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Interesting topic, though in its current form I fear it risks being demoted to this mighty ship's steerage quarters (AKA The Farang Pub).

I'll try to navigate it back on course in order that first and second class passengers may continue to enjoy its nuanced subtlety.

I suggest that F1 is the sport of choice for BKK taxi drivers (and men who like to drive expensive Mercedes in Sukhumwit 26).

Motorobike racing is doubtless preferred by the Isaan contingent who race me from Asoke to Sathorn when I'm too lazy to take the underground to work.

Not sure about Touring Cars.

Apologies if my observations are a little Bangkok-centric. As much as I wanted to include Real Thailand, I'm not quite sure where it is.

Apologies too to those who may feel that Asoke and Sathorn are not part of Real Bangkok.

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I prefer the boat race (especially when it is not sabotaged by left-wing extremists of the amphibious variety)

I think he was an Australian, not a frog.

I'm partial to a boat race myself, of an evening on the way home from work.

I'm really surprised that someone had the temerity that those of us who live in TV Land were like sleeping dogs, with no hobbies bar wenching


Edit: I was going to comment on MPB's 'Real Bangkok', but I really don't follow association football.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Actualy I prefer my races to be , AMAZING biggrin.png


EXCEPT the Asian version which is full of fake azz actresses and models who don't care, and the fact that the prize is 10times less than the US version.

I'm thinking of going to Shatin in a couple of weeks, for the BMW Mile and the Queeen Mother's Cup, I think.

And a few beers in the sunshine, more likely than not.


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Actualy I prefer my races to be , AMAZING biggrin.png


EXCEPT the Asian version which is full of fake azz actresses and models who don't care, and the fact that the prize is 10times less than the US version.

I'm thinking of going to Shatin in a couple of weeks, for the BMW Mile and the Queeen Mother's Cup, I think.

And a few beers in the sunshine, more likely than not.


That sounds like a great plan, I have been offshore busy with work for these past few months, a cold beer, nice weather and some leisurely days watching the races sounds like paradise almost right about now.

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Interesting topic, though in its current form I fear it risks being demoted to this mighty ship's steerage quarters (AKA The Farang Pub).

I'll try to navigate it back on course in order that first and second class passengers may continue to enjoy its nuanced subtlety.

I suggest that F1 is the sport of choice for BKK taxi drivers (and men who like to drive expensive Mercedes in Sukhumwit 26).

Motorobike racing is doubtless preferred by the Isaan contingent who race me from Asoke to Sathorn when I'm too lazy to take the underground to work.

Not sure about Touring Cars.

Apologies if my observations are a little Bangkok-centric. As much as I wanted to include Real Thailand, I'm not quite sure where it is.

Apologies too to those who may feel that Asoke and Sathorn are not part of Real Bangkok.

Does it bother you that when you make a try hard attempt to post something humorous and witty (and just miss slightly), no one really cares?

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Interesting topic, though in its current form I fear it risks being demoted to this mighty ship's steerage quarters (AKA The Farang Pub).

I'll try to navigate it back on course in order that first and second class passengers may continue to enjoy its nuanced subtlety.

I suggest that F1 is the sport of choice for BKK taxi drivers (and men who like to drive expensive Mercedes in Sukhumwit 26).

Motorobike racing is doubtless preferred by the Isaan contingent who race me from Asoke to Sathorn when I'm too lazy to take the underground to work.

Not sure about Touring Cars.

Apologies if my observations are a little Bangkok-centric. As much as I wanted to include Real Thailand, I'm not quite sure where it is.

Apologies too to those who may feel that Asoke and Sathorn are not part of Real Bangkok.

Does it bother you that when you make a try hard attempt to post something humorous and witty (and just miss slightly), no one really cares?

No. I am not so sensitive.

And you?


Edited by StreetCowboy
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I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


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I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


Funnily enough , there is an engineer at the work with a link to that great tradition , the football club , the tickets ....oh the tickets .

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Interesting topic, though in its current form I fear it risks being demoted to this mighty ship's steerage quarters (AKA The Farang Pub).

I'll try to navigate it back on course in order that first and second class passengers may continue to enjoy its nuanced subtlety.

I suggest that F1 is the sport of choice for BKK taxi drivers (and men who like to drive expensive Mercedes in Sukhumwit 26).

Motorobike racing is doubtless preferred by the Isaan contingent who race me from Asoke to Sathorn when I'm too lazy to take the underground to work.

Not sure about Touring Cars.

Apologies if my observations are a little Bangkok-centric. As much as I wanted to include Real Thailand, I'm not quite sure where it is.

Apologies too to those who may feel that Asoke and Sathorn are not part of Real Bangkok.

Does it bother you that when you make a try hard attempt to post something humorous and witty (and just miss slightly), no one really cares?

Little Bendix, you sound like one of those bizarre and somewhat obsessive individuals whose "commitment" to this forum falls outside the boundaries of what one might consider to be normal behaviour. If you ever reach the point in life where you find yourself taking forums too seriously (particularly if they are devoted to expat issues in countries other than the one in which you live), you've clearly taken a wrong turn somewhere. I shan't pursue this point as I have learned from experience that individuals such as yourself are prone to stalking.


On another note, I see that Master Threadsman, SC, has been gracious enough to "like" my earlier offering.

I don't know if this is a big "like" or a little "like" or a sympathy "like". And with all respect, I don't really care. I think that such matters are generally only of interest to those who have "taken a wrong turn somewhere".

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Rally smile.png

Hmm nice trees.

I'm hungry

Oh it's getting dark.

Is that a car I hear?

No, sorry, just wasps (angry)

Where do I pee?

Oh look there's a car!

It's too dark to see the trees now..

I'm cold....

is that another car?

Oh look it's killed a bunch of people..

The trees look nice in the dark.

Who was driving that car?

Is that another car? Oh no it's the ambulance.

Who's winning?

Haven't seen car for a while.

Was that a wolf? I thought I heard a wolf.

Or a bear.

How do we get home?

Yah, rally!

Driving, not watching .

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I don't go for that snotty rich kid crap;

I prefer the workingman's race; Nascar

Ah you innocent colonials, the working man's race is greyhounds and whippets

Having at one time worked with working men, I can tell you that the working man's race is the sport of kings.


Good God sir no!! They may spend their time and money betting on that aristocratic pursuit but rarely if ever attend. Whereas the dog track, particularly those with the appelation "flapper" are where the true sons of toil are seen at their emotional best, where the euphoria can dissipate in 30 seconds to be replaced by anguished depair and recrimination - "that c*nt must have pit a pie in her trap" or " they pit a loose hap oan her so she tripped".

A most interesting social anthropology project is there but has never been pursued

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