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Jatuporn Says He Ready For Cabinet Seat

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"Surat Thani is not the middle of nowhere, but it is a place that Jatuporn doesn't go to, apparently due to unresolved legal issues he has there.

What I do approve of is to treat one's monther in a better manner than Jatuporn's abandonment of his."

Quite so.

Any comment on the intimidation of a 90 year old, Bucholz ??

It's Buchholz and I don't see the words or actions of intimidation in that article.

What is published is that his mother disapproves of his actions.

That she pleaded with her son to stop his disrespectful actions.

That she would like to see him, because he hasn't gone to see her in years and years.

That he refuses to even accept her phone calls.

That his older sister confirms her brother's abandonment of their mother.

That his mother has health problems.

You apparently seem to think that sort of behavior is acceptable and have chosen to focus instead on speculating on content that is not present in the article, for which one might reasonably construe that you are defending the reprehensible actions of a son towards his own mother for reasons probably best left unsaid.


<deleted>, 300 people arriving at her house to ask her a question isn't intimidating?

Perhaps looking for invisible snipers or a Pattaya Asean buffet to nosh on?huh.png

well that's just it, i wouldn't be ridiculous enough to argue that both those situations wouldn't have been intimidating.

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"He said his immediate concerns were his life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement and his MP status."

How can anyone over the age of 8 have a "life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement"?

Pretty much an impossible feat, considering it's age. But hey, why let facts and logic get in the way of a good political diatribe.

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Jatuporn said yesterday that it was up to Yingluck and her big brother Thaksin to decide his future.

Thepthai said he had heard that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra might reward Jatuporn with a "surprise" appointment.

So it looks like it's all out in the open now - these statements are basically admissions that the criminal fugitive Thaksin is the real boss of the Thai government.

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What are his qualifications to become a cabinet member? According to Wiki, his occupation is listed as political activist, from 1996 to present. Not sure that's a good qualification.


Quite lucrative though when you look at his assets declaration. Who signs the paychecks of a political activist/terrorist?

According to the Biographical Data of Members of the 23rd House of Representatives, his occupation is "Businessman".


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What are his qualifications to become a cabinet member? According to Wiki, his occupation is listed as political activist, from 1996 to present. Not sure that's a good qualification.


Quite lucrative though when you look at his assets declaration. Who signs the paychecks of a political activist/terrorist?

According to the Biographical Data of Members of the 23rd House of Representatives, his occupation is "Businessman".


I've seen it used many times. It covers a multitude of things

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Indeed it will be, but in this morning's other paper is report detailing that Jatuporn will join the new Yingluck Cabinet when the reshuffle is tentatively done in June/July.

He will then join former banned Thai Rak Thai luminaries Varathep Rattanakorn, Pongthep Thepkanchana, Chaturon Chaisaeng, Suwat Liptapanlop, and Sonthaya Kunplome.

Kunplome would be a particularly interesting prospect as his wife is already in Yingluck's


Minister of Culture


Mrs. Sukumol Kunplome


Although she has indicated that she would be willing to step aside from her Cabinet post if her husband was to join.

An interesting aspect is the self-acknowledged proxy status of these sort of stand-ins.

In this case, it's a situation where a wife tells her husband that her job is his [presumably because she's not as good as he is] in a manner of the most archaic servitude. Quite self-deprecatory for the advancement of women that Yingluck's administration was supposed to be bringing to the table. dry.png


Edited by Buchholz
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Another aspect worth considering is how does this all impacts on the long-term Pheu Thai Party members who have worked for it diligently and exclusively (as opposed to those only spared a moment for the Party when it didn't conflict with their Red Shirt duties).

One can't help but wonder how the man he is replacing feels:

Deputy Minister of Interior


Mr. Chuchart Hansaward


Getting dumped out of your seat in favor of some barely literate mongrel like Jatuporn can't do much for their ego nor sense of allegiance.

Additionally, the resultant drop in his "assets" occurring with his getting tossed out will be troubling.


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What are his qualifications to become a cabinet member? According to Wiki, his occupation is listed as political activist, from 1996 to present. Not sure that's a good qualification.


Quite lucrative though when you look at his assets declaration. Who signs the paychecks of a political activist/terrorist?

According to the Biographical Data of Members of the 23rd House of Representatives, his occupation is "Businessman".

I've seen it used many times. It covers a multitude of things

The common goal of all businessmen is to make as much money as possible.
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Yingluck refused to answer a direct question on the Cabinet line-up

The first time she was asked about it, she simply walked away from the reporters.

When, later in the day, she was asked again about it, she responded with "It's hot." (in apparent reference to the warm weather).


Her obfuscations with the media are becoming legendary. :rolleyes:


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Looks like there is going to be a lot of pissed off TV members when Mr. Jatuporn assumes his position. Get used to it loser supporters. What goes around comes around.cheesy.gif

Actually astounded might be a better turn of phrase rather than pissed off.. If the Thai government sets the bar of qualification to be a member there any lower, there will be monkeys sitting in parliament. I , and like I suspect a lot of other farangs that live here, live a sort of parallel existence here . Just sit back, and watch in amazement at the bumblings of the government here. We have no stake nor can effect change. At some point when it gets too strange, then it is time to pack up the bags and leave.

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"He said his immediate concerns were his life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement and his MP status."

How can anyone over the age of 8 have a "life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement"?

Pretty much an impossible feat, considering it's age. But hey, why let facts and logic get in the way of a good political diatribe.

People, well normal people, animatic, say things like this all the time, it's a figure of speech, an hyperbole and is not meant to be taken literally. An example, I've been a supporter of (insert sports team or whatever) for all of my life.

Normal speech for normal people. And saying that you're devoted to a movement you belong to, believe in and also happen to be a "leader" of is hardly political diatribe, is it?

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Looks like there is going to be a lot of pissed off TV members when Mr. Jatuporn assumes his position. Get used to it loser supporters. What goes around comes around.cheesy.gif

There'll be a lot of pissed off 111 Club members too if they lose out on a prime position to Jabbaporn.

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Jatuporn is eminently qualified to be a cabinet minister. Interior would be a good place (though Sanoh may be a bit upset that his daughter, as Deputy Interior Minister, would then be working for him).

Jatuporn had held near cabinet level position in previous TRT governments. Most notably secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2003. His most notorious act in that position was to call out the police to remove people that were occupying land that instead of being distributed to landless farmers as promised was leased to a major Palm Oil company. He said they were armed and violent and needed to be removed forcibly for that reason (irony alert, irony alert).

Jatuporn is a lifelong political hack and a pure Thaksin client with no natural constituency of his own. His main claim to fame is a knack for rhetorical oratory loved by a certain socioeconomic class.

Just the type Thaksin loves. Full of hot air without being a real threat.


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Jatuporn is eminently qualified to be a cabinet minister. Interior would be a good place (though Sanoh may be a bit upset that his daughter, as Deputy Interior Minister, would then be working for him).

Jatuporn had held near cabinet level position in previous TRT governments. Most notably secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2003. His most notorious act in that position was to call out the police to remove people that were occupying land that instead of being distributed to landless farmers as promised was leased to a major Palm Oil company. He said they were armed and violent and needed to be removed forcibly for that reason (irony alert, irony alert).

Jatuporn is a lifelong political hack and a pure Thaksin client with no natural constituency of his own. His main claim to fame is a knack for rhetorical oratory loved by a certain socioeconomic class.

Just the type Thaksin loves. Full of hot air without being a real threat.


But he has a whole government of ministers just like that. Why does he need another?

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Jatuporn is eminently qualified to be a cabinet minister. Interior would be a good place (though Sanoh may be a bit upset that his daughter, as Deputy Interior Minister, would then be working for him).

Jatuporn had held near cabinet level position in previous TRT governments. Most notably secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2003. His most notorious act in that position was to call out the police to remove people that were occupying land that instead of being distributed to landless farmers as promised was leased to a major Palm Oil company. He said they were armed and violent and needed to be removed forcibly for that reason (irony alert, irony alert).

Jatuporn is a lifelong political hack and a pure Thaksin client with no natural constituency of his own. His main claim to fame is a knack for rhetorical oratory loved by a certain socioeconomic class.

Just the type Thaksin loves. Full of hot air without being a real threat.


But he has a whole government of ministers just like that. Why does he need another?

The Red Shirts need to be thrown a bone now and then or they start grumbling.

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I hope he gets it. A powerful orator, a tireless worker and a upholder of democracy. Oh yeah, and it will really piss off the opposition/ frothers.

And it will help fuc_k up the country too. I'm sure you and the other red neck fascist wannabes will be delighted with that.

Another nail in his mother's coffin...


Good of you to bring this up, some 300 yellow shirt followers of Prem went to a little old ladies house, in the middle of nowwhere, to pressure her about her son.

That's pretty heavy intimidation, is it not ??

A 90 year old assailed by 300 people in her house.

You seem to be approving of it, the way you post.

Well I agree wholeheartedly that the yellows were well out of order but I also noted her wonderful son hasn't even spoken to her in 5 or 6 years. Lets face it they are all self serving thugs and thieves, red /yellow, they are all the same.

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her wonderful son hasn't even spoken to her in 5 or 6 years.

Another of his great sins (for Thailand especially) is his failure to look after her financially.


Her surroundings in the house is not what one would expect in the family home of a multimillionaire like Jatuporn.


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Looks like there is going to be a lot of pissed off TV members when Mr. Jatuporn assumes his position. Get used to it loser supporters. What goes around comes around.cheesy.gif

There'll be a lot of pissed off 111 Club members too if they lose out on a prime position to Jabbaporn.

Election Commissioner Sodsri confirmed the Banned 111 Club members could immediately be appointed Cabinet Ministers after their banishment ceases on May 30.

She said there's no requirement for them to be MP's or even a member of a Party for those positions, so they are all eligible for appointment.

If any wish to contest an MP seat in any upcoming by-election, then they are required to be Party member for not less than 90 days to contest.

If the House is dissolved and a general election is called, then they must be Party member for not less than 30 days.


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"He said his immediate concerns were his life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement and his MP status."

How can anyone over the age of 8 have a "life-long devotion to the red-shirt movement"?

Pretty much an impossible feat, considering it's age. But hey, why let facts and logic get in the way of a good political diatribe.

People, well normal people, animatic, say things like this all the time, it's a figure of speech, an hyperbole and is not meant to be taken literally. An example, I've been a supporter of (insert sports team or whatever) for all of my life.

Normal speech for normal people. And saying that you're devoted to a movement you belong to, believe in and also happen to be a "leader" of is hardly political diatribe, is it?

It IS hyperbole, not much more.

It also certainly is political diatribe, because he hasn't made a speech in public that is not littered with di·a·tribe





a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism:

repeated diatribes against the senator.

Synonyms tirade, harangue.

Interesting, you are comparing normal persons speech with Jatuporns.

So I suppose we can then 'not take Jatuporns speech literally.'

He doesn't mean what he says he just says things a lot.

Wenging on about this or that or the other thing,

but signifying nothing.


She should have died hereafter;

There would have been a time for such a word.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

To the last syllable of recorded time,

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage

And then is heard no more: it is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

Enter a Messenger
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i think some posters in here are an absolute disgrace for trying to argue that 300 people arriving at an old womans property isn't indimidating.

with arguments like they didn't have weapons, act violenty... or spray blood!

none of which make any difference to how a 90 year old woman would feel intimidated by 300 people opposed to her son arriving at her property.

how can people be so fanatical in their bias not to accept this? it truly baffles and disgusts me.

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i think some posters in here are an absolute disgrace for trying to argue that 300 people arriving at an old womans property isn't indimidating.

with arguments like they didn't have weapons, act violenty... or spray blood!

none of which make any difference to how a 90 year old woman would feel intimidated by 300 people opposed to her son arriving at her property.

how can people be so fanatical in their bias not to accept this? it truly baffles and disgusts me.

Would that be the same as a mob walking through a hospital with spears, which some people suggest was just like the normal day to day visitors.

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i think some posters in here are an absolute disgrace for trying to argue that 300 people arriving at an old womans property isn't indimidating.

with arguments like they didn't have weapons, act violenty... or spray blood!

none of which make any difference to how a 90 year old woman would feel intimidated by 300 people opposed to her son arriving at her property.

how can people be so fanatical in their bias not to accept this? it truly baffles and disgusts me.

Would that be the same as a mob walking through a hospital with spears, which some people suggest was just like the normal day to day visitors.

well I wouldn't suggest that, as i've already mentioned in this thread.

of course that was intimidating, of course it was.

if people are suggesting that it was just the same as normal day to day visitors and there was no grounds for anyone to say they felt intimidated, then i would say they are fanatical in their bias too!

you see i admit the cons of both sides, unlike a hell of a lot of people on here.

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i'd be intimidated if a crowd of 300 turned up at my property, nevermind being a 90 year old woman and them being opposed to your son!

i don't need video evidence to form that opinion, i thought it would go without saying.

So for future reference, as Red Shirts like to turn up at peoples addresses in numbers, nurofiend has stated that if any big group shows up on a location that could be associated with 'opposite' group(s), then it is a threat.

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i think some posters in here are an absolute disgrace for trying to argue that 300 people arriving at an old womans property isn't indimidating.

with arguments like they didn't have weapons, act violenty... or spray blood!

none of which make any difference to how a 90 year old woman would feel intimidated by 300 people opposed to her son arriving at her property.

how can people be so fanatical in their bias not to accept this? it truly baffles and disgusts me.

Perhaps if you had one shred of evidence that she was intimidated, your outrage might be more understandable.

You are saying it was simply the numbers involved, which fails to justify your suppositions.

As for people being opposed to her son, how you do know she felt intimidated from that? From the sounds of it, she is pretty well darn opposed to her son's behavior as well.

From the sounds of it, she has a lot more common with those people then she does with the son who has disowned and mistreated his elderly mother for years on end.

Your outrage is displaced IMO. If it was based on the factual information in the report, it should focus on Jatuporn as there is plenty of information on his reprehensible behavior rather than on the people that came to visit her as there is absolutely zilch information on that.

Your outrage is based entirely on supposition... for which no factual basis exists to support it.

One might reasonably construe that your own biases have led you down this false path.


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