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Is This The Worst Photo?!


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Waow kayo,I remember in the 80's one quetzal was one dollar......

Devaluates a little bit it seems

Hum but what has this to do with Thailand????

Look, alright, As soon as the baht rises against the Mozambique Metical and the Romanian New Leu Agregates A sample of fur spliced under a fine cut diamond balancing on a platinum ounce.... I WILL buy the next round.

Now stop hassling me, I'm looking up world currencies.


edit: Doh! I left out the Malawi Kwacha!@!!! :o

Edited by kayo
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Well, I never would have believed it.

This thread started in a p*ssed up stupor, created 7 pages and I over 90 replies. Some strange stuff in there too. I went out and came home to sleep somewhere in the middle of the marathon sesh.

I promise I will think before posting a thread again. Could get into trouble.... :D

Prob best closed now though. :o


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I still say Breasts are Best!

Obviously you have never seen a good photo of the CN Tower in Vancouver:

CN Tower is in Toronto, not Vancouver!

Coincidentally, on the subject of Vancouver (and close to the original subject) Vancouver International Airport charges $15 CAD cash departure tax for all international flights, allegedly to help defray the cost of the "new" airport which has been open for several years now.............

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