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Hello Again,

When your spouse applied for the first UK passport, how long did they wait from submission of forms and photos to the little red book being delivered?

Also, how long was the interview and wha happened in the interview room? Can the partner of the applicant be in attendance? And what kind of questions are asked?

Thank you very much



"how long was the interview and wha happened in the interview room?"

With the wife's, it took about 20 mins. It's an interview - formal questions from one interviewer, done in English.

"Can the partner of the applicant be in attendance?"

Not at the actual interview itself - why would he be (it's not his passport application)? But he can go along and wait outside, he'll probably overhear most of the questions but naturally he can't give any input into the answers.

"And what kind of questions are asked?"

Various questions about your family and background - remember it's satisfying the interviewer that you are who you say you are.

  • Like 1


"And what kind of questions are asked?"

Various questions about your family and background - remember it's satisfying the interviewer that you are who you say you are.

Cough ... Valid point

"your family and background" are important issues regardless of which country you are applying for a Visa.



"And what kind of questions are asked?"

Various questions about your family and background - remember it's satisfying the interviewer that you are who you say you are.

Cough ... Valid point

"your family and background" are important issues regardless of which country you are applying for a Visa.

No, this is a passport application not visa! And these checks are done to ensure the paper applicant is the applicant sat before them.

It has nothing to do with what you are suggesting!


"how long was the interview and wha happened in the interview room?"

With the wife's, it took about 20 mins. It's an interview - formal questions from one interviewer, done in English.

"Can the partner of the applicant be in attendance?"

Not at the actual interview itself - why would he be (it's not his passport application)? But he can go along and wait outside, he'll probably overhear most of the questions but naturally he can't give any input into the answers.

"And what kind of questions are asked?"

Various questions about your family and background - remember it's satisfying the interviewer that you are who you say you are.

Hi Paully,

Thank you for that. And good first handed experience, I was worried about it and had bad thought about the last hurdle (getting a passport). 20 minutes is ok, I get nervous and like to have my boy to support me, but I can handle the 20 minutes.

Thanks again Khun Paully



"And what kind of questions are asked?"

Various questions about your family and background - remember it's satisfying the interviewer that you are who you say you are.

Cough ... Valid point

"your family and background" are important issues regardless of which country you are applying for a Visa.

No, this is a passport application not visa! And these checks are done to ensure the paper applicant is the applicant sat before them.

It has nothing to do with what you are suggesting!

Thanks BAngkokney (nice name too by the way).




For first time passports I'm pretty sure the time from interview to delivery is 7 days. You pay for passport + return delivery at the office. Choose the registered courier and it will take 5-7 days to get to you.

If they hold on to some of your documents you can also choose to have those come back by courier also. They will come separate to passport.

I went to one of the passport offices recently and I'm pretty sure you can choose to have someone with you during the interview - seem to remember seeing a sign there..


Thank you for that.

No problem, thaigirl. Remember that everyone in the UK now has to go through the same procedure for a first UK passport, British citizen by birth or otherwise. Years ago (too many), when I got my first passport it was much simpler and no interview. You should be fine.

  • Like 1

Thank you for that.

No problem, thaigirl. Remember that everyone in the UK now has to go through the same procedure for a first UK passport, British citizen by birth or otherwise. Years ago (too many), when I got my first passport it was much simpler and no interview. You should be fine.

Thanks again Paully. I am sure all will be fine smile.png . And thanks again for taking the freetime to answer me, its a big help cause the UKBA still neevr answers my emails. But with you, BAnkockney (cool name), Khun 7by7 (the boss) and lots of others by answers here and PM, I think I have all the information I will need.

Good forum 90% good people.

Thank you

Noo Jasmine. giggle.gif


"Hello Again,

When your spouse applied for the first UK passport, how long did they wait from submission of forms and photos to the little red book being delivered?

Also, how long was the interview and wha happened in the interview room? Can the partner of the applicant be in attendance? And what kind of questions are asked?"

Hi Jasmine

I drove my sister in law (Japanese) down for her interview which was conducted in English and it took just over 30 minutes,

I wasnt invited in.. From date of interview to delivery of passport took approx. 12 days.

The formalities are the following.. (Taken from the link given below which related well to my sister in law's application)

Making an appointment

When you receive your letter asking you to make an appointment, you should call the

appointment booking line on the number provided in the letter. When you call you will

be told which offices are most convenient for you. Details of offices are shown on the

website at www.direct.gov.uk/passports/interviewoffices.

You can make your appointment for an interview at any interview office, but you cannot

have an interview on the day you phone. Not all interview offices are open every day, so

ask for the opening hours when you book.

When making an appointment, please let us know if you have any particular needs for

your interview. For example, tell us if you:

! have a severe disability which you believe will prevent you from attending or

taking part in an interview;

! need a sign language interpreter (a qualified person will be provided by us);

! need a hearing loop;

! need a carer or parent to be present during the interview;

! need wheelchair access; or

! need privacy because you do not want to uncover your face in public. (You will

need to have your face uncovered during your interview.)

Changing your booking and missing your interview

If you cannot get to your interview, please tell us as soon as possible by phoning the

number shown on your letter. If you miss a booked interview without giving us at least

24 hours’ notice, we may withdraw your application. You will then have to apply again

by filling in a new application form and sending it with new countersigned

photographs. If you cancel your interview on the day of your appointment, you will not

be able to book another interview until at least 24 hours afterwards.

At the interview

The interview will usually take 30 minutes. However, some interviews may take

longer. You do not need to bring any documents to the interview, but you should bring

your appointment invitation or confirmation letter as it will have your unique

reference number on it. A relative, friend or representative may come with you to the

interview office, but they will not be allowed to sit in on your interview (unless agreed

with us beforehand). If the interview office is very busy, your companion may have to

leave. If possible, do not bring children to the interview office.


You should arrive 10 minutes before your appointment. If you arrive before this time, we

may ask you to leave and return at your scheduled time.

If you arrive late and miss your appointment, we cannot guarantee to see you that day.

You may have to book another interview.

When you arrive at reception we will check that you look like the photograph you

included with your application. You will also be asked to confirm some basic information

given on your application. If we cannot identify you from the photograph you included

with your application, or your answers do not match the information given on your

application form, we will not be able to interview you that day. If this happens, we will

tell you what you need to do before you book another interview appointment.

What you will be asked at the interview

You will be asked to confirm basic information about yourself, including information

that someone trying to steal your identity may not know. Our questions will be based

on information you give in your application form and from our searches of public and

private-sector databases, including credit reference agencies. The questions we ask

will not be the same at every interview. We will record the interview for quality and

review purposes and to help us make a fair decision. We may use the recording for

training purposes and we will destroy it after we have issued your passport.

We cannot tell you at the interview if your application is successful as we will need to

carry out some final checks before a decision can be made.

Wishing you much success.


http://www.reunite.org/edit/files/brochures/Passport%20Guidance%20Booklet.pdf Page 10

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