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Bangkok Nite Owl

Bangkok Nite Owl (9th Jan 2004)

First, let's get the record straight. The term 'retirement', at least applied to me by others, isn't in my vocabulary. Aware of this, the Bangkok Post kept me on, a kindness prompted by their awareness that the column is well read in the paper and on the Internet. But as a freelancer my salary was frozen in 1992. (Indeed, it was reduced 'temporarily' during the economic downturn and didn't rise back when times got better.)

On my part I stayed on because I loved what I was doing and had gotten used to where I was doing it. To be sure there was office politics, cliques, backbiting, toadies, slackers, feminists, grudges, jealousies, anti-farangs. But also hard-workers, experienced journalists - male and female, locals and residents - determined to put out a good publication. I enjoyed watching their interplay, personality clashes, mafia-type acts of revenge.

Every so often I'd change the format of my column, to keep it from becoming stale. Was it censored? Was it ever! Over time, recommending masseuses became a no-no. So was taking pictures of Go-Go dancers. I was informed that my minority views of the dreaded disease were politically incorrect. Generally negative letters went to the editor, positive to me alone. The Nite Owl was perceived as being sexist, the column in bad taste in a family newspaper.

Still, being notified that it didn't fit in with the forward-looking vision of the Bangkok Post jolted me. Particularly that it had lost its relevance. As if watering holes and demimondaines were curiosities of a bygone age. My arguments to the contrary fell on deaf ears. Oddly, reluctant to hear from my supporters, news of the column closing, was muzzled. As often as I wrote it, it was deleted. Most readers didn't know until they saw it was gone. My cinema reviews went earlier. Only my book reviews remain.

Letters poured in from my readers asking the column be returned, but have been ignored. I'm reprinting a fraction of those that reach me daily. The Internet is my way of reaching you now Fridays. The column and cinema reviews too. Please don't balk at the fee. After expenses, I need the income. I've omitted the signatures from the readers' letters, but I assure you that I haven't made any up.

'I did not see the Nite Owl in the R.T section of the Bangkok Post of Friday, January 2, 2004. Has the column been shifted to another day? Are you sick, for you've never missed a column in 35 years.'

'I was distressed to find that the Nite Owl section of Real Time was not to be found last week. Please reassure me that this is a temporary condition.'

'To my dismay I do not find Mr Trink's Friday column in the Bangkok Post. What happened?'

'I missed my 'Trink fix' on Friday, January 2. Did you quit?'

'I came across your column some months after first arriving in Thailand, by which time I had enough experience of the place to understand that you had your finger right on the pulse of things. Since then I have read your column most weeks. At times I've agreed with it, at others I've railed at it; sometimes I've laughed at it, but I have never been bored by it. I urge you to write a book of your memories.'

'I had to learn it from the South China Morning Post. Despite the attempt to muzzle you, the word has gotten out. Not only do I read the Bangkok Post, I read it because of your column. And when I am away from Thailand (as now) I read it faithfully via the Internet.'

'I think that firing the Nite Owl is a tragic mistake. Trink (and his column) are institutions. I hope he finds a warm owl's nest elsewhere. And when he does I, and many other readers, will follow him there.'

'Seeing Nite Owl gone with the monsoon is another indication of narrow-minded PCism infiltrating Thailand. But maybe now there'll be a backlash as the majority of your readers realise you've been cut after all this time'

'I just wanted to thank you for all your years of hard work, good humor and lively conversation. Everyone here in San Francisco who has enjoyed your column over the years will greatly miss your presence. And if you move on to another newspaper, or web site, or create a web log, please let me know.'

'Sirs: I was very disturbed to find that you cancelled the most famous columnist in Southeast Asia. I've been buying the Bangkok Post since coming to Thailand in 1984, but vow to never purchase another copy because of what you have done to Mr Trink. You're making a big mistake pandering to the ignorant vocal minority. I hope your circulation will reflect the feelings of thousands of readers like myself.'

'I know I have at times criticized you filling your column with Span about phony money-making schemes, but I still read it religiously. I am concerned that Nite Owl isn't appearing in the Post. I hope you are OK. If you go, I'll have to find another columnist to get pissed off at now and then.'

'Although it has never been announced officially, apparently your Nite Owl column has been cut after 35 years of never missing a week. What bothers a lot of us is that the Post said nothing and that is the unkindest cut of all. Hope you can find an alternative publisher or use the Internet to keep us informed.'

'I have been a fan and admirer of your column since the Vietnam War. Last Friday I attempted to access it through the Bangkok Post as always, with no success. So if you could advise me how to find your column, it would be much appreciated.'

'No Nite Owl? I've loved your column since my first days in Bangkok. What happened? Where will you be next?'

'Sirs: I am sad that you have dropped Nite Owl. It was the most entertaining weekly column for expats. Since your paper has decided not to cater to the expat community, you can say goodbye to my readership. I will buy the other Bangkok English language newspaper in the future. I do not know the name of it but will find out soon. Thank you for the years of entertainment. I am sorry you no longer want my business.'

'After many years of reading the Nite Owl I really miss it. My Fridays won't be the same without the column.'

'I suggest you do your weekly column on your private web site and sell advertising banners. I would not mind sponsoring a top placed banner.'

'Please bring back the Nite Owl column.'

A thought before I sign off. 'Men often applaud an imitation, and hiss the real thing.' - Aesop



Reading all those pro-Trink letters, you might be tempted to think Trink is oblivious to all the bad things people have been saying about him, on this webboard and others.

Not so. He has seen them. His boss happened to be reading one such thread when he came in one night. He told Bernard he really didn't want to see it, but Bernard insisted he really did. Put kindly, it said Trink had aged about as well as his column, which is to say, neither was in good shape.

Trink was surprised people could say such critical things on a public medium (but that's the Internet for you).

By the way, I am told his new column is good. He writes a brief editorial in a serious vein, something I am told he used to do years ago...and Burma Shave jokes have gone!

Reading all those pro-Trink letters, you might be tempted to think Trink is oblivious to all the bad things people have been saying about him, on this webboard and others.

Not so. He has seen them. His boss happened to be reading one such thread when he came in one night. He told Bernard he really didn't want to see it, but Bernard insisted he really did. Put kindly, it said Trink had aged about as well as his column, which is to say, neither was in good shape.

Trink was surprised people could say such critical things on a public medium (but that's the Internet for you).

By the way, I am told his new column is good. He writes a brief editorial in a serious vein, something I am told he used to do years ago...and Burma Shave jokes have gone!

Trink has been paying lip service to the bar keeps for years , he could 'nt tell anyone that patpong had evolved into a crumby tourist ripjoint for mugs and suckers and was not worth a look .

and all the other dives are heading the same way.

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