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Un'S Ban Calls For 300 Military Observers To Syria


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UN's Ban calls for 300 military observers to Syria 2012-04-20 09:41:51 GMT+7 (ICT) NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday recommended the deployment of 300 military observers to Syria, where violence continues despite repeated promises of a cease-fire."The past few days, in particular, have brought reports of renewed and escalating violence, including the shelling of civilian areas, grave abuses by Government forces and attacks by armed groups," said Ban, describing the situation as 'deeply troubling.'On Wednesday night, Ban provided the UN Security Council with his assessment of the latest developments in Syria, including an update on the deployment of the advance team of UN military observers. "I have recommended that the Council authorize the establishment of a United Nations supervision mission in Syria, comprising up to 300 military observers supported by a civilian component," Ban stated. "This is not a decision without risk. But I believe it can contribute to achieving a just peace and political settlement, reflecting the people's will in Syria," he added.Over 9,000 lives have been lost since March 2011, when a protest movement similar to those witnessed across the Middle East and North Africa began in Syria. Most of the casualties have been civilians. In addition, at least 230,000 people have been displaced and, in total, an estimated one million people are in need of relief. The UN chief said a supervision mission with a clear mandate, the required capacities, and under the right conditions, would contribute to improving the situation on the ground. It would also help advance a cessation of armed violence in all forms and set the stage for the implementation of the six-point peace plan, put forward in March by the Joint Special Envoy of the UN and the League of Arab States for Syria, Kofi Annan.However, Ban underlined that in order for the mission to succeed, the Syrian Government's full cooperation is needed, particularly in ensuring the "full freedom of movement and unfettered access and safety and security of personnel, as well as the use of key enabling assets such as helicopters and other transportation."Earlier on Thursday, Annan's spokesperson said an agreement had been concluded with the Syrian Government that is intended to form the basis of a protocol to govern the work of the advance team of UN observers and, upon its deployment, the UN Supervision Mechanism to monitor the cessation of violence and the implementation of the plan designed to resolve the crisis."This agreement outlines the functions of the observers as they fulfil their mandate in Syria and the tasks and responsibilities of the Syrian government in this regard," said the spokesperson in a statement. Earlier in the week, the first group of the UN military monitors arrived in Damascus.On Saturday, the Council authorized the deployment of an advance team of 30 unarmed military observers to liaise with the parties and to begin to report on the implementation of a full cessation of armed violence, pending the deployment of a UN supervision mission that will be tasked with monitoring the cessation. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-20

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