow for it as it is generally been my long term experience that the man pays for the woman, the older pays for the younger but then I have never hung around with lazy sponges.

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i understand you only want to hear positive story and yes they are many but you also have to understand that thing not alway are positive or good,

i see often farang lady and thai men mostly farang lady have to pay for everything, apartment , food, cloths, medicine because farang lady have a biger income than thai men some thai men work tattoo shop some men work boxing some work construction all of these are small salary jobs this can make lady feel resentful and therefor other nagative feeling come.

but i wish you good luck in your future

I have had two Thai relationships. One for two years and one for about four months. Both had much more money than me. Both played very traditional roles in that they would not let me pay for anything. I bought gifts of course, and would buy coffees or something as a treat, but i was taken out and given gifts. I didnt ask for any of it, nor expected not to go "dutch", but they wouldnt hear of it. The guy i dated for two years, had sold his business in Bangkok to have a semi-retired life in Chiang Mai (he was 45). He had a lot of baggage though (that might sound bad, but I felt i was in stalemate, so had to move on). The guy i dated for four months, held a highly respected position in Bangkok, flew regularly to Japan, Europe etc. He was a very attractive 38 year old, had the Mercedes, took me to a private condo in Hua Hin, blah blah, etc etc. (But, after finding out he spent a weekend with another girl (even though he said nothing happened *yeh right!*) decided it wasnt good for me. Got excuses, and maybe he was telling the truth, but im too old for games, and already had some bad gut feelings about it.)

But anyway, they werent bad guys, just that they were not right for me. But most certainly they were total opposite to what you described.

i'm sorry to burst your bublle but get what,,,, you would be what is call'ed the secound wife or what thai people call "my GIK " and honey you are not the first,

even a normal man can have a "GIK " so now how about a rich man count your fingers and take off your shoes because still more lady to count!!!! i know this because i'm a thai lady and i see this often, this is my country i have been here and live full in thailand than you, i'm sorry but i tell you the truth,,,sometime dificult to hear but still it is the truth... i realy wish you good luck in all your life;-)

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Well Wildorchid, you are not the first Thai woman I hear to speak negatively about Thai men. It's not easy to find true love [depending on what you expect from someone] but I dont think that is completely to do with where one is from.

So maybe it's bursting your bubble to read all of this and take in that app. some Thai men are decent guys and make some of us happy.

By the way cheating is something known in all cultures [so is having more then one wife but that's a bit irrelevant to the topic and well a bit old fashioned too!]

I wish you good luck in life and love! smile.png Chokdee

edit: Spelling

Edited by Carry
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i understand you only want to hear positive story and yes they are many but you also have to understand that thing not alway are positive or good,

i see often farang lady and thai men mostly farang lady have to pay for everything, apartment , food, cloths, medicine because farang lady have a biger income than thai men some thai men work tattoo shop some men work boxing some work construction all of these are small salary jobs this can make lady feel resentful and therefor other nagative feeling come.

but i wish you good luck in your future

I have had two Thai relationships. One for two years and one for about four months. Both had much more money than me. Both played very traditional roles in that they would not let me pay for anything. I bought gifts of course, and would buy coffees or something as a treat, but i was taken out and given gifts. I didnt ask for any of it, nor expected not to go "dutch", but they wouldnt hear of it. The guy i dated for two years, had sold his business in Bangkok to have a semi-retired life in Chiang Mai (he was 45). He had a lot of baggage though (that might sound bad, but I felt i was in stalemate, so had to move on). The guy i dated for four months, held a highly respected position in Bangkok, flew regularly to Japan, Europe etc. He was a very attractive 38 year old, had the Mercedes, took me to a private condo in Hua Hin, blah blah, etc etc. (But, after finding out he spent a weekend with another girl (even though he said nothing happened *yeh right!*) decided it wasnt good for me. Got excuses, and maybe he was telling the truth, but im too old for games, and already had some bad gut feelings about it.)

But anyway, they werent bad guys, just that they were not right for me. But most certainly they were total opposite to what you described.

i'm sorry to burst your bublle but get what,,,, you would be what is call'ed the secound wife or what thai people call "my GIK " and honey you are not the first,

even a normal man can have a "GIK " so now how about a rich man count your fingers and take off your shoes because still more lady to count!!!! i know this because i'm a thai lady and i see this often, this is my country i have been here and live full in thailand than you, i'm sorry but i tell you the truth,,,sometime dificult to hear but still it is the truth... i realy wish you good luck in all your life;-)

I doubt very much whether you are bursting Eek's bubblewhistling.gif and I doubt very much if you are telling her anything newwhistling.gif ..

Cheating exists from either gender, from many nationalities in many continents. Not all Thai men are as per your description.. I am acquainted with a fair few who know where their bread is buttered and have the education and intelligence to enjoy their relationships without seeking "bits on the side" outside of the marriage.

In the same breath it would be considered equally unjust to classify all Thai women as being unfaithful wouldnt it honeybiggrin.png.

Edited.. spelling

Oh, really wildorchid? OMG. Is that true? Oh i think ill go away and kill myself now!!!!!

.... Honesty love, dont you think you should stay away from the Thai La Korn soaps? Its the only reason i can think for you over-dramatic writing.

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Im guessing you must have negative experiences with Thai male appendages to ask that question daftpunker? If so, im sorry to hear of your bad experiences. For I, and the women i know who have had relationship/experiences with Thai males, havent had anything to complain about in that department. rolleyes.gif

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How was i being rude? You werent talking about their appendages, ie legs?

Silly rabbit, trix is for kids.

Pretty much figured there would be a comeback prepared. Bored now.

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Well Wildorchid, you are not the first Thai woman I hear to speak negatively about Thai men. It's not easy to find true love [depending on what you expect from someone] but I dont think that is completely to do with where one is from.

So maybe it's bursting your bubble to read all of this and take in that app. some Thai men are decent guys and make some of us happy.

By the way cheating is something known in all cultures [so is having more then one wife but that's a bit irrelevant to the topic and well a bit old fashioned too!]

I wish you good luck in life and love! smile.png Chokdee

edit: Spelling

i was not saying that all thai men are this way, but i was giveing my opion as i only live here in thailand all my life over 30 year so what i was saying is absolutly correct i do know good thai men good farang men.

thank you for your goodluck wish i'm very happy with my farang husband he love thai family and thai culture very much he has never sit in a bar and not interest thai prostitute work bar or sexy massage he can only accept one man one women dose not belive in a man can have a second wife even thow this is common for a man in thailand that's how lucky i am.

i wish you goodluck also

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Im guessing you must have negative experiences with Thai male appendages to ask that question daftpunker? If so, im sorry to hear of your bad experiences. For I, and the women i know who have had relationship/experiences with Thai males, havent had anything to complain about in that department. rolleyes.gif

I find that a number of foreign men who prefer to use this insult do so in an attempt to make themselves feel superior. I ignore it as it simply reflects a rather childish insecurity.

As for the idea that a large number of Thai men are "bad"- I would guess that idea stems from the lack of reading a large number of posts by foreign men on this forum who constantly brag about their infidelities.

Actually LadyHeather, it is not just the Thai men that receive this bad publicity... I have actually heard some pretty derogatory personal remarks about the western woman from Thai ladies. My only guess is that this is fueled by the western man who probably has such a chip on his shoulders that he feels justified as to why .......

Urban myths, too many soaps and of course questionable experience!biggrin.png

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By the way cheating is something known in all cultures [so is having more then one wife but that's a bit irrelevant to the topic and well a bit old fashioned too!]

I appreciate your noting that having multiple partners doesn't have to be equivalent to cheating, but dispute the "old-fashioned" bit, modern polyamory is very much on the rise in the west and I think Thai culture is just ahead of the curve, IMO it's faith in monogamy as the one right way for people to arrange their relationship that's old-fashioned.

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