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2 Killed, One Hurt In High-Speed Crash On Bangkok Tollway


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If he really was doing 280 kph then reckless stupidly on his part was involved.

280km/h is equivalent to 78 metres in a single second!

Could it have been suicide?

Since I first came here in 89 and have lived here full time since Nov 03 I have truly lost count on how many "Thai driving practices" I have personally witnessed that could only be described as "suicidal".
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The number plat is kar kor 911. So I guess the car model is the aged 198x Porsche 911.

911 has top speed of 150 mph or 242 km/h (Wiki).

280 km/h is not possible.

Maybe he had it "souped up" with a different engine specification ,a quite common practice with speed freaks!.
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Sorry for the innocents who got hurt in this madness..1 less brain dead moron to worry about on the toll way and a double plus from the HiSo Khao San caffeine drink prikz just another group who think they are above the law

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The thinning of the Thai gene pool continues.whistling.gif

Sympathies for those killed and injured in the collateral damage.

One may well agree with this line of thinking , unfortunately one has to think of the innocent people these maniacs take with them as you have very well noted .
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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

Sounds like the states except there it is the left lane for fast driving but the idiots still believe it is for them and them alone.

Sounds nothing like the states. Since we actually have a rule for passing that people LARGELY obey. Of course, you have the teenagers who are just learning to drive and are more aggressive than more mature drivers, but generally speaking it's NOTHING like Thailand.

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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

Sounds like the states except there it is the left lane for fast driving but the idiots still believe it is for them and them alone.

Sounds nothing like the states. Since we actually have a rule for passing that people LARGELY obey. Of course, you have the teenagers who are just learning to drive and are more aggressive than more mature drivers, but generally speaking it's NOTHING like Thailand.

Anyone remember Nong Prae-wa in her White Honda Civic on the same tollway in Dec 2010? Well at least they've locked her up safe and sound. No wait......! :rolleyes:

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I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

Sounds like the states except there it is the left lane for fast driving but the idiots still believe it is for them and them alone.

I agree with the above statement. I have driven over 9,000 miles accross 18 states in the USA and lane etiquette is unheard of. Even with my American friends in the car they say "its ok to stay in this lane".

Similair mentality here in Thailand, I stick to a speed that suits the road and traffic situation, much to the annoyance of the locals. Many times I have seen high powered sports cars speeding excessively. It is only a matter of time before some innocents are killed. My condolences to the families.

Really? Do people not use their turning signals in the states that you drove through? Do people as the rule (and not exception) tailgate at high speeds in the states? Do people generally make sweeping lane changes from left to right across 3 other lanes of traffic without any warning in the states? Are there never any speed detection devices to catch people speeding? Are there never any highway police posted every few miles to try to catch people speeding (even people in expensive cars)? Common man! You're not convincing anyone that driving practices in the US are generally on par with those of the Thais. How silly.

Anyone can compare anecdotes, but the problem in Thailand is that Thais are generally very poor drivers. America certainly has many, but very poor and very dangerous drivers are the exceptions.

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Anyone can compare anecdotes, but the problem in Thailand is that Thais are generally very poor drivers. America certainly has many, but very poor and very dangerous drivers are the exceptions.

I have no idea whether Thais are generally very poor drivers but think any nation that doesn't provide adequate training and/or enforcement of learned rules will have poor drivers.

When you have police encouraging you to block box junctions, wait on rail crossings and make extra lanes on the hard shoulder how do you know which rules should be obeyed - and that's assuming you learnt them in the first place.

The speed limit is:

a. 80

b. 90

c. 120

d. situational

e. speed limit ???

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Even if you check your mirrors, 280 is an insane closing speed. Was fortunate once overtaking on the expressway that I saw the led lights and heard the engine of the lambo as it passed me at easily 200kmh.

Idiots. If they can prove the porsche was doing 280 the innocent victims families should be compensated massively.

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280 KPH ??? That is 173 MPH , on a Thai toll way......This is clearly a case of Darwin's law at work. Perhaps in order to help ensure the survival of the hisos and their idiot off spring, these high powered sports cars should be speed limited...That would also have the double benefit of helping to stop the killing of other innocent people such as the other driver here who was killed.

Why would you limit the car? The car didn't drive itself that fast. The other driver that was killed was also driving excessively fast according to the article so maybe they were racing. If the car was limited they would just find a way to disable it. TiT.

A Fortuner doing 280km? I dont think so. To hazard a guess, Mr. Porche was screaming up the tollway in the outside lane and Mr. Fortuner, driving along as normal, changed lanes to overtake the third vehicle and moved into the right lane. Mr. Porsche, going too fast to avoid or slow down, slams into the back of him. Keep in mind if the Porsche hit the breaks just before slamming into the Fortuner, then conceivably he was going faster than 280km.

I doubt that the Porsche drove faster than 280 km/h. The fastest I drove was on a German Autobahn, doing 315 km/h. The so called tunnel view wouldn't allow you to drive so fast on a Thai toll way in Bangkok. May they rest in peace, hope there's no traffic where they're driving now.....wai.gif

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Tools plain and simple good for the rest of us that these two are off the roads. Sorry to sound harsh but I've no sympathy for idiots who think they will lose face because a fortuner is getting the better of his Porsche. I would hazard a guess, because seen it all too often here, they were racing each other. Get well soon third and innocent driver.

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I been driving here for 20 years without a scrash.

Wish I could say the same, unfortunately I have been the victim of Thai stupidity on the roads several times.

I could count the apologies received on one hand though.

What is it with their indiscipline, arrogance and lack of manners on the roads?

Easy ... no discipline ...too much arrogance thinking they are the best ... worse drivers ever and of course no regulation

Ditto. Why do nice polite people like the Thai's grow horns and a tail when they get into (or onto) a vehicle? They turn into arrogant road hogs who have to get in front at ANY cost. No concept of road craft or manors what so ever. 200 baht and Buddha will sort everything out.

RIP to the latest unfortunates of the madness that passes for driving here. We all know we'll be having this conversation again and again on this forum. Until the law gets stick and is enforced, as it is in our home nations, nothing will change.

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There are two kinds of racists in the world:

(1) “I am not a racist, I just think people of other colors and cultures are inferior and should be treated like animals.”

(2) “I am a racist, and make no apologies for it. I hate these people.”

If I had to choose, I would actually prefer the company of “Group 2.” At least they are honest.

Is Thai Visa really just a chat room for racists?

Yesterday, the Expat community lost a dear friend, a truly unique individual and he will be missed by those who knew him. I was impressed by the genuine and thoughtful postings. Not corny, or “hippie philosophy” or “all about me” Real genuine sorrow and support for those who were saddened by his passing.

Well, you see…Thai people, and let me underscore that…they are people, just like you…with friends; families and feelings…also suffer when people die. It is not funny, it is not a time to judge, second guess and paint with a broad brush of insensitive hate.

Many postings seem to create a “mirror world” reality. When Western Politicians engage in every conceivable crime, up to and including murder…it is “Business as usual, nothing to see here..move on.”

Same behavior from a Thai? The Devil Walks the Earth! Beware! Hide the women and children!

When hundreds of Thai people die in holiday accidents…Thai Visa sees it as fodder for joke after joke. When there is a tragic accident, it is “Good riddance, one less monkey to feed.” When an expat dies…the correct, respectful and sincere postings come to the surface.

Why is it funny when Thai people die? Why is it funny when Thais lose their homes in floods? Why is it only Thai politicians who tell convenient lies and break rules?

Why do you live here?

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My friend told me about this yesterday when he was called by the family. He's good friends with the owner of Buddy/Susy W and is obviously upset. I almost hope it was mechanical failure rather than human error/stupidity for his and the family's sake.

Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

Mechanical failure!!! , the car must have been running like a dream to do that speed ,this is a major problem with most Thai drivers ,they just will not accept responsibility for their own actions, Thailand,s famous one liner," the driver fled the scene"!!

I am sure if he could have he would have. Then called daddy to get him out of trouble, this time daddy could not help but I'm sure he now wishes he could have helped by not buying a irresponsible child a toy of destruction.

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My friend told me about this yesterday when he was called by the family. He's good friends with the owner of Buddy/Susy W and is obviously upset. I almost hope it was mechanical failure rather than human error/stupidity for his and the family's sake.

Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

Mechanical failure!!! , the car must have been running like a dream to do that speed ,this is a major problem with most Thai drivers ,they just will not accept responsibility for their own actions, Thailand,s famous one liner," the driver fled the scene"!!

I am sure if he could have he would have. Then called daddy to get him out of trouble, this time daddy could not help but I'm sure he now wishes he could have helped by not buying a irresponsible child a toy of destruction.

If by that you mean his Father's heart must be broken beyond repair to have lost his beloved Son, then yes...I agree. What a sad day it must be for him. All his hopes and dreams for his Son...forever lost. The love a father feels, multiplied a thousand times over by grief.

Oh, sorry! I re-read your posting... You are joking! of course! Funny stuff!

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280 KPH ??? That is 173 MPH , on a Thai toll way......This is clearly a case of Darwin's law at work. Perhaps in order to help ensure the survival of the hisos and their idiot off spring, these high powered sports cars should be speed limited...That would also have the double benefit of helping to stop the killing of other innocent people such as the other driver here who was killed.

Why would you limit the car? The car didn't drive itself that fast. The other driver that was killed was also driving excessively fast according to the article so maybe they were racing. If the car was limited they would just find a way to disable it. TiT.

A Fortuner doing 280km? I dont think so. To hazard a guess, Mr. Porche was screaming up the tollway in the outside lane and Mr. Fortuner, driving along as normal, changed lanes to overtake the third vehicle and moved into the right lane. Mr. Porsche, going too fast to avoid or slow down, slams into the back of him. Keep in mind if the Porsche hit the breaks just before slamming into the Fortuner, then conceivably he was going faster than 280km.

I doubt that the Porsche drove faster than 280 km/h. The fastest I drove was on a German Autobahn, doing 315 km/h. The so called tunnel view wouldn't allow you to drive so fast on a Thai toll way in Bangkok. May they rest in peace, hope there's no traffic where they're driving now.....wai.gif

315 km/h on the Autobahn? Really! Your driving prowess amazes me. Less impressed with your cerebral powers. There's only one place for 315 km/h and it's a professional race circuit, and not a public highway, albeit one without a legal speed limit. Incidentally the "design speed" for the Autobahn is 160 km/h!

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