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Thai Govt Declares Success In Its 'Zero Songkran Holiday Death' Campaign


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555... yes, a great success. And it was just one of many government success stories this holiday season! The Thai Anti-Space Alien Program (TASAP) was a complete success as not one space alien was reported in Thailand during the entire holiday! And the Save Thailand's Dams and Bridges group proudly announced that no bridge or dams collapsed during this Songkran! For more unbelievably good new, check out the TAT website!

555... what a load of it.

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Here are the Songkran stats for the last several years. In the overall scheme of things, it was not a bad year (in very much a relative sense):

2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

Looks typical of the PT turn around any good projects the Dems started.

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What an utter load of cock. The Thai Government have delusions of astronomic proportions. How can they spout this load of rubbish? Another example of their over inflated opinion of themselves that transfers to the rest of the Thai population giving Thailand a bad name

Edited by metisdead
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"Zero death" campaign and 320 deaths that is an 18% rise over the last year a success? Whatever. They can say what they like, they are the government. The government of loonies.

That's one way of looking at it. But last year was also a statistical outlier. Year-on-year comparisons are always problematic. Compared to 2007-2010, inclusive, this was a better year.

2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

I must say, i have something of a track record in TV as "loving all things Thai..." but really, this is a level of stupidity it would be difficult to find a match for. (Not you, the original press release)This guy should be a speech writer for Mitt Romney, who "creates jobs by buying companies and firing everyone." That is the only POS spin I have read lately to match this. Just plain stupid.
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A quote from the article was it was a success at a certain level.

That is if you were in wonderland with Alice.

A post from a caring politician might have read I am sorry my plan failed so miserably and I feel so sorry for those of the affected family's.

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One thing about Thai government ministers - especially ones like Yongyuth [or Yongyoot] - they never let the obvious get in the way of their interpretation of the facts.

And they never lose their sense of humour, as evidenced by Yongyuth's assertion that ". . . both deaths and injuries . . . remain a lesson for those who live to remember."

The old saying about the one-eyed man in the land of the blind resonates here; in this case, the one-eyed man being your average Thai driver.

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What the H_ell, I guess they'll claim anything, since there were more people killed then last year, at least this is what the news reported, so "Success - Success !!!!! to all the famlies who lost someone, this year.

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HMmm, i am speechless and it never happens.

Just the other day, the death toll, according to some papers was higher then previous years, but its a success? because in some provinces there were no REPORTED deaths?!rolleyes.gif

I guess the great thing about every Thai government is that in every failed mission, they always find a positivewai.gif

It´s this kind of news we will get if and when the man in Dubai comes back to take over.

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Here are the Songkran stats for the last several years. In the overall scheme of things, it was not a bad year (in very much a relative sense):

2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

Ask the Relatives of the dead,if they agree with the "overall scheme of things"

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"Zero death" campaign and 320 deaths that is an 18% rise over the last year a success? Whatever. They can say what they like, they are the government. The government of loonies.

That's one way of looking at it. But last year was also a statistical outlier. Year-on-year comparisons are always problematic. Compared to 2007-2010, inclusive, this was a better year.

2007: 361 deaths, 4,805 injuries and 4,274 accidents

2008: 368 deaths, 4,801 injuries and 4,243 accidents

2009: 373 deaths, 4,332 injuries and 3,977 accidents

2010: 361 deaths, 3,802 injuries and 3,516 accidents

2011: 271 deaths, 3,476 injuries and 3,215 accidents

2012: 320 deaths, 3,320 injuries and 3,129 accidents

Yes, even these statistics are not a correct way to compare between years. The only useful method is compare the rate of the total number of journeys to the total number of deaths/accidents. It would be reasonable to assume there were many more car journeys in 2012 than last year - larger number of tourists, better economy - so it would be likely more accidents occur because of more driving. Unfortunately, whenever statistics are quoted in the news they always leave out vital information to understand why something increases or decreases and you can not really know anything more than the face value of these figures which is often misleading. .

Edited by Time Traveller
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