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That is very sad news. I met him and had a chat with him for a couple of hours one night over drinks. I too, instantly liked him. I always thought I would like to meet up with him again as he was really a fascinating person with lots of experiences over his lifetime.

R.I.P. Ian

My experience too. I met him one time at Tuskers and really enjoyed our conversation. At least I was able to meet him, if only once - I'm very thankful for that. His stories were really interesting and it was clear that he was genuine with a great heart. A big loss to us all. Condolences to his family.

R.I.P. Ian.


My internet connection has not always been good and so I have not been very active on the forum in the last few years. I don't know Blinky Bill from Adam, but it is obvious from the posts here that he made quite an impact on many members. I am sure that he will rest in peace, happy in the knowlege that he has contributed so many positive vibes to so many people

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Major bummer. Never met the man only talked on the phone. Owed him a night of drinking for bringing me a part for my ultralight from Oz but we never connected. RIP dude...


I got a phone call this evening with the sad news when I was out dining, and lost my taste for food rather suddenly. Having known Ian for some 30 odd years, it instantly brought back memories of the scrapes we had been in over the years. I'm just saddened and speechless....


How sad. A well liked and respected genuine guy by the sound of it.

Are we allowed to link to newspaper articles these day? Gonna risk it anyway, no doubt Soundman or someone will remove and slap my wrists if not.


Sounds as though the engine may have stopped and there's been nowhere to put it down within gliding time.

Elsewhere on the net I read the company that owned the plane have had 3 down within 12 months.

RIP BB and sincere condolences to the family.


I knew him as Snitch on the Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers long ago, while he owned the Escape Bar with Eddie near the old Las Vegas venue. Quite the character. You will be missed buddy.


Condolences to the family, but as a Buddhist, I beleive that one can not escape the consequences of baap and bun and kaam.


Maybe Nienke would ok the mods to move this to the page of remembrance. Most therein mentioned are his known mates, and at future dates it would be nice to see how so many had so many good things to say about the big guy.

Just a suggestion as thats what its there for.


Well, really a shock.

I will go out on the balcony and smoke a kretek cigarette from the carton Ian kindly brought me on his last visit.

He had a very dangerous job doing aerial photography, sometimes in hostile areas.

I always thought he'd be shot down, not just crash.

Goodbye, friend.


Maybe Nienke would ok the mods to move this to the page of remembrance.

I've sent a PM Gonzo, don't wish to detract from this topic the details.


I am so sorry i never got to meet the man in person. He always made me angry with his posts, but I would have loved to hear what he had to say face to face. I'll never forget that little mouse avatar (does that make me dorky?).

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I can't say that I knew him but I met him once or twice at Tuskers. He was a nice man (otherwise I would have never paid him a drink smile.png )

Condolences to his family.

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Maybe Nienke would ok the mods to move this to the page of remembrance.

I've sent a PM Gonzo, don't wish to detract from this topic the details.

I thought to place this as a separate thread as there is more traffic. On the remembrance page I posted a short notice with a link to this thread. Also in the news forum I've placed a link to this thread. This resulted in over 6,000 views in about 6 hours.

If this thread is preferred on the remembrance page by BB's friends, please, feel free to move this thread there.


A detail of my last skype communication with Ian.

The top of the box shows his last location, and his real name, which is Ian McDougall, just so we get that correct.

I still owe him $18.50, but I guess I'll meet him again sometime....closedeyes.gif


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A detail of my last skype communication with Ian.

The top of the box shows his last location, and his real name, which is Ian McDougall, just so we get that correct.

I still owe him $18.50, but I guess I'll meet him again sometime....closedeyes.gif


not sure about Ian's surname. I remember him telling me McCullough, his facebook page says McDougall as you verify McGriffith, and the article in The Australian says Douglas, but what's in a name? It doesn't really matter now, just that CM has lost one of its more colourful sons.

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Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere


Bloody speechless. Just arrived home drunk to read the news and I feel sick.

Never had the pleasure of meeting BB in person but have always enjoyed he's challenging contributions.

What a way to go. Love ya.

RIP mate.

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