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Why Is A Schengen Transit Visa Nesarsary ?

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Can someone give me more details about schengen Transitvisa!

The embassy want know, exactly , in what Is the destination airport!

for transit

We have to fill this information of transit!

But on the other side , the schengen law says if you have visa for one country !

You can also move within all 23 member states!

So what would happen, if the person wants to come to the eu,would decide to land on another airport, in other words when country of transit not the same the dont let you into eu?

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If you are transiting from outside the Schengen area through one Schengen country to another then you only need the one Schengen visa, and you should apply to the embassy of your final destination. If touring through several states then you should apply to the country you intend to visit first. However, once issued a Schengen visa is valid for entry to any and all Schengen states, of which there are currently 26, not 23.

If you are transiting through a Schengen country from outside the Schengen area to outside the Schengen area and remaining airside then I believe that you do not need a visa at all.

Citizens of some countries, though, do need a transit visa even if staying airside; see airport transit.

Of course, an EU citizen does not need a Schengen visa to enter the Schengen area, or any EU state.

Note that not all EU states are members of the Schengen area and not all Schengen states are EU members.

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