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Challenge For U.S. After Escape By China Activist

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Challenge for U.S. After Escape by China Activist


BEIJING — The dramatic night time escape of a blind rights lawyer from extralegal house arrest in his village dealt a major embarrassment to the Chinese government and left the United States, which may be sheltering him, with a new diplomatic quandary as it seeks to improve its fraught relationship with Beijing.

The lawyer, Chen Guangcheng, one of the best-known and most politically savvy Chinese dissidents, evaded security forces surrounding his home this week and, aided by an underground network of human rights activists, secretly made his way about 300 miles to Beijing, where he is believed to have found refuge in the American Embassy, according to advocates and Chinese officials.

An official in the Chinese Ministry of State Security on Friday said that Mr. Chen had reached the United States Embassy, but American officials would not confirm reports that Mr. Chen had found shelter there.

Full Story: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/28/world/asia/chen-guangcheng-blind-lawyer-escapes-house-arrest-china.html?_r=2


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Chinese activist says he escaped cruel house arrest, calls for investigation

Beijing (CNN) -- A prominent Chinese human rights activist has called for an investigation into what he describes as corrupt and cruel officials who he says "violently assaulted" him and his family before he escaped from house arrest and fled to Beijing.

Chen Guangcheng addressed the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, in a video posted on YouTube on Friday, detailing the abuses he said he and his family had suffered at the hands of authorities during more than 18 months of heavily guarded detention in their home.

"They broke into my house and more than a dozen men assaulted my wife," he said. "They pinned her down and wrapped her in a comforter, beating and kicking her for hours. They also similarly violently assaulted me."

Chinese authorities have not commented.

Full Story: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/27/world/asia/china-activist-escape/index.html


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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

For the same reason milions have done the same! It's the US! Best country in the world, even with all it's issues, and he wants to go there and not Aussie, Brit or the two other *(inflammatory remark edited out)* you named!

Edited by Scott
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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

For the same reason milions have done the same! It's the US! Best country in the world, even with all it's issues, and he wants to go there and not Aussie, Brit or the two other *(inflammatory remark edited out)* you named!

Setting aside the infammatory and unnecessary remarks the US is the only country that will stand up to China. The others mentioned are too dependent upon trade with China to risk it over one Chinese activist/freedom fighter. That of course does not mean that the US is the best country in the world as many people who observe their cultural and business practices or who have visited there will tell you.

Edited by saroq
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Although I could be wrong ,Personally I would think that the Country the world appears to hate the most would be polled #1 to seek refuge by refugee's /asylum seekers given the chance ,GOD BLESS AMERICA!! (I'm a Limey BTW)biggrin.png

Edited by Colin Yai
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That's a good point. There is only one country with the military might to be able to stand up to China. One would think that the citizens of the allies of the USA would be a bit more supportive of the country that allows them to act like independent nations instead of surfs on the kings property when involved in negotiations with China for the sale and purchases of natural resources.

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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

It's good timing with the US Presidential Election coming up. If Obama can be seen to give in to the Chinese over this issue you can expect him to get hammered over it by the Republicans. However it is a time-sensitive situation because as Obama told Russian President Medvedev, "After my election I have more flexibility" which in this case would mean returning Mr. Chen to the Chinese.

Edited by koheesti
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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

It's good timing with the US Presidential Election coming up. If Obama can be seen to give in to the Chinese over this issue you can expect him to get hammered over it by the Republicans. However it is a time-sensitive situation because as Obama told Russian President Medvedev, "After my election I have more flexibility" which in this case would mean returning Mr. Chen to the Chinese.

Mr. Chen is far from being safe, with the unpredictability of the current White House resident and his ever pressing need to be reelected. I expect he will delay and obfuscate the issue until such time as his handlers feel it is time for him to take some sort of action.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out with both the President and Secretary of State looking at the White house for residency at some point in time.

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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

It's good timing with the US Presidential Election coming up. If Obama can be seen to give in to the Chinese over this issue you can expect him to get hammered over it by the Republicans. However it is a time-sensitive situation because as Obama told Russian President Medvedev, "After my election I have more flexibility" which in this case would mean returning Mr. Chen to the Chinese.

Mr. Chen is far from being safe, with the unpredictability of the current White House resident and his ever pressing need to be reelected. I expect he will delay and obfuscate the issue until such time as his handlers feel it is time for him to take some sort of action.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out with both the President and Secretary of State looking at the White house for residency at some point in time.

Yeah Chuck, I am far from optimistic concerning the outcome!.
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I saw on the news that China is demanding an apology from the U.S for medling in thier private affairs.

Looking at the latest cuts to the Aussie defense budget if I were the US I would apologize. America does not need anymore defense responsibilities in Asia.

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I saw on the news that China is demanding an apology from the U.S for medling in thier private affairs.

Looking at the latest cuts to the Aussie defense budget if I were the US I would apologize. America does not need anymore defense responsibilities in Asia.

If I were the U.S I would tell China to suck it up. The guy ran to the U.S Embassy and they handed him back. What have they to appologise for?

What defence responsibilties do the U.S have in Asia?

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I saw on the news that China is demanding an apology from the U.S for medling in thier private affairs.

Looking at the latest cuts to the Aussie defense budget if I were the US I would apologize. America does not need anymore defense responsibilities in Asia.

If I were the U.S I would tell China to suck it up. The guy ran to the U.S Embassy and they handed him back. What have they to appologise for?

What defence responsibilties do the U.S have in Asia?

Both Japan and Australia are critical strategic pivots of the United States security architecture in the Asia Pacific. What we are witnessing now is the transformation of the bilateral Japan-US and Australia-US mutual security arrangements into a trilateral security network or a more formal “Japan-USA – Australia Security Triangle”.

Media reports indicate that the initiative for the present Japan-Australia Defense Agreement came from Australia with a good deal of back-up support from the United States.

The foundations of “JANZUS” (Japan-Australia – New Zealand – United States) Multilateral Security Alliance may have been laid.


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The US has defense pacts with multiple Asian countries.

Think...Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore...to name a few.

From what I have read on a couple of blogs, the State Department cut this guy loose in a hospital after taking him there for treatment of an injured leg. The State Department walked out and the Chinese authorities walked in.

Problem solved the Obama/Clinton way.

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I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

It's good timing with the US Presidential Election coming up. If Obama can be seen to give in to the Chinese over this issue you can expect him to get hammered over it by the Republicans. However it is a time-sensitive situation because as Obama told Russian President Medvedev, "After my election I have more flexibility" which in this case would mean returning Mr. Chen to the Chinese.

Mr. Chen is far from being safe, with the unpredictability of the current White House resident and his ever pressing need to be reelected. I expect he will delay and obfuscate the issue until such time as his handlers feel it is time for him to take some sort of action.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out with both the President and Secretary of State looking at the White house for residency at some point in time.

Yeah Chuck, I am far from optimistic concerning the outcome!.

Looks like the perfect outcome for all concerned. China gets rid of a political activist and gets him exiled to the USA. The US gets the kudos for enabling him to leave the country.


Edited by folium
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Vietnam is the onlly country that has stood up to China and given it a bloody nose.

India tried, but had its posterior kicked back in the 60's.

The USA is being blackmailed now. This man had every opportunity to remain in the embassy. He chose to leave. The ambassador stated this and I believe the Ambassador. Now this dissident is calling everyone and playing gutter politics. This tells me that the man is a few cards short of a full deck.

The whole story stinks. How does a blind man climb over a wall and walk for KMs undetected to a secret rendezvous? He apparently was being kept in a walled compound from which he had not emerged to survey the area, and yet he was able to find his way to the waiting car of a supporter. In China, you can't walk a few meters without some snitch seeing you.

It is interesting how the man's claim to fame is his position against China's population control policies, which plays well with some groups anti abortion positions. I don't doubt for a minute that this chap is persecuted and that he has suffered discrimination. However, he's being incredibly pushy when he demands that the US Secretary of State fly him out of China. I think he is being used by a diverse group of people and I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese intelligence service had a hand in this political mess. it all works well to derail the US efforts on human rights and trade negotiations as well as a push on China in respect to Iran.Interesting that this happened just as the US Secretary of State was coming to deliver a tough position on human rights and Iran.

Edited by Scott
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Vietnam is the onlly country that has stood up to China and given it a bloody nose.

India tried, but had its posterior kicked back in the 60's.

The USA is being blackmailed now. This man had every opportunity to remain in the embassy. He chose to leave. The ambassador stated this and I believe the Ambassador. Now this dissident is calling everyone and playing gutter politics. This tells me that the man is a few cards short of a full deck.

The whle story stinks. How does a blind man climb over a wall and walk for KMs undetected to a secret rendezvous? He apparently was being kept in a walled compound from which he had not emerged to survey the area, and yet he was able to find his way to the waiting car of a supporter. In China, you can't walk a few meters without some snitch seeing you.

It is interesting how the man's claim to fame is his position against China's population control policies, which plays well with some groups anti abortion positions. I don't doubt for a minute that this chap is perscuted and that he has suffered discrimination. However, he's being incredibly pushy when he deamnds that the US Secretary of State fly him out of China. I think he is being used by a diverse group of people and I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese intelligence service had a hand in this political mess. it all works well to derail the US efforts on human rights and trade negotiaations as well as a push on China in respect to Iran.Interesting taht this happened just as the US Secretary of State was coming to deliver a tough position on human rights and Iran.

China sent a million troops into N.Korea in 1950 and anyone who fought for the UN forces or ROK would be somewhat surprised to hear your claim that only Vietnam has ever stood up against Chinese aggression. The role of the US in relation to Taiwan since 1949 could also be cited.

The US being "blackmailed" over Chen Guangcheng seems a little melodramatic. As per my previous post it hardly takes much imagination to believe that this whole episode has been exploited if not stage managed by the US and China to achieve objectives desired by both sides, namely getting rid of a troublesome activist, and burnishing human rights credentials and playing a "tough" line with China. All good stuff in a year when both states are set to go through political changes. see link below for latest development in this "surprisingly" fast-developing story:


GK your comments on China's population policy are poorly informed. It's not just a question of "playing well with some groups' anti abortion views". This is fodder for an entirely separate topic but in brief the 1 Child Policy is widely recognized today as an utterly flawed and unnecessary policy that has caused far more grief than any possible benefit it produced. Consider this, Thailand and China had similar birth rates in 1950, they have similar birth rates today. Same outcome, two very different approaches, and a vast set of follow-on problems faced by China, and not by Thailand.

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It is interesting to note the US State Department is over two months late issuing their report on human rights.

State is mandated by Congress to issue the report not later than 25 February annually, yet this year's report is delayed for some unknown reason.

Could it have anything to do with Clinton's visit to China?


PS: Of course it could.

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I saw on the news that China is demanding an apology from the U.S for medling in thier private affairs.

Looking at the latest cuts to the Aussie defense budget if I were the US I would apologize. America does not need anymore defense responsibilities in Asia.

I doubt there bothered since they want to setup operations in Darwin. ermm.gif

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