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Iran Condemns Quran Burning By Florida Pastor Terry Jones


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This guy is a fool. He has gained nothing by his actions. If he wants to burn the Quran to vent his hatred/get himself off or whatever then why doesn't he just do it privately? He is doing it deliberately to piss off Muslims that he knows good and well over- react at the best of times. He is a shit stirrer and nothing more. Someone should go and slap his titty. crazy.gif

I do disapprove of his actions, as they provide a pretext for violence, though be under no illusion that another pretext couldn't be conjured up almost at will. And yes, he indeed 'knows good and well' that Muslims over-react as you put it, but this is the racism of low expectations when you conclude some Muslims will act in a manner consistent with that of a nine year old child in the west. Touching on what Colin wrote - If such behavior is tolerated you are creating a negative cycle when the same hair trigger sensitivities will assert themselves at all times, which is why I'm hoping this time we avoid a grovelling apology from the Potus.

Yeah Dan, I was hoping for a remark /answer to my post #19 ,for the life in me I just cannot understand why the burning of the Islamic Koran should be deemed so Important ,not when in many parts the Islamic world "non believers" are being actively persecuted and murdered and their places of worship being burned to the ground all in the name of Sharia law which goes with the Koran like Strawberry's n cream , maybe I have got my priority's all wrong eh. Edited by Colin Yai
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What is all the hooha about it's only paper and ink, now if he was attacking, destroying mosques and persecuting muslims, killing muslims then they may have something serious to get upset about. Time for Iran to show the world how they want to be respected by respecting other religions and peoples then there would be no story.

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When there is an upsurge in violence in Afghainistan because of his actons, and troops are killed or maimed, he should be held accountable.

Why? He is neither aiding nor abetting such attacks. I think we all agree that Mr. Jones is a fool. The Taliban don't care about Mr. Jones and would find another excuse to murder and maim. Your logic is the equivalent of saying that the English citizenry should rise up and slay all Pakistanis in their midst because 3 Pakistani males are on trial now for brutalizing and turning white girls into prostitutes. The local Pakistani community is repulsed by such acts and wants to see these guys kicked to the curb. By the same token, the local US community wishes Mr. Jones would go back to his trailer park and <deleted>.

Sadly the gallant EDL in the UK thought the fake "Pastor" would be an addition to their speaking panel and invited him over in 2010 until they bottled out, due to their "opposition to his Koran burning". See links below on how even the EDL view the fake Pastor and for an interesting insight into the delightful EDL courtesy of the renowned left-wing paper, the Daily Mail:



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If l say what l think , l will be banned. BUT, seems a ''book'' is more important than blowing innocent folk to bits. sad.png

Yeah as Pamela Geller wrote "The truth is the new hate speech" and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
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What is all the hooha about it's only paper and ink, now if he was attacking, destroying mosques and persecuting muslims, killing muslims then they may have something serious to get upset about. Time for Iran to show the world how they want to be respected by respecting other religions and peoples then there would be no story.

Respecting other religions George?, now I know you are having a jokelaugh.png
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If l say what l think , l will be banned. BUT, seems a ''book'' is more important than blowing innocent folk to bits. sad.png

If only the muslims would settle for burning bibles instead of people

They might even get a better press if they did.

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What is all the hooha about it's only paper and ink, now if he was attacking, destroying mosques and persecuting muslims, killing muslims then they may have something serious to get upset about. Time for Iran to show the world how they want to be respected by respecting other religions and peoples then there would be no story.

Unfortunately in this modern day and age Iran likes to hang folk on street corners and chuck rocks at women. I can go on about sawing off heads but l think l have made my point.

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What is all the hooha about it's only paper and ink, now if he was attacking, destroying mosques and persecuting muslims, killing muslims then they may have something serious to get upset about. Time for Iran to show the world how they want to be respected by respecting other religions and peoples then there would be no story.

Exactly, when Iran stops bulldozing churches, imprisoning christians for years without charge and torturing them until they convert to Islam, then Iran can stand on the moral high ground and bang thier drum.

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