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Thai Analysis: Heading Towards Lawless Society?


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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

Edited by heiwa
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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

not to belittle your incident but what would you have had the police charge him with? tailgating?

i don't think there's a (fair) country in the world where people get charged with robbery without committing the robbery.

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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

My wife had a situation where an insurance rep copied her signature and changed the way her insurance payments were made without my wife's consent, the police wouldn't do anything because no money was lost, when I asked where the law here came from the officer said Thai law is based on French law, they will not prosecute unless something is stolen, damaged or you are injured.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

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The biggest issue for me is that while the thugs run around with heavy weapons, ordinary people are left with no tools to defend themselves or their families. The BiB are not much help when you live in the country and the nearest officer is 30 minutes or more away when you call.

I can confirm that.

Last year we had an intruder at 2 am and managed to lock him in an outdoor building. I heard his friends shouting in the street and called the police. It took them 45 minutes to come even though we live four minutes walk from Thong Lor police station.

We found out the day after that his "friends" outside were not friends but were trying to kill him and in fact fired several shots.

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Last Wednesday the security guard allowed into my road a car driver who said he was visiting a friend. He was actually a debt collector looking for the son of an old Thai couple a couple of doors away. I was indoors and heard a loud bang. I went outside to investigate only to see the car driver firing a pistol into the air before leaping into his car and speeding away. No police turned up to investigate. I live in a quiet tree lined road in what would ordinarily be described as a nice area. As the desk sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to say - "Let`s be careful out there".

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Last Wednesday the security guard allowed into my road a car driver who said he was visiting a friend. He was actually a debt collector looking for the son of an old Thai couple a couple of doors away. I was indoors and heard a loud bang. I went outside to investigate only to see the car driver firing a pistol into the air before leaping into his car and speeding away. No police turned up to investigate. I live in a quiet tree lined road in what would ordinarily be described as a nice area. As the desk sergeant in Hill Street Blues used to say - "Let`s be careful out there".

And that's just one of over 20,000 gun murders per year. However, its the same deal in Cambodia when you don't pay your debts. No investigation as well it's tolerated isn't it. Everyone knows the rules and unofficial rules of inappropriate behaviour and the legal and non-legal consequences. Therefore why should their be an investigation? It's like scooters who drive up the wrong side of the road - its illegal but its tolerated. In Thailand it is better to live by the informal 2nd set of rules. The legal ones are secondary in importance. Edited by heiwa
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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

Laos has to be the place. Even when farang abuse the shit out of the Laos the Laos just laugh at the farang like he is a dog and do nothing - very different from Thailand. I should know I have seen this again and again in Laos. The Laos would not care if they sky was falling. Problem is that there are Thai guys there too. I was not in the bar at the time but a Thai got offended by two farang in a bar in Vientiane and came back and shot both the farang dead. You may win the laughing test with the Thai man - but be prepared for the gun to arrive. Edited by heiwa
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I guess I've had rather better experiences with the police here than others. I got a police box fitted to my front gate...costs 500 baht a month, and the cops come round twice a day at random hours and sign in.

We had a bit of bother with one of the gardeners who had a habit and was nicking small stuff...we called the police number they had given us and they came straight round, said if we wanted to press charges we had to come down to the station to make a formal complaint. We decided not to press charges, but the cops went to visit him...that was the last we heard from him (no I don't mean that they killed him....they just told him to make sure he didn't go near our house again)...

The problem with any law is that it has to be enforced and enforced fairly...Thailand has thousands of laws on the books but they are not enforced or are enforced selectively....the elite get away with everything up to and including murder, and the poor go to jail for yaba smoking offenses...and it's difficult to respect the justice system when it is not fairly enforced...why should I drive on the correct side of the road, when the 18 year old son of an elite drives his Benz into a bus stop killing a bunch of people and then beats the bus driver with a piece of concrete...he was found guilty about 3 years back and has been out on appeal ever since...not a day in jail...you know that if he was a poor peasant driving a 20 year old pick-up whose brakes failed, he'd be in the slammer for the rest of his life.

There are too many guns here...I went to a house warming party a couple of months back...I was sitting down talking to one middle aged chap, when he pulled out a gun to show me...always carries a gun he told me....the host of the party said that several guest were 'carrying'. I lived in America for 20 years and know the harm that carrying weapons can do, so I'd support an aggressive campaign to rid Thailand of guns, with long sentences for carrying unlicensed guns.

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I guess I've had rather better experiences with the police here than others. I got a police box fitted to my front gate...costs 500 baht a month, and the cops come round twice a day at random hours and sign in.

We had a bit of bother with one of the gardeners who had a habit and was nicking small stuff...we called the police number they had given us and they came straight round, said if we wanted to press charges we had to come down to the station to make a formal complaint. We decided not to press charges, but the cops went to visit him...that was the last we heard from him (no I don't mean that they killed him....they just told him to make sure he didn't go near our house again)...

The problem with any law is that it has to be enforced and enforced fairly...Thailand has thousands of laws on the books but they are not enforced or are enforced selectively....the elite get away with everything up to and including murder, and the poor go to jail for yaba smoking offenses...and it's difficult to respect the justice system when it is not fairly enforced...why should I drive on the correct side of the road, when the 18 year old son of an elite drives his Benz into a bus stop killing a bunch of people and then beats the bus driver with a piece of concrete...he was found guilty about 3 years back and has been out on appeal ever since...not a day in jail...you know that if he was a poor peasant driving a 20 year old pick-up whose brakes failed, he'd be in the slammer for the rest of his life.

There are too many guns here...I went to a house warming party a couple of months back...I was sitting down talking to one middle aged chap, when he pulled out a gun to show me...always carries a gun he told me....the host of the party said that several guest were 'carrying'. I lived in America for 20 years and know the harm that carrying weapons can do, so I'd support an aggressive campaign to rid Thailand of guns, with long sentences for carrying unlicensed guns.

Works for Malaysia. That's what I love about Malaysia. I can sit down knowing Mac Donalds is not about to be blown up or that there will not be 56.11 gun murders per day like in Thailand. I find it very relaxing after leaving Thailand. Many Thais feel the same way. Come on Thailand - you need to admit there is a problem and fix it. Edited by heiwa
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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

If it was a little later in the night you wouldn't be sending anymore postcards is my guess if he had the gun. However, even if he didn't - its easy as buying a coke to get a gun. I think everyone would agree that Thailand is extremely dangerous when they get shot in the head - as we know Thailand is the country that offers the third best chance of happening. And it looks like they are striving for first place gold ranking. Edited by heiwa
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and education,corruption,education,selfishness,education,greed , education,discapline ,education ,justice , education ,xenophobia , education,racism ,education , honesty,education , yaba , education , insulation , education , and education

Are you kidding? Thailand 20,000 gun homicides, Malaysia 10. There is something very wrong. My advice get home by 5.30pm and lock your doors. Thailand is a war zone. The statistics don't lie. And the Police are in business with the crooks. If you don't believe me - ask any Thai. People are evil whether the government is yellow or red - and my God the police and crooks don't change a habit of a lifetime because of political parties.

If it is that bad here, why do you stay ?

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Well now that we've heard frpm the anti-gun lobby we can all feel safer. The criminals that carry weapons won't pay any mind to a ban on guns. Look at New York and California, they have some of the toughest gun laws in the US and there is still a lot of gun related crime. Even if a ban on guns were enacted and enforced, then people would use knives so you would have to ban knives next. They could just issue everyone a plastic spork on arrival.

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and education,corruption,education,selfishness,education,greed , education,discapline ,education ,justice , education ,xenophobia , education,racism ,education , honesty,education , yaba , education , insulation , education , and education

Are you kidding? Thailand 20,000 gun homicides, Malaysia 10. There is something very wrong. My advice get home by 5.30pm and lock your doors. Thailand is a war zone. The statistics don't lie. And the Police are in business with the crooks. If you don't believe me - ask any Thai. People are evil whether the government is yellow or red - and my God the police and crooks don't change a habit of a lifetime because of political parties.

If it is that bad here, why do you stay ?

I live in Laos buddy - However I lived in Thailand for many years. An attempted robbery and near miss with a bomb was the decision for leaving. I very much like to be alive. And yes I am so happy to be alive in Laos. Edited by heiwa
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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

not to belittle your incident but what would you have had the police charge him with? tailgating?

i don't think there's a (fair) country in the world where people get charged with robbery without committing the robbery.

I understand what you are saying and I considered it could be road rage - scooter on scooter. I am relying on local Thai knowledge what it meant -after talking to a dozen Thais they said it was definitely robbery. I veered they veered left etc etc, he wore a helmet with a dark visor. Always a tiny bit behind me - for 15km my estimate. Thais have told me this is a common way to rob people - make them panic and take a corner to fast then pick up the bag. Also if they can pull alongside you they will kick your bike. In the USA it would at least be road rage? His front wheel was behind my back wheel for 15km at 140km/hr. I usually like to ride at 120km/hr. I was so afraid his front wheel would hit my back that I would be instantly killed. Talk to Thais - they will tell you this is the common way to get your bag. At least a charge for road rage or at least a warning that could prevent him from killing someone one day - that was all I was hoping for. Of course I was hoping for too much. Just have to wait until someone dies for it to be looked in to. Edited by heiwa
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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

Well you could go to a country where they wear the gun in the front of their "pants". At least that way you'll know they were pleased to see you.........................

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Well we have the situation in the US (all the West is the same) where Big Business and Banks own the regulators and any government, where does that fit in with the law enforcement, except via selective application, which is what the law is all really about. Corzine, a friend of Obama, at MF Capital steals billions from his clients segregated accounts and hands it to JP Morgan, is he doing jail time, has he even been charged? Anyone that does any reading knows there are countless examples of fraud and theft at the wealthy end of town that never gets prosecuted, there are separate laws for the rich and poor, so it was in feudal days and so it is now. How is Thailand any different? If anything it is probably goes on here on a much smaller scale.

Enacting a government gives that government and its apparatus control over us, any surprise that long ago the corrupt figured that one out, or that the politicians and bureaucrats lever that power for personal gain? The great irony is that that Thailand for all its faults and similarity to the Wild West offers much greater freedom to those that live here than any western country.

I agree with

"Thailand for all its faults and similarity to the Wild West offers much greater freedom to those that live here than any western country"

Western countries are turning into Nannie Countries.

As well as more freedom we here in Thailand are given a chance to take responsibility for are own lives. People in the west are completely depended on the Government to pass a law to save their life. They have got to the point that they are actually afraid to live and enjoy life. It might hurt them. Or be illegal.

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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

not to belittle your incident but what would you have had the police charge him with? tailgating?

i don't think there's a (fair) country in the world where people get charged with robbery without committing the robbery.

Where I was living in Canada you call the police for your stolen car and they just give it a case number don't even bother to come out and look around.

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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

Or you could hang out in a different bar.

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Heading for a lawless society? A little late I think as the horse has already bolted from the barn as the gate was wide open. One thing you need for the rule of law to apply is integrity within the government and law enforcement agencies. Something that no one could dispute is that both of these groups in Thailand are corrupt and lawless to the core.

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Police fail to act for the young 16 year old boy who was beaten unconscious in front of 711 cameras and many witnesses - apparently not interested to investigate. The thugs know that the police don't give a shit or the thug culture is bigger than the police. I gave the address of the robber and licence plate of the motorbike that attempted to rob me. The Police said no reason to arrest, not interested, it may be a reason in a foreign country but not Thailand. They said that they must steal something of me before they do something. Farang brothers - make sure you adjust to this very unique environment or leave. It's getting a lot worse - talk to the Thais. Over 20,000 murdered by guns last year - the statistics don't lie. Rest assured in Thailand the Police will do nothing.

not to belittle your incident but what would you have had the police charge him with? tailgating?

i don't think there's a (fair) country in the world where people get charged with robbery without committing the robbery.

Where I was living in Canada you call the police for your stolen car and they just give it a case number don't even bother to come out and look around.

that's not uncommon, but it still goes down as theft.

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and education,corruption,education,selfishness,education,greed , education,discapline ,education ,justice , education ,xenophobia , education,racism ,education , honesty,education , yaba , education , insulation , education , and education

Are you kidding? Thailand 20,000 gun homicides, Malaysia 10. There is something very wrong. My advice get home by 5.30pm and lock your doors. Thailand is a war zone. The statistics don't lie. And the Police are in business with the crooks. If you don't believe me - ask any Thai. People are evil whether the government is yellow or red - and my God the police and crooks don't change a habit of a lifetime because of political parties.

If it is that bad here, why do you stay ?

On another thread he said he was going to Lao.

Can't imagine the terror he had to put up with where he came from. To submit himself to all the danger here in Thailand rather than go back dosen't say munch about his home country,

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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

Or you could hang out in a different bar.

Singapore is very safe, you can't even fart in the street without being arrested.

On the other hand it's so boring you'd probably end up shooting yourself.

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... the cultural values of a society are largely driven and sustained by the spiritual values of the predominant religion(s).

... after 12+ years living and working here, up close and personal, my opinion is the Thai's greed is greater and stronger than the Thai's Buddha.

... Thais are not particularly prepared for self-introspection, especially on an issue as sensitive as the defacto state religion - the unique, Thai-branded Theravada Buddhism ... so, the question of Thais' inferior cultural values might be denied by Thais, and the entire issue uncomfortably avoided in their child-like ways.

... no great moral leader appears on the Thai radar anywhere to inspire and stir in Thais a greater humanity ... no Mahatma Gandhi ... no Aung San Suu Kyi ... no Nelson Mandela ... for that reason, I suspect changes in Thai values will not occur, and Thai cultural values will continue to corrode.

... I have long been preparing my Thai children to leave Thailand, should they decide their quality of life will be better in another nation.

... corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty.

... so deeply saddening to have to witness this ... I wonder what the Thais' Buddha would say?

"corruption + incompetence = Thailand"

You are saying that Burma. Afghanistan, Sudan and the list goes on are not corrupt +incompetent. You really should read other News Sources besides Thai Visa,

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I for one have had it with the corruption. Some of you say you feel safer here but I personally feel safer at home. I have seen more than one drunken Thai guy on a rampage acting like an idiot. One time I made the mistake of asking a drunk female friend (someone I had known for a little while) if she was ok because a drunk Thai dude was all over her. He immediately became irate and threatened to shoot me. I wasn't drunk, stayed calm and things settled down. I wondered how serious the guy was...and later a bystander mentioned he thought he saw a gun in the back of the guys pants. This wasn't even very late at night as most bars in Chiang Mai close at 11 pm (except for the ones paying off the cops).

I am wondering if I should just move to a smaller community or right out of Thailand. If not Thailand, where is a good option? I personally am not fond of Malaysia. Cambodia? Laos?

Or you could hang out in a different bar.

Singapore is very safe, you can't even fart in the street without being arrested.

On the other hand it's so boring you'd probably end up shooting yourself.

I heard that they are looking for immigrants to replace their aging population. I wonder if you would have to check in every 90 days?

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Well we have the situation in the US (all the West is the same) where Big Business and Banks own the regulators and any government, where does that fit in with the law enforcement, except via selective application, which is what the law is all really about. Corzine, a friend of Obama, at MF Capital steals billions from his clients segregated accounts and hands it to JP Morgan, is he doing jail time, has he even been charged? Anyone that does any reading knows there are countless examples of fraud and theft at the wealthy end of town that never gets prosecuted, there are separate laws for the rich and poor, so it was in feudal days and so it is now. How is Thailand any different? If anything it is probably goes on here on a much smaller scale.

Enacting a government gives that government and its apparatus control over us, any surprise that long ago the corrupt figured that one out, or that the politicians and bureaucrats lever that power for personal gain? The great irony is that that Thailand for all its faults and similarity to the Wild West offers much greater freedom to those that live here than any western country.

Which is why the average American is just as well-off as the average Thai. Right?

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What do you expect, when the leaders break the law without any reservation and police allows the demonstrators to s]do what they want. Although the demonstration is peoples right but not to infringe to other people’s rights and also they should not be allowed to break the laws.

This government rules like everything they want to do is legal and if not just change the law and continue.

People follow their leaders so let’s change the government to what can be an example to the people then things will get better

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