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We have a house on the edge of an estate in Pattaya, over our wall on the wasteland (trees and bushes) a small house has been built, this land (as ours) is well away from a road of any sort, the land next to our house is owned by a family member who built our estate, the small house that has been built is now being lived in my a family, all good so far, except that they now seem to be working outside of the house and the work is cutting metal or sheets of metal or something along those lines, it's very very noisy and smelly, they seem to be cutting just on the otherside of our wall and it's very loud, myself and our neighbours are of course a little bit pieved at the moment.

My question - is there not some sort or restiction for a work premises next to a housing estate etc, perhaps i'm being nieve but it just seems a bit much. My wifer has talked to the estate office and they said they are looking into it but ?????




Making your home sound-proof might give you some quicker result, good luck with it


We can't hear it in the house, it's when i'm in the garden sitting by the pool that it's a pain in the 'arris!!

Noise pollution is a real issue in Thailand; laws and enforcement are lax so there's nothing much you can do. You could speak you a local lawyer who could advise you further but as you can't hear it in the house - just count your blessings and wait until they finish building. The only solution I could think of would be 'Acoustifence' - an 1/8th inch heavy mineral-filled material that you hang up to block sound, made by a US company called 'Acoustiblok'; they don't sell in Thailand but may ship. In my opinion though, there is no benefit to spending anything as it's just a temporary problem.


The noise isn't from them building the house, the house is finished, they are cutting steel etc as a job, they are using their area outside their house as a steel workshop, it just happens that this area is right next to my outer garden wall!!


The noise isn't from them building the house, the house is finished, they are cutting steel etc as a job, they are using their area outside their house as a steel workshop, it just happens that this area is right next to my outer garden wall!!

Oh I see, well if it's going to be a permanent problem you could look into the acoustifence solution. Shipping a roll of it to Thailand may be horrifically expensive though ...


Have you tried talking to these people directly ?

Perhaps the could shift their "work-shop" a bit further afield, so as to not be a nuisance to you any longer ?

Failing that; purchase a double-barrel shot gun and finish them of that way . . . . L.O.L.

Seriously; it IS a real problem in Thailand and nit easily solved.

Remember; you catch more flies with syrup than with vinegar



I sincerely do sympathize. The noise factor in Pattaya is what's driving us away from Pattaya and going to more rural surroundings, where you can buy 10 Rai of Land (not costing an arm and a leg as in Pattaya) and not be bothered by any noisy Neighbors.

I know what I said doesn't help a bit, but I hope you get it resolved as it's one of those things that can spoil / ruin everything



Thanks for the replies. I've spoken to one of my neighbours who's Mrs is friends with the estate owners, the land next door is owned by a member of their family, it seems that due to some argument the owner of the land has rented the little house to a family she knew would be cutting steel etc and making noise just to piss off the owners (her family members) of our estate, this of course isn't helping us at the moment but there is talk of 'city hall' and 'their not allowed to do that there' etc from the estate owners so maybe......in the mean-time we're going to be talking to the family there to do the cutting on the otherside of their house which is away from our wall and we're going to be getting our wall built higher, this was something we planned on doing at some point anyway so now's a good'a time as any.

We're actually about 10/15 minutes out of Pattaya and well set back from the road, we don't of course mind normal housing estate noise etc but this steel cutting is just so loud and completely ridiculous!!

Anyways, fingers crossed.




build a 50meters high wall

Either that, or just give a radio call for back up to the nearest artillery contingency and pass on your coordinates, if the BiB frame you, just tell the court , they were building up a nuclear weapon and the rest of the world will agree with you...

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