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Successful Relationships With Thai Men?


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Hey Sillsburyhill

Thanks for your reply smile.png although I feel what you mean, I don't think things are as black and white as you state,...

Since I have a daughter I would not take the risk of losing her one way or another or risk our health or safety or anything proving a point to: in this case the inlaws.

If you have everything on paper, you' ll most likely will be getting whatever is lawfully yours even as a farang [so did we now] in Thailand.

Whats so different to me, from [legal] fights or even people fighting over money or belongings from family members that passed away in western culture is that some [Thai]people will go to a much further extent to proof their point or take what they think is theirs [or sometimes just take...wether its theirs or not!].

Thats whats scares me, I do think I have to fight for whats mine and what was my husbands, I do think that I have a right to all I build up in the last 7 years, I do think I have a right to live here with my half Thai daughter, the question is to what extent?

And when it comes down to it, I rather give up the fight and return home to my own loving family then to stick out a fight I will loose if they really wanna win it..

For now everything is ok, but the game that was played was rude, without any respect and painful and all of that was very unnecessary but showing me just how vulnerable we are here.

The last few weeks have shown me that the world and the people in it, I thought I knew so well is a far more complicated place, one that I will never fully understand or be part of.

I am thankful for the beautiful time I had here with my husband on our island but I don't belong here, so much is clear and for that leaving will never feel like 'being chased away', however sad it would be.

Edited by Carry
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If a man chooses to 'mess around', you can bet he will do all he can to hide his philandering. Those who insist their Thai guy doesn't 'get some sugar on the side' ....how can you be so sure?

... and how is this different than a relationship with a man of any nationality? Or any woman for that matter. How can you be sure about any relationship, or anything in your life really.

And I believe the word you're looking for is "trust". And if you don't have it, you don't have a real relationship.

Edited by regine
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Beautiful thread topic (I love reading successful stories like this!) which took a very sad and eventually utterly shocking turn.

Carry, I’d like to express my condolences to you and your daughter for your loss. I am still in disbelief of what that Thai “family” of yours was *trying* to do (I’m happy they didn’t succeed taking over the place, but they still destroyed a lot…). I guess I’d understand if their life and well-being depended on it, but since it doesn’t I just can’t understand it. It sounds like the plot of one of those Thai soap operas…

It actually really scares me that anyone who you’ve known for years could act so immoral. I wonder if “my” Thai Family (my boyfriend and I aren’t married, but are planning to sometime in the future) could act that way.

However I think you sound like a very strong person. I wouldn’t have been able to cope as well in your situation and I am very glad you stood in and fought for what is rightfully yours and your daughter’s! I wonder how the relationship between you and them is now… I hope they keep the hell away from your place.

Best of luck!


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I'm actually currently on a "I hate men" period. That's all nationalities, not just Thai! rolleyes.gif

Don't be sexist .. the genitals we were born with doesn't make out who we are. There isn't much differences between men and women apart from a few hormones and different body parts.

I have meet some pretty wicked women that would be as bad as any wicked man, I would be foolish to classify half the worlds population based on that, might as well hate humans.

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If a man chooses to 'mess around', you can bet he will do all he can to hide his philandering. Those who insist their Thai guy doesn't 'get some sugar on the side' ....how can you be so sure?

How can you ever be so sure about any man or women ? I guess some people have real love that lasts a lifetime and they trust each other, the others are living in a shallow vein of attraction, using, and are never happy.

How can one ever explain to a hater how their love is real is a better question.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm actually currently on a "I hate men" period. That's all nationalities, not just Thai! rolleyes.gif

Don't be sexist .. the genitals we were born with doesn't make out who we are. There isn't much differences between men and women apart from a few hormones and different body parts.

I have meet some pretty wicked women that would be as bad as any wicked man, I would be foolish to classify half the worlds population based on that, might as well hate humans.

dont be so sensitive. the difference between men and women is much more than between the legs.

Edited by kblaze
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