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Best Uk Consulate

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Birmingham for me, I moved from Hull after being overcharged for a multi entry visa.

I was comparing my visa experiences with another applicant in Nong Khai and it became clear I,d been paying for additional entries over several years and he recommended trying Birmingham as he does.

It was not only several entries cheaper but far more applicant friendly IMHO and no 10 pound extras for a personal visit either should you need it ????

You can contact / bell them for advice or even fax and usually get a response by return over the next working day.

marshbags thumbsup.gif

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The gripe I have with the London embassy is that they'll stamp a Non-O based on marriage "employment prohibited", which is actually incorrect and to the best of my knowledge, impossible to have corrected.

What it means is to alert you that the visa does not allow you to work. Only a work permit allows work. If Labor Office allows O visa work work permit they should still issue with the notice.

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The gripe I have with the London embassy is that they'll stamp a Non-O based on marriage "employment prohibited", which is actually incorrect and to the best of my knowledge, impossible to have corrected.

What it means is to alert you that the visa does not allow you to work. Only a work permit allows work. If Labor Office allows O visa work work permit they should still issue with the notice.

I could not get a work permit with a non o issued in London with that endorsement. I had to postpone a year and get a fresh non o from KL which did not carry the endorsement.

The labour department and immigration were sympathetic but told me nothing could be done with the employment prohibited endorsement.

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I find Hull and Birmingham to be very good,and i have been traveling to Brum for my o visa for the last 4 years now.A few changes to stop the undesirables from comint to Thailand but the criteria isnt a problem for most

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Birmingham for me, I moved from Hull after being overcharged for a multi entry visa.

It was not only several entries cheaper but far more applicant friendly IMHO and no 10 pound extras for a personal visit either should you need it ????

Seems to have changed:


Welcome to the Royal Thai Consulate Birmingham.

VISA FEES WITH EFFECT 1st December 2011

Tourist Visa One Entry - £25.00

Tourist Visa Two Entries - £50.00

Tourist Visa Three Entries - £75.00

Non-Immigrant One Entry - £50.00

Non-Immigrant Multiple Entry - £125.00



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Used birmingham for 9 years, great service, he did say Thai Embassey had paid 3 visits and wanted a crack down on NON O if not married last July. I had marriage cert but he said next year would have to be translated into "English and copy wife's ID. Before it was just the cheque, photo's and passport. Always had to pay for application in person, last few years been £10.

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Birmingham for me, I moved from Hull after being overcharged for a multi entry visa.

It was not only several entries cheaper but far more applicant friendly IMHO and no 10 pound extras for a personal visit either should you need it ????

Seems to have changed:


Welcome to the Royal Thai Consulate Birmingham.

VISA FEES WITH EFFECT 1st December 2011

Tourist Visa One Entry - £25.00

Tourist Visa Two Entries - £50.00

Tourist Visa Three Entries - £75.00

Non-Immigrant One Entry - £50.00

Non-Immigrant Multiple Entry - £125.00



Yep guess they had to fall in line eventually like other consulates and cannot use honest and fair descretion in genuine cases anymore.....How sad IMHO

All the visa related offices are now influenced by the Thai authorities out here and not a local directive from by Birmingham / other consulates

Birmingham is still a very friendly consulate and I haven,t had any negative feedback from the ones I have told to use them over the last few years so I still recommend them.

The fees I believe are now standardised but they did not used to be prior to the directive Endure kindly posted going on feed back I had.

Marston highlights changes of late and again this will be as in the other changes an Embassy Thai directive / order.

They really are making it difficult for visitors and especially for those who want an O related visa.

My guess is it has, as with most changes both here and in the respective countries been brought about because of the clever Jack the lad armholes who have lied, manipulated the rules and f*cked it up for everybody, especially those who are genuine and needed a bit of friendly assistance that consulates like Birmingham provided.

Families should be tret with a sypathetic ear after providing proven documentation to Thai Immigration but as we all know we count for nothing.

Me I,m still getting flack after 20 years, the last 8 on retirement visas , was a married one but for the last five retirement cause it is less hastle and the wife isn,t stressed out by the drawn out proceedures and constant changes and demands.

Sadly due to commitments many cannot afford the 800K they want for this priviledge and have to go the 400k way.

One day I hope we may be tret as family members looking after and bringing up our children and supporting our Thai wives...........but guess it will never happen in my life time

marshbags whistling.gif


Hull was charging me for 4 entries while the chap I compared visas and experiences with was only ever paying for 2

To make it worse, I thought the Hull consulate was so good I used to take him loads of Thai info plus the latest news from the Immigration dept. plus a few English language news papers.

Oh well no problem as I didn,t expect any favours anyways, but to think he was taking more than Birmingham pi*s*d me off a bit.

In my case I was charged 60 pounds for a one year multi at Hull plus a tenner. annoyed.gif

Edited by marshbags
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