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Are The Russians Getting A Free Ride.....


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If you think about this more.....there is something that we are all missing.....there will come a point when the Thai's get fed up with the Russians and some of there shady dealings as stated by a few posters.........what will happen then ?

nothing will happen. as long as the Russians spend money they are welcome. and "the shady dealings as stated by a few posters" are basically either shady assumptions by a few posters or perhaps assumptions of a few shady posters... as shady as your opening posting.

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It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

Why does it annoy you more if the tout is Russian? Russian tout, Thai tout, Nigerian tout...makes no difference to me...

Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

LOL, surely you can see the absolute hypocrisy in your statement? So it's OK for you, a non-Thai, to be in Thailand and have everything written in English for you, but you want to keep everyone else out, especially foreign languages...except English of course...

Maybe the Russians don't want you around? Maybe they moved here to be with Thais...maybe they don't want to see menus in English, if they'd wanted that they would have moved to London...


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. My uncle, in his best Irish accent, told them that his IRISH friends wouldnt be very happy if the yfound out there were mob equipment in his bar. (suggesting that his Irish friends were IRA members).

My uncle told me he never has seen 5 grown men move that much equipment out of a bar that fast. ...

They might have thought he was talking about Frank Carson and JImmy Cricket

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May I kindly suggest the next time you find yourself with some free time from 'teaching' you brush up on your English spelling.whistling.gif

May I kindly suggest the next time you find yourself with some free time from 'teaching' you brush up on your English spelling.whistling.gif

Who me ? w00t.gif Must admit l failed English, and I'm English. laugh.png .

Never mind, just keep telling people that it's a steadily-evolving language and nobody can ever be 100%, so they need to pay you for more lessons on coloquial-English, like wot I speaks !

Or as my grandfather once told my mother & her sister, "You girls, you don't half talk bad !" laugh.png

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Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

Do you have some personal issues with Russians or something? Did you ever think about why menues are in English in pretty much every country you go to? Maybe it's because so many visitors of that country speak English? Maybe Pattaya and Phuket have their menues in Russian because there are so many Russian tourists that it's worth making a Russian verion of their menue to benefit their businesses from all the Russian tourists? You don't read anyone bitching about having English menues and signs in Thailand, can you read Thai? I bet you can't so how does English is right and Russian is wrong? A simple answer for you - go back where you came from to your English ONLY country and stop bitchin'.

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It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

Why does it annoy you more if the tout is Russian? Russian tout, Thai tout, Nigerian tout...makes no difference to me...

Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

to make things worse... these Russians are all heathens. i came to Thailand to live among pious Buddhists, hear Thai language which i don't understand and see signs in Thai which i can't read.

now i see signs in Russian... which i can't read and hear that Russian heathen language which i don't understand.


Only a matter of time before they start building orthodox churches in Thailand. ohmy.png

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Real Russian gangsters pose no threat to most people. They are usually safe behind the walls of their lavish villa. The last thing they want to deal with is a yob or lager lout. When they go out it is to Russian controlled establishments where nary a non Russian ventures. The Russians most of us deal with are the regular middle class working slobs. They are no worse than a great many of visitors coming from other countries. Yes, they can be rude, but so too are over tatooed jetstar junketeers.

Maybe there are some Russian tour guides working around the law. Does it upset me? No. It is not as if the Thai tour guides are fluent in Russian are they? I get annoyed at the pushy Russians in the Big C all the time, but I speak up and say to the fat lady in her flowered dress, no my dear, the line starts there. The Russians are only pushy if you let them. Russians don't pick fights on Bangla Road and they don't get into fights with the tuk tuks in Phuket. They run a hard bargain if they want and the fact of the matter is that the Thais are scared of them. Russian men in Thailand are usually not pansies and the women can out box an aussie gal any day of the week. me thinks some of you kids are terrified by Mr. & Mrs. Ivanoff because you can't push them around. In any case, I would welcome some Russians in my building as they might keep the drunk Scandanavians quiet.

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Only a matter of time before they start building orthodox churches in Thailand.

AFAIK there are some churches in Thaialnd already and I dont' have problems with that even though I'm an atheist. On the other hand it's a real kick in the nuts that there is (was) a mosque planned to be built in New York, not fat from the 9-11 trade center site...

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. My uncle, in his best Irish accent, told them that his IRISH friends wouldnt be very happy if the yfound out there were mob equipment in his bar. (suggesting that his Irish friends were IRA members).

My uncle told me he never has seen 5 grown men move that much equipment out of a bar that fast. ...

They might have thought he was talking about Frank Carson and JImmy Cricket

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Russians are generally far better at corruption than Brits.

A clear case of jealousy.

It can only be seen as corruption if it is uncovered. Getting caught isn't better, IMHO rolleyes.gif

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I to wonder where did all those Russians suddenly come from? 3 or 4 years ago I dont remember them!

No, even ten years ago there were plenty around Pattaya. Been spreading ever since, no sudden increase, you just started tuning into them then.

That's that not true at all, there has been a sudden and enormous increase in the past few years. 10 years ago in 2002 only a total of 69,000 Russians came to Thailand. In 2006, there were still only 80,000 Russians. Then the big increase began, in 2007 that number increased to 280,000 Russians. Last year that number was just over 1 million. Russians over the past 5 years have gone from one of the smallest farang tourist groups to the largest, and they are still growing rapidly. There are now more Russians coming to Thailand than people from the UK, who had previously been the largest farang market for many years.

Source -

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The real reason so many other nationalities dislike the Russians is becasue the Russian men actualy take care of themselves, hence the stunning girls on their arms. Clean shaven, smart clean casual wear, look good and look smart.

Quite the opposite to your regular foul mouthed vest wearing, unshaven smelly slob. Many foreigners in Thailand not only need a reality check but need a hygiene check as well.

Edited by 92302
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I know a Russian girl tourguide in Pattaya...she has to jump through the same hoops as everybody else--visa runs, etc. No special treatment for her. It's just that Russian tour guides are more in demand as most Thais don't speak russian.

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It also annoys me when I am walking on Jomtien beach road and I am approached by a Russian tout offering me a tour. I bet that it annoys the legitimate Thais more than me or the OP.

Why does it annoy you more if the tout is Russian? Russian tout, Thai tout, Nigerian tout...makes no difference to me...

Because I came to Thailand to live with Thais not Russians. All the signs, menu's and even TV channels showing are now in Russian. If I had have wanted this I would have moved to Moscow. Russian is not the world language.

LOL, surely you can see the absolute hypocrisy in your statement? So it's OK for you, a non-Thai, to be in Thailand and have everything written in English for you, but you want to keep everyone else out, especially foreign languages...except English of course...

Maybe the Russians don't want you around? Maybe they moved here to be with Thais...maybe they don't want to see menus in English, if they'd wanted that they would have moved to London...

You may have missed the fact that English is the world language. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

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You may have missed the fact that English is the world language. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

Another nonsense post of yours! I know plenty of non-Russians who shop at 7-11 for the most part, and English being the world language doesn't change the fact that you're in Thailand and Russians are a big part of Thailand visitors, big enough to make it worth it make some menues and signs in Russian!. As I said earlier, go back to your English only country or stop bithcin'.

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Back to the topic, if it wasn't for so-called Russian tour guides, there wouldn't be so many Russians coming to Thailand, I've noticed most of them don't speak any English. They buy an all-inclusive package (hotel room and all the sight seengs) and go with a group. Does anyone really thinks that a Thai who can say "Privet, kak dela?" can lead that group around the country? OP, think about it this way: you think you know your way around Thailand cuz you've been here many times and you agreed to give your buddies a tour around to show them all the fine places, someone comes to you and say that you have to <deleted> off and let a Thai do it, what would you think? Yes they're getting paid for being guides but that's because nobody can rea;;ly speak the Russain except for Russain nationals.

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I know a Russian girl tourguide in Pattaya...she has to jump through the same hoops as everybody else--visa runs, etc. No special treatment for her. It's just that Russian tour guides are more in demand as most Thais don't speak russian.

Hi Submaniac, haven't seen you for a while; forum has been relatively quiet and orderly recently........tongue.png

If your Russian tourguide was legit why would she have to do visa runs, as her work permit wouldn't require her to do so? Just an observation, not a criticism! Live and let live.

To the OP, again no criticism against his/her observations, you might want to look closer to home as to who is abusing the system more here, tour guides or the education establishment. I see schools employing "teachers" without issuing work permits, I have seen "teachers" degrees with Mickey Mouse (I sh1t you not) incorporated in the coat of arms/logo of the degree and have met "teachers" with stories of prison time which would impress most people, if not involved wiith education.

Dog eat dog! It runs across the board in this country.

As a matter of interest (I really don't know) is it compulsory to have Thai guides attached to these package tours?

Only askin'

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I recall seeing a Russian tour party at the Crocodile Farm a few months ago when I took some visiting friends there. I was sitting at a cafe table near to the crocodile show, (which I can't stand), and at the next table were a small group of very young Russian tour guides (male and female), dressed in neat uniforms with, ID badges, waiting for their groups to come out from the show.

For all the world they looked like young people from anywhere you care to name, enjoying their work in a distant country, probably being paid a pittance, but getting some life experience.

I realised immediately that what they were doing was against the law, but my feeling was not one of resentment, but more of concern, as these things have a nasty habit of coming to an unsavoury end.

While I doubt that the OP, despite his resentment, would go to the lengths of trying to report their illegal activities, there are plenty of Thai guides and Thai tour companies who would be delighted to inform on them and put the boot in. Indeed I recall this very problem occurring on several occasions in the South of Thailand when many foreign tour guides were rounded up, thrown in jail and deported.

I bet these kids have been given assurances that their work is legal, but in all probability it is only matter of time before the BIB start to put the squeeze on them and take action. A new Police Chief or Immigration Chief? Or an increase in the demands for tea money and the Russians bosses deciding they don't want to pay up. Or more 'interested parties' trying to muscle in on the action or feeling aggrieved because they are not. Any number of reasons could cause a nasty incident.

Actually I see nothing wrong with Russian speaking tour guides working with Russian tourists and If there were enough Thais who could speak fluent Russian, then fair enough, but there are barely enough who can speak English, let alone Russian. Russian guides taking care of Russian tourists only helps to boost the foreign tourist business for Thailand.

But TIT as they say....

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You may have missed the fact that English is the world language. The Thais that I have spoken to also dislike these rude, loud and offensive Russians that generally spend no money other than in 7/11s. They take their own food and drink into bars and restaurants and think that that is OK. Your arguments are nonsensical and you are obviously trolling.

Another nonsense post of yours! I know plenty of non-Russians who shop at 7-11 for the most part, and English being the world language doesn't change the fact that you're in Thailand and Russians are a big part of Thailand visitors, big enough to make it worth it make some menues and signs in Russian!. As I said earlier, go back to your English only country or stop bithcin'.

Hope you have a great time with your impoverished Russian friends dining outside the 7/11. You might want to learn the language too and then you can really be somebody.

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Back to the topic, if it wasn't for so-called Russian tour guides, there wouldn't be so many Russians coming to Thailand, I've noticed most of them don't speak any English. They buy an all-inclusive package (hotel room and all the sight seengs) and go with a group. Does anyone really thinks that a Thai who can say "Privet, kak dela?" can lead that group around the country? OP, think about it this way: you think you know your way around Thailand cuz you've been here many times and you agreed to give your buddies a tour around to show them all the fine places, someone comes to you and say that you have to <deleted> off and let a Thai do it, what would you think? Yes they're getting paid for being guides but that's because nobody can rea;;ly speak the Russain except for Russain nationals.

You are not allowed to work in Thailand without a work permit. They are taking Thai jobs and breaking the law.

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I recall seeing a Russian tour party at the Crocodile Farm a few months ago when I took some visiting friends there ...

But TIT as they say....

Hi there Mobi ... haven't see you around for a while ... been on holidays?

Agreeing with Chrisinth ... ditto submaniac ... eek misses you terribly ... thumbsup.gif

Edited by David48
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.....that's because nobody can rea;;ly speak the Russain except for Russain nationals.

Correction: ... that's because nobody really wants to speak the Russain except for Russain nationals

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Actually no ... ALL the ex - USSR speak Russian, weather they like it or not … правда

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If he's going to go on a public forum and announce that he's an English teacher, he should at least show some mastery of the language.thumbsup.gif

But you know as well as I do that they are not real teachers, more like play play ones

Most "real teachers" - I assume you mean western certified, run screaming after working in the Thai system after a few months, unless they are in a top international school, where they belong.

But in reference to the OP, let em do what they want, just stay legal yourself and forget what other's are doing. it could be worse, you could be married to a Thai, like me, and STILL have to do things by the book because she insist on it!

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Is this another thread where the English are complaining about foreigners? Fancy that...

i don't have any complaints about Ru$$ian$. i actually charge them more. about 30% more, and i can be rude to them during the negotiation.

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