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You could also try a diet consisting wholly of Issan food - you know basic healthy diet of protein and vegetables. The chilli also elevates body temperature by burning body fats similar in effect to coffee.

Liposuction leaves scarring and non smooth areas under the skin, a frined of mine had it done but being a woman she knew better - 10 years on she still had ugly lumpiness under the skin, worse than cellulite.

Edited by Conan
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You could also try a diet consisting wholly of Issan food - you know basic healthy diet of protein and vegetables. The chilli also elevates body temperature by burning body fats similar in effect to coffee.

Liposuction leaves scarring and non smooth areas under the skin, a frined of mine had it done but being a woman she knew better - 10 years on she still had ugly lumpiness under the skin, worse than cellulite.

A skilful surgeon will be able to avoid or minimize scarring --- depends entirely on where the lipo is done. On the abdomen, for example, there are 2 incisions made, 1 on the navel and 1 at the pubus below the hair line...so no scar shows at all. On the buttocks incision will be at the crack and perhaps below the curve of the cheeks so some scarring but not readily seen.

Whether oir not "lumpiness"or "celluluite"will occur depends on the skin tone and volume of fat removed. Again, a good surgeoin will tell you in advance what to anticipate. If skin elasticity is pooir and a lot is removed, sagging (which may give a lumpy appearance) is likely. Sometimes excising the excess skin can help.

I had lipo on my abdomen years ago, no scar, no lumps, flat belly, very happy.

Also (many years later) had it done on my butt. Doctor told me up front that the skin elasticity was such that there might be some sagging, that cellulite might get worse and certainly wouldn't get better, but that I could get an overall size reduction that would look better in clothes. I went ahead and he was pretty much right. Look a lot better in clothes, with clothes off, size is better but sagging worse. I am considering having the new carboxy treatment for cellulite to see if that helps.

Bottom line (no pun intended): results vary with the individual patient and extent/location of the surgery, and a good surgeon will tell you what to expect. Ask clealry & specifically about scars and about skin sagging. Any doc who does not give you a clear description of where the incisions will be, what if any scar will show, likelihood of skin sagging or cellulite worsening etc isn't one you should use.

And remember that liposuxction is only useful for removing fat deposits, it does not correct cellulite.

Several good docs at Bumrungrad.

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If you are living in Thailand then it's a good time of year for Lipo, but don't leave it too long as the hotter weather will be here soon, and the body-wrap you will be advised to wear for 5+ weeks post-op will make movement extremely hot.

If you have the time and the money, then the best place is probably LA or San Diego for highly skilled surgery with minimal recovery times, incision scar is almost invisible... size of a grain of rice.

If you must do it here, then try and find a surgeon experienced in the "wet" or intumescent method, rather than the older style of canular, which causes extensive bruising and uneven layers as the canular used cuts through the fat, and has a much longer recovery time.

Someone posted on TV some time ago about lipo under the chin, but I dont know if they had a good experience or not. Don't rely on what a surgeon says in Thailand, as they will all say they can do it and may even say that they are experts when they have only carried out one procedure! Be warned.. there is no chance of litigation in the event of a bad result by a Thai surgeon. Hopefully, someone will post that has had personal experience.

What part/s of the body are you hoping to treat?

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I have read that after fat is removed by liposuction the body never deposits fat in the same place again, this can lead to people who gain fat after the treatment to acquire an unnatural body shape as the fat is deposited in areas less natural than had liposuction not taken place.

Perhaps you could ask, research this point.

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